Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The 2012-2013 Oro Valley Budget: Something For Almost Everyone

The 2012-2013 Oro Valley Budget has something for everyone who serves the town. The budget has new cars for the Oro Valley Police Department. It has pay raises for everyone who works in town. It has money for MTCVB, and TREO and, now, the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce. The budget  has a "discretionary fund" of $600,000 for Mayor and Council to do whatever they please.

The budget has something for everyone.
What the budget does not include, however, is a reduction in the Utility Tax.

The Council has yet to approve the budget.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

So the new budget has a "slush fund" of $600,000 for the council to do with as they please. I guess this answers the question you posed under a recent "Bits and Pieces" column...

"What will Oro Valley do with the $600,000 it will save annually, starting this next fiscal year, from moving the library from an affiliate to a branch status?"

artmarth said...

March 2014, or perhaps Nov 2013, if HB2826 passes, can't come soon enough.

We just reelected Bill Garner & elected Mike Zinkin & Brendan Burns.

Certainly, we can get four worthy candidates to replace Hiremath, Hornat, Snider & Waters, and then finally, the people won't have to worry about how much of our money, the council is throwing to the OVPD for extra shifts & take home vehicles, TREO, MTCVB & the OV Chamber of Commerce.

The only question is, how much damage will these 4 plus lame duck Solomon do in the interim.

OV Objective Thinker said...

If you want to live in a first class area, it isn't free. There is a reason this is the most sought after community to live in in the Tucson metropolitan area. You all sound like a bunch of whining children. You can afford expensive cruises, summer vacation homes and trips, expensive cars and yet you throw a 'hissy-fit' when you are taxed $25 a year. How sad!!!!!

Christopher Fox said...

See my earlier post re: self-aggrandizement, bloat, privilege.... It's not about nit-picking, its about self-restraint and humility.

artmarth said...

If my wife & I decide to take a cruise, go on a trip, or make a purchase, the decision is ours.

When 5 people, one of which is a lame duck decide that OUR money will go to support cop take home cars, organizations that do almost nothing to help the people of Oro Valley, or a C of C that has its own agenda, that is an issue, not a "hissy-fit."

Victorian Cowgirl said...


Oro Valley won't be a "first-class area" for long or the "most sought after community to live in" if we keep bulldozing the beautiful surroundings to make room for strip malls and parking lots and apartment buildings and gas stations and then widening all the roads and adding concrete medians and traffic lights.

Your assertion that...

"You can afford expensive cruises, summer vacation homes and trips, expensive cars..." is presumptuous.

I've never been on a cruise, I don't own a summer vacation home, and I don't drive an expensive car. But Art is correct that if anyone DOES have these things, it's THEIR money to do with as they wish.

Just like when you always say, "It's HIS land. He can do what he wants with it."

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art......It is also your decision where to live.