Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Announcing: "WE are Oro Valley"

We are pleased to inform you of a Political Action Committee ("PAC") and its web site. The PAC is called: "We Are Oro Valley". Click here to visit their website.
The PAC is dedicated to supporting citizen-focused candidates in our coming election. "Our Only Special Interest Group Are The Citizens Of Oro Valley".

The three candidates that are supporting, Bill Garner, Mike Zinkin and Brendan Burns, are truly representative of the blog's theme.

These three are not like their opponents when it comes to seeking or getting help from special interest groups.

They neither seek nor do they accept support from special interest groups such as the Oro Valley Fraternal Order of Police or Oro Valley Police Officer's Assocation, like candidate Nacaroti has; nor the support of one particular political party calling their constituents for blind support, like Appointed Council Member and 20112 Council Candidate Steve Solomon has; nor seek the handouts of other "fraternal" non Oro Valley groups to distribute their signs, like candidate Napier has.

No. These three stand on their own.

Garner, Zinkin and Burns are truly only responsible to you.

Please visit the web site to learn how more about the organization and how you can help.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

My comment is unrelated to this post (since we can't remove Hiremath at the moment) but I wanted to make sure that everyone saw the quote from Hiremath in the left-side column of the LOVE Blog. A big thanks to Zeeman for printing it!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ahhhhhh. Another special interest group...."WE ARE ORO VALLEY"!!!

Ferlin said...

Yes, I know why you brand us "another special interest group". We are. We care about Oro Valley; it is really bad that we have to be assigned "special" because of our stance.

I hope that our "caring" is not special.

Desert Voice said...


My! how the Mayor publically protects the developer and thumbs his nose at the people who "are Oro Valley". Ignoring their feelings five months of ever increasing protests and angst, he dismisses their statements! It's like a judge allowing a litigant to speak saying, "I'll allow it but give it the credit it deserves "absolutely nothing" ". Such hostility! Highertaxes brags about his people skills! Wonder how many votes that action will get him in the next election.


Sour grapes, OVOT? You weren't invitied to wear that shirt?