Thursday, May 3, 2012

Town Council Approves 2012/2013 Oro Valley Budget Ceiling of $95 Million

By a 6-0 vote, the Oro Valley Town Council approved the "tentative budget" for 2012/2013. This is an approval of the total spending limit which is approximately $95 million.  Included in this budget is a surplus of $75,000, which is designated for use by Council as it sees fit.  You can click here to get a copy of the budget.

The $95 million represents spending on everything the town does:
  • The running of a water company
  • The construction and maintenance of our roads
  • Funds spend to retire and service (pay interest on) debt
  • Town operations
These are separate funds.

One of the budgets to which we usually refer, because it is controllable by the Council, is the budget for Town operations. "The recommended General Fund budget totals $26.8 million." (Source: Town Manager's Recommended Budget, page vi).  The Police budget (Page 166 of document, though the page number is shown as 156) is $11.8 million, or 44.02% of this fund.  Police represent 38.3% of the 344 town employees.

Included in the sources of this fund are two important line items:
  • $789,000 budgeted for transit service reimbursement from the RTA
  • $613,000 in revenue budgeted from the Pima County Library District to fund 100% of
    library operations from July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
These savings are the result of recent Council decisions.  We believe that they are "one time" in nature.

Another fund of interest is the bed tax fund. It is here that the town funds some of its economic development positions and its contributions to TREO, MTCVB and Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce.

The budget line items will be discussed and subjected for vote at the May 16, 2012 Town Council meeting.


OV Objective Thinker said...

I would think it appropriate for this blog to be congratulating the OVPD for the budget reduction. In these inflationary times and with the pay pressures we have I think it is commendable that through the leadership of Danny Sharp The police department was able to cut it's budget by some $300,000. Let's give credit where credit is due.

r u kidding me said...

Someone is very dilusional here. Sharpe did not decrease his budget by any amount at all. He actually increased it by about $500,000 for 2013. And until the budget year is over and final numbers are in, I don't think any congratulations are due to anyone. He is only projecting to be under his original budget figure by $300,00 for 2012.