The first of these amendments adds an energy element to the general plan. This energy element is the local application of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 proscribes how you will live your life.
"High density is in. Mass transit is the future. Bike lanes are how we will get to work. Suburbs, rural areas, grass, open space, forests, elbow room are things of the past. Cars and trucks are out. Bikes and trains are in." (Source)
If you take the time to read what is being proposed, it is clear that our local government wants to tell us how to live if we are to live in Oro Valley, including tell us not to use fossil fuel; to plant only specific types of plants; to build new homes that can accommodate future solar systems; and, yes, to live in mixed used developments. I
Implementing these requirements will add thousands to the cost of every home. These requirements will appeal to a select few while being objectionable to a great many. The requirements will give people a reason not to live in Oro Valley at a time when Oro Valley is looking to attract commerce.
Most people are not familiar with Agenda 21. It is a plan put forth by the United Nations in 1992 that is supported by those nations who wish restrict the growth of economically successful nations like the United States. It has never been ratified by the United States; and it is been banned from implementation in many states.. Unfortunately, it is not yet been for implementation in Arizona. Thus, we see it rearing its head in Oro Valley.
Do you want the United Nations telling you how to live your life? Is it the role of your government to proscribe every part of your being? Why does Oro Valley even need this element in its general plan? If we want to live in cities, wouldn't we be living there now?
If this is what you want, then, by all means speak up. If this not what you want, then, by all means speak up. Either way, public input is sought and you ought to be part of the discussion.
So glad to see this topic here. It is slowly but surely becoming more mainstream. I think some elements of it can already be found in the current Gen Plan so let's pull in the reins now. After all, many of us moved to OV to avoid city congestion & absurd rules that impact every step of our daily lives. This isn't even a partisan issue. Do a google search & you will find that some cities are dropping out of ICLEI (the local group responsible for implementation of Agenda 21.) For a good basic education, search for Rosa Koire's online presentation Democrats Against Agenda 21.
I do not think it is reasonable to think that Agenda 21 will ever gain traction in Arizona. Think about it, the state is controlled by a group of people that make Herod Antipas look like Ralph Nader. Mr. Furash is ringing the fire bell, with no fire in sight.
Educate yourselves on Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainability, and Social Justice. Take a few minutes to watch this presentation to Sheriff's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVMwrTyX-bk
You can call this amendment to the general plan whatever you want to.
However it is still another way that government entities are slowly taking control of everything we do. Take the time find out how this will affect your life down the road if you want to sell or buy a home later. This is just the first step to the town of OV taking choices away from the individual which is part of Agenda 21. Find out what it is before you make a decision as to if it is fiction or not.
And while we are at it - let's have a special council meeting to make sure they keep their dirty government hands out of my Medicare!
OV Dad. You made me smile :-).
The Black Helicopters are coming. But, sadly, they are not coming for "time to wake up". If Arizona remains "Democracys' Meth Lab" we will all remain safe from Agenda 21. Crazed, but safe.
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