Monday, January 30, 2012

"The Appointed One" Solomon Trashes Oro Valley

Right after the May 2008 election, the "Special Interest" Council Majority of Hiremath, Snider, Hornat and Waters appointed one of their own; Steve Solomon, the developer.

Solomon is now running for an open seat on council, and in doing so, he thinks his campaign would be helped with FIVE FOOT HIGH CANARY YELLOW SIGNS strewn all over the community.

While, Brendan Burns, Bill Garner and Mike Zinkin are abiding by the Oro Valley Town Code and placing their small signs in only the designated locations, Solomon once again shows how little he respects Oro Valley and its people.

It is, after all, all about Steve. His whole time in office has been "all about Steve," from his chomping at the bit at council meetings to his overbearing, pacing and interruption at the open forum on Coyote Run, where the users were put through hell time and time again.

Who do you think is paying for these high priced signs that are a blight on our community? Would it surprise anyone if it's subsidized by the Special Interest Groups,including the developers.

PLEASE: Don't let money buy another election in Oro Valley.

When your ballots arrive in the mail in a few weeks, PLEASE VOTE FOR BILL GARNER, MIKE ZINKIN and BRENDAN BURNS.


Anonymous said...

So far I have seen:

Solomon - real experience (as a developer and builder)

Solomon - right choice (I say NEVER.)

Solomon - right vote (I say NEVER.)

His signs are typical, arrogant Solomon.

artmarth said...

Cares for Oro Valley is right on.

Anyone that has seen "The Appointed One," Solomon operate --- as the posting points out---knows how totally arrogant he is.

If anyone has any doubts, ask one of the elderly or disabled that rely on the Coyote Run Bus Service, and they'll tell you about Solomon.

His #1 Priority: Special Interests.

The people of Oro Valley are NOT his concern.

PLEASE---for the sake of our community, vote for GARNER,ZINKIN & BURNS!

Desert Voice said...

Zee, Cares, Art,

Wonder which image making firm is running his campaign.


Solomon forgot to tell them OV's excellence is about discretion, modesty and not revealing one's net worth, as opposed to posting it at every intersection in bright yellow, the color of gold! What irony!

How insensitive and crass in this time of economic crisis to rub the voters' noses in his money-to-burn advertising.

While experience, excellence and performance are goals Solomon aspires to they are not his achievements. Solomon complained all year long that as a newbie he didn't know what was expected and was learning. Yes, Steve, W-O-R-K
is a four letter word, one the voters know well. Your image makers need to look at your peers on Council like Gillaspie and Garner to grasp that concept.

Such signs litter OV with your desire to prevail. You are effectively pushing OV's majority right behind Burns, Garner and Zinkin.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Nice signs. Must be expensive. I thought Mr. Solomon was in default on some of his property?

Maybe the bank will foreclose on the signs?

chuck davis said...

I know Zinkin and Garner very well and will be voting for them.

I need to know more about Burns.

Can the blog help?

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I saw a Solomon campaign sign that said "Real Results" and had a good laugh.

Duh! ALL results are real. That doesn't mean that they were GOOD results.

Desert Voice said...


Great point: real results vs "good" results.

There's one on La Canada that says,
"Solomon, the wise choice" What an oxymoron!


love your humor, ie "close on the signs" you write standup in your spare time?

Ferlin said...

Nombe, I am certain Mr. Solomon keeps his wealth in "pockets" ...he only defaulted on A PRPOPERTY...not like bankruptcy. Bet his personal residence and other holdings/accounts are in different places/with different people. First thought is that his home (does he only have one?) is in his present wife's name.
Steve Solomon is intelligent and does have experience (as a builder/developer/keeping family money intact) but he is using his intelligence against the community, in my opinion.....he thinks the only way is his way to The Town's survival.

I would like to be there when Steve Solomon does introspection....I could help him:)

I question if all of the placements of his arrogant/obnoxious signs are legally on RV Blvd. & Oracle, near the gas station, is legal there.

arizonamoose said...


Unfortuneately, our crack legistlators changed the rules on signs last year. Unintended consequences came into effect.

ARS 16-1019 allows unlimited placement of signs anywhere superceding our local town code.

C-4 under the AR 16-1019 allows his larger and garish signs. My opinion only.

John Musolf

Nombe Watanabe said...

"Larger and Garish" -- AZ Moose.

"'Born Under a Bad Sign" -- Booker T. Jones and William Bell.

Recorded by Albert King, ca. 1967