Friday, June 22, 2012

Mary Snider: "Attack Dog"

Mary Snider saw fit to address a letter to the Explorer written by  Oro Valley resident and former Council Member, Conny Culver, during this past Wednesday's council meeing.  Mayor Hiremath simply let her do so.

The letter discussed the fact that the meeting's 17 item consent agenda included many items which were not "routine", involving hundreds of thousands of dollars in spending. These items, most of which were "pulled" and discussed in the 5-hour marathon meeting, should have been listed as "regular agenda" items.

Conny discusses some of the items. Two of these were items J and K, regarding approving spending on law enforcement officers for outside (or Oro Valley) task forces.  Snider selected this item and noted that in 2005, when Culver was a Council Member, she voted in favor of a similar measure.

Snider's comment, addressing a specific Oro Valley resident was "out of order". Worse that that, it was off-point to what Culver had written since Culver's letter was about what should be or not should be on a consent agenda. It was not about whether a specific measure should or should not be approved.

Mayor Hiremath allowed Snider to make this comment, which he should not have.  He should have rebuked Snider for getting "off-course".  He should have enforced the "rules of order".  He did not do so.

There was another instance in this meeting where Mayor Hiremath failed to act to insure decency among the participants, this one involved Council Member Hornat and the town's director of Parks and Recreation. We will discuss this in a separate posting.


Faveaunts said...

At the TC mtg, I believe it was the new head of MCTVB that stated things were looking up in Tucson in terms of jobs, etc. Not according to the Inside Tucson Business article posted today. And we signed a 3 yr contract with MCTVB??

"About 2,600 more people in the Tucson region were employed in May compared with April but the number of people looking for work grew by 5,700 so the unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 percent from 6.6 percent, according to the Arizona Office of Employment and Population Statistics."

"The number of people with jobs is down by 100 from a year ago."

artmarth said...

Two points:
1) The voters were smart enough to dump "The Appointed One," Solomon in this last election. I expect the voters will see who on the council are nothing but an embarrassment to the town, and dump the four of them in the next election.

Anyone who has the opportunity to see Snider in action knows she is the female counterpart of Solomon, only less prepared. Hiremath has no clue whatsoever in how to run a meeting.

2) As it concerns TREO & MTCVB, the only question is this: What does Marana know that the majority of the Oro Valley Council (Hiremath, Snider, Hornat & Waters) don't know----or don't want to know?

Marana seems to be doing just fine without tossing money away in the direction of those two entities!

Desert Voice said...

Hey, Artmarth!

Isn't the K-9 patrol supposed to fight crime against OV citizens?

Instead it was used Wednesday as a weapon against a citizen who questioned the PD budget by wanting more discussion! While Snider carries the Chief's banner at every meeting she attends, now she's moonlighting as K-9 Patrol's Attack Dog! Sounds like double dipping to me!

How ironic is it that Law Enforcement asks for protection from the only female councilperson!

Shame on "the lady Snider" for publically humiliating a former councilwoman and citizen. Yet Culver remained dignified and controlled. Do you remember how she, Waters and Hornat ridiculed and jeered at the candidates during the Sun City Forum? I do and that kind of behavior is very inappropriate from an elected official. Wonder how the Councilmen feel about what Snider did and how that reflects back negatively on them? Hmmm?

Yes, Snider was off topic. Since she knew C Culver's vote in 2005, it feels like she was chomping at the bit to interject that, somewhere, anywhere.

Agreed: Mayor needs to follow the Rules and apologize to Mrs. Culver.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping the civility and cooperation of the first Town Council meeting with the new members would have continued to most future meetings.

It did not continue. Can nothing be done to sanction Council members who disrespect the public and staff of Oro Valley? Was the Mayor listening?