Friday, December 21, 2012

Bits and Pieces

"Once you start something like this, it becomes 52 different codes," Council Member Joe Hornat told us in explaining why he did not support the energy amendent to the General Plan.
Oro Valley named it's "Volunteers Of Year" 2012. They are Lois Nagy and George Royer.
(Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
The Oro Valley Police Department released its police statistics, through the month of November.  Click here to take a look at them.
It's been reported that the start of the Ina Road interchange construction project is going to be a delayed until 2016.  This is well beyond the voter approved timetable.  Apparently, State of Arizona highway fund revenues are below projections.  Funds are not available to start the project.  (Source: Arizona Daily Star)
The Oro Valley Town Council and staff are working on a strategic plan for 2013.  The
plan is in draft stage at the moment.
Council members Mike Zinkin and Joe Hornat that will be working with town staff to determine the process for updating the General Plan.  We are hopeful that the process will include substantial citizen input, as it did in 2003-2005.

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