Monday, April 9, 2012

Brother Danny's Traveling Salvation Show

Last week, the Northern Pima County Chamber of Commerce ("NPCC", now called the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce), hosted a "Policy Committee Meeting"  The "Committee" is run by Chairperson: Jill Owen of Casson Owen Law,  and by Co-Chair and realtor: Lyra Done.  The meeting was held April 5.  The meeting was held at the Golder Ranch Fire District Linda Vista and Oracle meeting hall.

The purpose of the meeting was to: "To examine governmental issues, their current and potential impact on the business community of Northern Pima County, communicate our findings to the membership, and take positions on key issues. "

What Government are they examining? Why Oro Valley, of course.

The main speaker was Police Chief Sharp.  Danny is out to save the Police Budget from disaster. What disaster?  He might not be able to get $272,000 to  replace six police vehicles he's requested funded in the budget.  Or perhaps, he might not be able to fund adding 3 police officers to the police department to back fill  "shortages" because Sharp has police officers serving the Federal, State, and County Task Forces outside Oro Valley.   These same three unfunded police officers were present in the FY2011/2012 budget. 

At the meeting, Lyra Done said that she is worried about funding for Oro Valley Police Department given the new Council Members.  Exactly what is it that worries you, Lyra.  We don't recall the new Council Members saying that they wanted to "slide and dice" the Oro Valley Police Department.  I recall, in fact, new member Brendan Burns saying that he felt that a management study of the police department would be very useful in determining that the town is prepared for the future, a future that may included annexations.  Doesn't sound threatening to us.  Sounds sensible.

Chief Sharp, who should not be participating in events to influence the budgeting process of the Town of Oro Valley, does so anyway.  He spoke about Community policing and how important it is to be preventing problems; that we see policemen in their cars seeming to be doing nothing but in actuality may be doing paperwork or consulting on a case; that the voters approved a vision for safety in Oro Valley in the General Plan.  Huh?

Sharp, in his remarks, made it seem like those who even question his budget just want to take money away from the cops on the street.   That is the game that he plays.  Paint any questioning of his spending as if it is an attack on the each and every officer.  What a joke. In fact, we want money to go into the hands of the rank and file and not be wasted on Danny's toys.

Who else attended the meeting?  Dave Perry, NPCC Chairman attended.  Council Members Lou Waters and Mary Snider attended.

All  the usual suspects.

Oh boy, there they go again!
Observation: The 2012-2013 Oro Valley Budget includes a $25,000 donation to NPCC. Perhaps, Dave Perry has a vested interest in getting this budget passed before the new members are seated.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Ok, $272,000 / 6 = $45,333 for each police car. Is this the going rate for a police car? If so, I guess we should pay what the other departments are paying.

I would think that some of the money should be used to give our police officers the step increases they deserve, but that is just me.

I think the $25K "donation" to the NPCC would help also help with the police with the step increase problem.

Ann said...

Any elected official who votes for a budget that gives away tax dollars to a private club, especially one that engages in political activity like the NPCCC, should be promptly voted out of office.

ezek said...

I like your comment. That does seem steep for a police car. I am no expert on the type of cars and gear that goes into them though so the price may be right. That amount of money would be able to fund quite a bit of raises.
I agree. It appears that would create a conflict on interest at some point.

I think a study of the remaining departments needs to be done. The study may show that the departments are running at peak efficiency. It may show that the take home vehicle program for the PD is needed. It may not. We won't know until it is done.
Please do not take this as me being anti-police department. I am completely the opposite. I thank the All Mighty that there are men and women out there that would risk life and limb for their fellow man at any given moment.
Maybe the study will find areas where money can be saved and used to fund the town employees raises that have been skipped over for the last few years.