Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Aquatic Center: "Will Haste Make Waste"?

Last week we posted: Oro Valley Approves Added Funding For Aquatic Center.  This was a press release from the Town of Oro Valley.  The Town Council, after a lengthy and often confusing discussion,  unanimously approved a 43% increase in spending on the town pool renovation just to get what they thought they were going to get in they approved the initial $3.45 million in spending. (Note: Also see an Arizona Daily Star article)

The council was "between a rock and a hard place".  They had no choice but to approve the added spending.  There is a swim meet scheduled for the fall. There are no further council meetings until  September, thanks to Mayor Hiremath.  The five on council when the initial spending was approved had committed that this would be a first class facility.

Part of the increase in cost is due to the requirement of Pima County that pool be 2-feet deeper, requiring a change in the decking, totaling about $1 million.  Pima County use to own this pool!

The other part of the increase, the part that the council literally had to identify during the meeting, was to put back into the project items that Greg Caton, Town Manager, had "value engineered" out of the project:
  • $126,000: Family changing room
  •   $50,000: Scoreboard
  •   $89,000: Shade structures
  •   $79,000: Decking
 The council was surprised to learn that these items had been deleted from the project.

There was one addition to the original project: A 3-meter diving board at a cost of $42,000.

The council not only approved the funding requested, but they added to it in order to retain these items.

We understand that Greg Caton advised Commissioner Legner to "value engineer" these items out in order to reduce the additional amount requested.  Taking major items out of the pool renovation project is a council decision. It is not the decision of a town employee.  Shouldn't they have requested the Mayor to hold a special session of the town council to discuss the situation with the full council?  

The discussion of the request was insanely confusing. Watch the video.  Numbers are tossed about with abandon; and with no relation to what the final product will actually be.  In addition, at no time was there any discussion of whether the numbers being "tossed around" for one item or another had  validity.

The discussion was clearly the product of "tired minds."  The meeting was already four hours into a five hour marathon when the topic was discussed.  At one point, Council Member Snider asked the same questions regarding what was included or not included in the facility as other council members had already asked thirty minutes prior!  At another point, Council Member Hornat spoke to Director Legner asking:
"We sat down individually...with Ainsley and with Town Staff and went through these numbers. Tonight, we come to council for direction and we get  a whole different set of numbers and we get a whole different set of things that were not included in those meetings.  Should I go get the picture [of the proposed facility] so you can point to that, and show us what we're not going to get and what we're going to get now that you value-engineered this?  'Cause that's what we promised to deliver and I want to know what it's going to cost to deliver what we promised the Community cause that's what this is about: What we promised the community." 

Clearly frustrated, Council Member Hornat, placed the responsibility for the confusion on Director Legner. He is only partially correct.  Some of the responsibility falls on Town Manager Greg Caton, to whom Legner reports.  Caton advised Legner to "value engineer" out certain items.   Finally, some of the responsibility should be shouldered by Mayor Hiremath for not being "on top of" the biggest project the town has undertaken in many years and for jamming such an important topic into a five hour meeting.

Mayor Hiremath: "Haste makes waste" Mr. Mayor.

Let's hope that in their zeal to get this right, the Council was not inadvertently forced into making wrong decisions based on bad information or withheld information.  Let's hope that the Mayor's desire to cram everything he can into fewer meetings, causing marathon sessions, did not substantially reduce the quality of the council's decision-making.

There are other issues, issues regarding funding of the project on which we will focus in a future posting.


Fear the Turtle said...


Plenty of blame to go around in this matter, and the flippant manner that some council members, and the Mayor dealt with this matter is troubling.

Beware of the troubles down the road that might come up on the council's decision to go self insured on health insurance. The health care insurance marketplace is in state of flux, and this was not the time to go self-insured.

Since there are no meetings this Summer shouldn't the Mayor pro-rate his pay??

Nombe Watanabe said...

If you like the cost overruns for the Aquatic Center you will LOVE the fact that certain elements want to bring the gold plated park back to the voters......

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Jay D said...

FACT CHECK: Council Member Snider was NOT named to serve as the liaison to the Parks and Recreation Department until AFTER the vote on the aquatic center. This is easy to verify by looking at the agenda for the June 20 council meeting. Item #4 on the Regular Agenda concerned the discussion regarding the aquatic center, while Item #5 discussed council liaison assignments. You slam Council Member Snider, saying she "should have known," yet at the point in the meeting where the aquatic center was discussed, she was NOT the liaison! This blog states that it offers "news," but in my definition, and that of any dictionary, news must be objective and factual.

It would seem that this blog could better serve the town if the threads and posts stuck to the facts (not hard to find) and avoided the negative comments, which seem so common and prevalent here. Spreading inaccuracies does not serve the town or its citizens well.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Greetings Jay D,

We have checked our facts.

Council Member Snider was approved as an alternate to the Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Department. Barry Gillaspie was the primary.

She was appointed on 12-1-10.


We do not know what her knowledge was or was not of the facility. Therefore, we have removed reference to such in our posting.

