Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don Cox Named Oro Valley Volunteer Of Year

Congratulations to Don Cox on being named "Volunteer Of The Year" in Oro Valley. This is a great achievement.

The following is the press release from the Town that we received today:

Cox, Rosenbaum named OV Volunteers of the Year

ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (December 13, 2011) - At its annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception on December 8, the Town of Oro Valley named Don Cox and Jill Rosenbaum 2011 Man and Woman Volunteers of the year.

Don Cox was elected to the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission in January 2011, having served previously from 2000 to 2005. He has also served as Chairman of the Host Committee for the annual Governor’s Statewide Development Conference. Don has donated his time to focus on quality-of-life issues which impact our residents and has assisted with a number of Dispose-A-Med events.

Jill Rosenbaum began volunteering with CVAP in May 2004, having earned more than 1,500 hours of service. She keeps the volunteer program operational, tracking all volunteers and equipment and ensuring there are adequate supplies. Jill walks each new volunteer through the required steps of the process.

Currently, there are more than 260 Town of Oro Valley volunteers who donate an estimated 35 thousand + hours of time annually, providing essential services to the Town and its residents.



Unknown said...

This is a tremendous accomplishment. Each one of us should find some time to volunteer in our community! Thank you for all you do, Don. Congratulations on this acknowledgement of all of your hard work.

Desert Voice said...


Wonder why you only congratulated the man of the year and not both...

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zeeman...Thanks for posting this I greatly appreciate your kind words.

DV.....There are times when you really do yourself a disservice. This was one of them. Are you really this petty?

OV Objective Thinker said...

Unknown.....Thank you also. It is a labor of love as I tuly respect this community and enjoy doing what I can do. I' like you, would like to see more folks volunteer.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello Desert Voice,

There was no "slight" intended to the other recipient. I simply don't know who that person is.

I congratulated Don because we know him and because he is one of our "regulars" on the blog.

Its sort of like: "One of our own did good!"

Volunteering and contributing to Oro Valley is a major achievement.

Happy Holidays!


Desert Voice said...


You identified both Cox and Bosenbaum in the post..."Unknown" referred to Cox, the "man" of the year...Does not the "woman" of the year who may even be a blogger, deserve mention?

Unknown said...

Desert Voice, you are ridiculous and have proven once again to me that too many people on this blog, you included, love to create problems, foster negativity, and be disagreeable.

The reason I congratulated Don Cox was because Zee Man named Don in the blog headline. My comment was a result of that and nothing more.

I admire ALL people in this community who choose to spend time making Oro Valley the wonderful place it is to live.

DV, rather than criticizing people for things you apparently don't understand, why don't you consider volunteering for the town? Your comment to me was not constructive.

artmarth said...

Desert Voice--- There are those of us that acknowledge the fact that you do a great service to the community as a blogger. Your insight is greatly appreciated, and I find that your comments are almost with exception, "right on."

Take it as a compliment when you hear the negative feedback, and appreciate "from whence it comes."

Keep up the good work.


OV Objective Thinker said...

art.....Good for you you didn't deny that DV's comment was petty and "not constructive".

And I know it may be a technical point but I think "community service" is intended to be something positive for the community. Neither your commentary and much of DV's does not fall into that category, in my opinion.

Have a great weekend.

artmarth said...

cox--- I know you well enough that anyone that is on the receiving end of your wrath, is an intelligent, knowledgeable person.

I also know that the OV award is a political thing, and I stand by my comment that Desert Voice does a great service to the community, not unlike your other "targets;" "Cowgirl", Bill Garner, & Mike Zinkin to name only a few.

I also know that you are nothing but a shill for your "coffee klatch," friends who are causing so many problems for so many of the Oro Valley residents.

Unknown said...

Art, what a shame that you chose to pipe in to lend support to DV for his unnecessary, negative comments toward me.
In this case, DV's comments were far from "right on."

It was nice, for a change, to read this positive blog post by Zee Man about Don's contribution to this community. Instead both DV and Art have hijacked the thread and turned it into something negative. Sadly, this is very typical for the "LOVE blog" which seems more and more to be an oxymoron.

Once again I would congratulate Don for his contributions to this community. DV and Art, maybe one day you can use all of your negative energy for something more positive that will allow you to do good things for this community, just like BOTH Town of Oro Valley Volunteers of the Year do! They are the models you want to follow!

Unknown said...

Zee Man, personally I find Art's last comments to Don to be rude, disrespectful, unnecessary, and grounds for deletion!

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello All,

My intention in posting about Don was merely to recognize an achievement by one of our bloggers.

I never wanted it to degenerate into a negative thread.

In the spirit of the holidays, therefore, I am closing further commenting on this.

Enjoy the holidays, all.
