
What's the rush? Absolutely none, when it comes to this requested amendment.
We informed you about this particular amendment in our posting: Oro Valley: Meet Agenda 21. Because that is exactly what this amendment is: It is the United Nations' plan for telling you how you should live your life.
It was unveiled months ago in neighborhood meetings. A public hearing on this amendment was held at the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission special meeting last week. You can read the details of what is being proposed.
As the meeting concluded, Commissioner Cox noted the following: "The energy element is undoubtedly at some point in time important. I think the state has made it fairly clear that it is a mandatory requirement in general plans one the population reaches 50,000 people." At present there are about 41,000 people living in Oro Valley.
"My point simply is that, while I think that this is important I don't think that it is that important right now," continued Commissioner Cox. "I see government dictating how people live, what kinds of homes they live in, what kind of plugs they have, what kind of light bulbs they have.... I am not a fan of those kinds of things. I think people need to make that decision."
Commission Cox, we are in complete agreement. Now is not the time for yet another restriction on our freedom!
1 comment:
Dammit!! Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my reputation? Geeesh.
Thank you. Please send cards, letters, stay up late on Monday evening and be vocal at the P&Z meeting on November 5th.
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