Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Mother of All Meetings (Update)

The "Mother Of All Agendas" was followed by the "Mother Of All Meetings", an endurance session.  The path to the extensive consent agenda took 55 minutes. First, there were four call-to-audience speakers, one of whom told us the a consultant should pay the Oro Valley for the privaledge of doing a study the Oro Valley Police Department. 

Then, there was a "report" on how great the TREO junket to San Diego was for Oro Valley, presented by Council Member Lou Waters and punctuated by Council Member Joe Hornat.  The basic message was that it was their job to "plant the flag" of Oro Valley in order to encourage economic growth here.

After a couple of award presentations, students presented the results of an art "piece/bench"  that will be put at Hardy and Northern. It was beautifully designed.  Each student who worked on the bench presented.  It should be done in the fall.

The Council finally got to discuss the Consent portion of the agenda at 6:55 PM.

A number of items were "pulled" for discussion by the Council Members.   One that came early on regarding a three year agreement with MTCVB.  It is Item I:
  • Council Member Zinkin had problems with the proposed MTCVB Agreement.  One of his concerns was the length of the agreement of three years.  He felt that it is unfair for the town to ask Members Zinkin and Burns to agree to a three year contract when they have been on Council for two meetings. Later in the meeting, Mayor Hiremath said that they could abstain from voting on this item.
  • Also, Council Member Zinkin wanted the contract to be more specific in terms of performance measures regarding Oro Valley.  In additon, the leader of MTCVB is new to the job. Best to see how things go.
  • Council Member Snider noted that: "We have more than a return on our investment in Oro Valley pointing the Triathalon."  Basically, she was reading from material that we think she got from MTCVB.  Then she brought in the idea of "rationalization."  We must, she believes, support these regional efforts.  Finally, she has no problem with the three year contract as she has seen, as the town's MTCVB liaison, the benefit of MTCVB.  "The purpose of the three year agreement is to demonstrate good faith" and long term commitment, according the Council Member Snider.  Later in the discussion, she noted that we do have some results from the Gem Show. "I believe we had some people staying at the Hilton."  Council Member Snider was serious.  Long on generalization. Short on fact.
  • Then, Council Member Waters brought up his "thing" about "regionalization" and how important it is for Oro Valley to be part of a region.
  • Council Member Garner noted that the new "normal" is "accountability".   The days of opening up a town to unlimited funding with no accountability are gone.  
  • Council Member Burns said that the Council recognizes the value of MTCVB but that a year contract with specific measurables would work best. Where is the rush? Besides, bed tax revenues are down from prior year.  It is not financially prudent to sign a three year commitment when the town just now has its finances in line.
  • Council Member Hornat says that the town doesn't have to fund the agreement if they don't want to in the subsequent years. The council does not have to fund it.  However, this would require that the town cut agreed-upon funding.
  • The new head of MTCVB agreed with all of Council Member Zinkin's recommendations. 
This one item took almost one hour to discuss.  It was a healthy discussion.  We got to see how intractable Council Member Snider is regarding what she wants.   Mayor Hiremath basically told the new guys that the fact that they were new to the Council was irrelevant and that can abstain from a vote if they wish.  Council Member Hornat figures that it makes no difference whether or not the agreement is for three years because the town doesn't have to fund it.  Council Member Waters couldn't figure out how the timing of awaiting specific results would impact the funding over time.

The vote to approve was made.  The motion passed 5-2 (Burns and Garner opposed) with the addition of specific Oro Valley measures. 
The meeting took 5 hours!! 


Fear the Turtle said...

The debate that took place between the council members on various items was impressive. The only exception was Snider who needs to stay focused on what is best for the town, and not her own agenda. What is the old saying "I think that doth protest too much", well this expression could have applied to her last night, but not sure what or why she was protesting?

This town is a tourist destination, and my friends call it the mecca of golf. When Southwest Airlines had non-stop service between Baltimore and Tucson this Winter these flights were booked solid, and we alone had twenty-three friends visit us.

Hopefully all of the marketing entities can realize that Tucson needs to enhance flights into our airport, and strike some deals with the airline carriers

Fear the Turtle said...

Technical difficulties posting my comments today....anyway.

Lets put the perception to rest that this blog is anti-everything.

Most of the people I know that post on this blog only want the best for OV. At times some of the postings seem to be a little goofy, but sometimes emotion overtakes logic.

Congrads to the new council members, and to the existing council members that contribute to our great town.

Having traveled extensively and conducted several marketing campaigns I will do whatever it takes to help our economic folks in attracting more flights into Tucson International. We can't be cut off from more commerce because of transportation issues.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Greetings Fear,

I, too, could not figure out what Council Member Snider's agenda is. During the discussion of MTCVB she seemed to be representing MTCVB and not the people of Oro Valley, though she will claim that supporting MTCVB is the same as supporting the town or Oro Valley. Not even once did she even acknowledge that measures were a good thing.

Also, she is woefully short of facts when reading material provided to her regarding MTCVB' accomplishment. Her off the cuff remark that "we must have gotten a few bed rooms at the Conquistador" from the Gem show was a hoot.

I wonder if she prepares for these meetings or simply reads what others give her.


Even funnier is that there is no discussion of any other motel or motel bookings in Oro Valley. Just what was done for the El Conquistador.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


If funding the MTCVB is "routine and non-controversial," then why did it take an hour to discuss?

Desert Voice said...


Discussion reflected research, creative problem solving, grasp of the issues and their consequences by the re-elected Garner and new members Zinkin and Burns. The three raised the meeting to a new professional level. What a welcome relief!

Indeed, the regulars seemed prepped as their style of presentation was different from previous meetings last night. Waters delivery was forceful, offering substantial justification for attending. However, neither he nor Hornat volunteered who paid their tabs. Hornat offered a few questions with purpose but spent the remainder either studying his thick packet or keeping his foot out of his mouth. Snider, like Waters, seemed coached. Perhaps, her reason for defending MTCVB is the seat she occupies as Town rep.
What was disturbing was that she did not appear to recognize the distinction that Zinkin made, offering Erickson as a resource to calculate the actual dollars that OV garners from their services. Even more troubling is that Snider supports approving the contract without demonstrated performance.
MTCVB' newly hired administrator understands metric measures and had no problem accepting that. The Town is not a social service agency offering a handup to the needy. Zinkin's ideas were clear, reasonable and suggest responsible use of citizens' money.

In addtion to how Snider handled that, she felt it necessary to launch a caustic attack on Conny Culver's letter in the EXP. A member of the audience wanted Culver to be permitted to speak. Instead of allowing her to respond to Snider's bullying from the dais, the Mayor told her not to and asked for silence from the publc.

An apology seems in order to Culver.

The Mayor might have redirected The Councilwoman or allowed Culver to respond. Maybe Hiremath has no experience with this sort of behavior and may not have understood his options. But as a citizen, I'm asking the Mayor to review Roberts' Rules and to exercise the options the next time that happens.