Monday, April 30, 2012

Will The Council "Slam-Dunk" The Budget?

This Wednesday,  the Oro Valley Town Council will likely approve the 2012-2013 Oro Valley Budget.  In doing so, this Town Council will do something that has not been done in years: To approve the budget before the new members of Council are seated. It is the new members of Council who will be subject to this new budget.  Two Council members, Steve Solomon and Barry Gillaspie, who will not be on Council during the life of this budget, will be voting for something to which they will not be subject. On the other hand new members Mike Zinkin and Brandon Burns will be subject to a budget into which they have no input.

We have previously posted that we disagree with doing this. We also noted that two years, ago now current council member Mary Snider pleaded that the Council not to do then what is going to do now. We have also noted that Mary has changed her position stating that the situation is not the same now.

We disagree with Mary. We disagree with Mayor Hiremath for putting this on the agenda for approval before the new members are seated. It is likely that our disagreement will go unrecognized. As will the wishes the thousands of you who voted for these new members.

The budget does not have to be approved until July. It is only early May.  Is it the intent of this Council to "slam the budget through the hoop," barring introspection of the budget by the new members?  If this is so, then it politics at its worst.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This hasn't happened in 6 or more years. One can only wonder why this mayor and some councilmembers want to do this. What worries them?