Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bit and Pieces

From time to time, we come across articles or receive comments from our bloggers that are interesting but not always directly related to a posting.  So, we'd thought we would do a periodic posting called : "Bits and Pieces", a potpourri that contains these items.  So, here's our first "Bits and Pieces."

We came across this announcement. Apparently, TREO had something to do with bringing 400 call center jobs to the UA Technology Center. That's good for the far east side and Vail, but does nothing for Oro Valley. The company that is locating there is part of United Health Care. We could have used those sweet jobs in Oro Valley. C'mon TREO, bring us some good stuff.

We've seen this press release with mention of a "Dream Field" in Oro Valley several times in the past year. Does anyone know when and where this field will be built?

Julie, one of our bloggers asked: "Why would OV Town Council decide to upgrade the pool at James Kreigh park from April through August?  Why not do it Oct - Feb?  What about the children who really like to use the pool in the summer?  And older kids learning to be lifeguards?  And swim teams?"  Julie, we have no idea why the timing was during the summer. We do know that provisions have been made for swim teams to go to other venues. Otherwise, we have no clue on the rest.  Why not give Parks and Rec a call?  Let us know what you learn.

Terry, another of our bloggers wrote: "Richard, your summation on the recent council election is excellent.  I salute you for the efforts you have made to keep this town a place worthy of the term "excellence".  OV is not there yet, but you are helping to get us there.  Thank you."  Terry, you are welcome.  Thanks for the salute. Please remember though that this is the Peoples Blog.: "For and By The Citizens Of Oro Valley, Arizona."   I am merely the current "caretaker."  So, here's my salute back to you and to all the Citizens of Oro Valley

Question: What will Oro Valley do with the $600,000 it will save annually, starting this next fiscal year, from moving the library from an affiliate to a branch status?

Have you read the article, "Best Dentist: Hiremath Dentistry" that the Explorer Published?  This "award" is based on some sort of Explorer poll.  Heck.  How is "Best Dentist" even a category? How about best plumber? Best electrician.  Better yer, how about "Best Blog"?  Now that's a category with merit!

Did you know that Golder Ranch Fire District is trying to annex a large part of the foothills? "The fire district's impact statement clearly states that there would be a large financial gain to the existing residents of the district at the expense of the residents of the proposed annexation."  Now that's marketing for you. Ask someone to join a fire district so that they can help pay for the bloated fees we're charged by GFRD.  Sure, Foothills, please join the district so that we can get some of our money back.


Faveaunts said...

I love the idea to start this column! There aren't enough hours in the day to follow all the important issues that affect us. This allows the whole community to be "reporters" & share their knowledge. Thanks!

Victorian Cowgirl said...

It's hard to give much credence to the "Best Of" edition in the Explorer when Olive Garden "slop" takes 2nd place in the Best Italian Food category while Fleming's top-notch steaks take 3rd place in the Best Steakhouse category.

Einwohner said...

And Hiremath Dentistry....OMG...I would not trust that man with my car front grill.

Nombe Watanabe said...

OV the home of fine dining.

The new MacD's to be joined by a, wait for it, Taco Bell at the Home Depot Parking Lot - soon to be named the "Good Eats" parking lot. Moving on, the the Fry's parking lot, aka, hold the pink slime plaza, Burger King, Rubios's, a Pizza joint and god knows what else.

There are a few good places in and around OV, but the key word in this sentence is FEW!