Friday, March 23, 2012

The People Say You Should Resign, Steve

Last week we asked you in our posting "Is It Time To Step Aside, Steve" whether you felt that Appointed Council Member Steve Solomon should resign his Council Member position.  Steve would resign in order to return the seat to the people of Oro Valley.

Resigning would enable the council to fill his seat with Brendan Burns or Mike Zinkin, both of whom are elected representatives who will take a seat on the council in June.

We received about 100 votes from you.

Here are the results:
  • Yes, Steve Solomon should resign his position:     65%
  • No, Steve Solomon should not resign his position: 35%
Alright, Steve, you now have the opinion of about 100 people who, admittedly, probably were not your greatest fans anyway.  Still, it is independent input.

So, why not do it Steve?

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

I would be good for you because it would allow you to get on with your life; to focus on those things outside of Oro Valley that are important to you.  Lets face it, Steve: Two more months on council with no immediate future in it is really a waste of your time.  None of us have the luxury of wasting even one day.

"When its time to move on, its time to move on!"

Resigning would be a gracious move, Steve.  It would return the seat to the people. Resigning would further bring our community together. 

Resigning the seat, turning it over to an elected representative would be a magnanimous gesture, Steve.  It would say that you are someone who truly does care about Oro Valley.  That would be far better than hanging on.


Nombe Watanabe said...

It is time to end this jihad against Mr. Solomon.

He was duly appointed, let him finish his term in peace.

As Mr. Napier recently stated, it is time to bridge the divisions which exist in Oro Valley.

The Solomon poll and "the people say you should resign" post do nothing to begin any positive movement regarding Mr. Napier's well received thoughts.

Jay D said...

Nothing about this survey or poll is accurate or should be used to make generalized statements like, "The People Say You Resign." The 100 participants account for approximately .4% of the registered voters in Oro Valley. According to your numbers, only 65 blog voters want Mr. Solomon to resign. This is far from a statistically significant number. On top of that, as you admit, those who voted on your blog were not Mr. Solomon's greatest fans. As a result, it makes no sense that you can call this "independent input." This survey would never stand up anywhere...certainly far from the level of any political survey that attempts to eliminate confounding variables and in an effort to make accurate predictions, questions a significant portion of the group being surveyed.

Finally, throughout the campaign, you attempted to disrespect Mr. Solomon by referring to him as "Trashman." Now you want him to follow the wishes of a few? Hard to understand this logic.

Martha said...

Everyone is familiar with sore losers. Here we have a case of sore winners.

artmarth said...

The issue with "The Appointed One" Solomon (now isn't that more respectful than referring to him as "The Trashman?")---is this:

How much more damage will this appointed person do the people of Oro Valley in the next 2 months plus?

While Mark Napier stood tall after not getting elected---and it appears he was certainly worthy--- Solomon continues with his BS claiming all the truths stated about his dismal voting record were "lies."

Perhaps the only thing worse than his voting record was the atrocious manner in which he consistently addressed anyone that didn't agree with him from his appointed perch up on the dais.

Whenever the time comes that this community no longer has to put up with Solomon, will be a day thousands of Oro Valley voters and others can look forward to.

Richard Furash, MBA said...


Nombe, Jay D, Martha... You guys wound me!

The point of the posting is that, if Solomon really cared about Oro Valley, if he really wanted Oro Valley to unite, he would turn over his appointed seat to someone who is elected.

But he won't.

Because neither he nor the Gang are interested in healing after this election.

They are, as Art noted, interested only in revenge.

That said, compare their position today to ours two years ago.

We applauded when Mary Snider was put on Council early. We even "sucked it up" when the council waited until the gang was in power to approve the 2010-2011 budget.

We congratulated Solomon when he was appointed, even though we though it was a terrible idea.

Then, we held our tongue for about 18 months, hoping that this gang would unite the town. Instead, they marginalized Bill Garner and Barry Gillaspie. They laughed at the candidates at the Sun City Forum.

We are the healers.

They are not.

You will hear much more from us on this.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

The reason that Solomon should step down now was stated very eloquently under the posting, "What Did It Mean?"

"...this council appointed someone as a Council Member who was so opposite to the person who THE PEOPLE HAD ELECTED, ESSENTIALLY ROBBING THE PEOPLE OF THEIR VOTE AND THEIR REPRESENTATION."

Give us back OUR representation. There is a reason that Garner, Zinkin and Burns all won in the primary...the first time in Oro Valley history that this has happened! Oro Valley voters sent a message, loud and clear, we want our representation back!

But Solomon won't step down because he was never in it for the PEOPLE of Oro Valley. He was in it for builders, developers and his own ego.