Thursday, March 8, 2012

Steve "The Trashman" Solomon Trashes Yet Another Citizen

The following is an email that Diane Bristow, sent to Mayor Hiremath and town attorney Tobin Rosen after last night's council meeting. The email contains yet another reason why Steve "The Trashman" Solomon should not be elected to the Oro Valley Town Council.

Solomon's behavior toward those with whom he does not agree is absolutely intolerable. He shows no respect for them.  In fact, he has been heard to "shout them down" or, in this case, ridicule them.

We could remind "The Trashman" that he is supposed to represent all the people, not just the one's he likes. He is supposed to listen with an open mind and consider what they are saying.  We could remind him, but it would do no good.

Solomon's style is to berate and talk down to people.  His behavior is appalling. It is who he is. It is why he should never have been a Council Member in the first place.

Why Mary Snider and Joe Hornat support and have been feverishly working for this guy is beyond understanding.  Why some people would vote blindly for him because one political party tells them to do so is sad.  We are a people of free will.  We need to do what is right.  Voting "No on Solomon" is right.
Mayor Hiremath and Mr. Rosen,

Tonight at home, I listened to Item #4 on the Regular Agenda. Don Bristow, my husband, was the only person with a blue card. I had read Don's comments before he left for the meeting. He had no negative comments, merely questions for considering some changes, and his reasons. Don was not being critical of anyone on the dais or of the code. Don even mentioned how helpful the Council is to businesses in limiting background colors, and how it helps the look of Oro Valley.

What I cannot believe is that Mr. Solomon, after Don finished speaking, was allowed to be so rude, and to state his opinions as he ridiculed Don's opinions/comments. Mr. Solomon made it sound like only Don has ever questioned the sign code. Mr. Solomon said he couldn't even respond to Don's comments as they were so far out. Mr. Solomon then angrily rushed to make the motion before you, Mr. Mayor, asked for other Council Member questions before you requested a motion.  

Mr. Solomon's demeanor and argumentative style of speech make it obvious that he dislikes audience members who question an item. Can anyone sanction Mr. Solomon and this type of response?

Mr. Mayor, when the Council first began its term, I shared my concerns about Roberts' Rule of Order. Recently, I wrote again and suggested a review so a Council Member asks to be recognized and does not finish another Council Member’s sentence prior to recognition. Perhaps another review is in order now.

When civility is so lacking in the Federal and State government, it deeply saddens me to see it happening in our small town of Oro Valley.

Thank you,

Diane Bristow


chuck davis said...

is there a video of this as I would like to see it and perhaps others might want to see it

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Well, this certainly defends my belief that Solomon is an arrogant, narcissistic blowhard.

I remember Barry Gillaspie telling him off during a council meeting last year. Yes, Solomon is so obnoxious that he is the only council member in my recollection to ever cause the always civil and mild-mannered Barry Gillaspie to verbally take a swing at him.

You know you're an arrogant bully when even Barry Gillaspie has had all he can take of you.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


You can see it on the March 7th council meeting video on the town website. Click on the Regular Agenda, Item #4 - Sign Code.

Mr. Bristol begins speaking at about 2:36 minutes. He was civil and asked reasonable questions. He had also done his research.

Solomon responds at about 2:40 minutes. He begins with his usual "lecture" then appears to get flustered and says, "I can't even address half of those comments. They're so far out there."

NOTHING that Mr. Bristow said was "far out there." Solomon's response to this citizen's well-thought out questions was insulting.

Faveaunts said...


The video is posted on the Town website: The link is below. Mrs Bristow's comments are accurate. Steve Solomon was impatient & arrogant; crushing Mr Bristow's courteous comments as one would a gnat. Belittling a constituent is inexcusable! Solomon has no interest in serving anyone but himself. Oro Valley deserves better representation than this.
ABS = ANYBODY but Solomon!

chuck davis said...

hey webmaster, how about putting Solomon's rant on the blog for all to see

artmarth said...

Should anyone be surprised by Solomon, "The Trashman's" rantings?

The answer is a loud & resounding "NO!"

Since his appointment by the majority of the council (Hiremath, Hornat, Snider & Waters), Solomon has been nothing but an embarrassment to our community.

We can only hope enough voters know enough about his disgraceful behavior and send him packing come next Tuesday.

The other question is how or why Hiremath lets "The Trashman" get away with his continuous rantings. Perhaps, Solomon is nothing more than the mayor's "hatchetman."

Unknown said...

I cannot recall a Council Meeting during which Solomon has not responded in such a discourteous manner.

Nombe Watanabe said...

We shall soon know if the trashman will remain.

Can't Wait.