Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Planning and Zoning Denies Beztak/Ford General Plan Amendment Request

This evening, by a 4-2 vote, the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission denied Beztak's request of a General Plan Amendment for the Ford Property. The request was to allow high density residential (apartment) use of this property.

The four Commissioners who voted to not approve this request (Swope, Cox, Napier and Lemaster) did so based on a collection of the following factors:
  • This is a very nice project that is simply not suited for this property given its present designation as commercial
  • Amending this property for this use is not consistent with the intent of the General Plan
  • Amending this plan for this use would remove 7% of land available for commercial use. This is a significant decrease.

Interestingly, Commissioner Cain voted to approve the Amendment because he felt that it would be better for the residents to have an apartment built on this property than a commercial building. The Commissioner may be right. However, that criteria is not one of the four reasons that must be considered in amending the General Plan.

The next step is for the Town Council to consider this Amendment.


Desert Voice said...


Michels made a point of reiterating the other HDR properties happen to not be owned by Ford, hinting at Ford's underlying motive to have 2E zoned for HDR.

Cain's statement "better for the residents" was disappointing. Only one resident of many during the four meetings expressed positive views. Does Cain not believe residents have the right to decide what fits their needs best? One wonders if he is in sync with the community. Prior to this Cain's questions seemed more relevant to me.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello DV,

It is not in Cain's purview to decide if something is better for the residents. That is not one of the criteria for a General Plan Amendment.

I do not blame Ford for trying to do something with this property. It is an investment property. It is not producing revenue. It is a burden and not an asset of for him.

When the economy turns he will build a commercial property on that land.

OV Objective Thinker said...

DV..... I too believe that Commissioner Cain's remarks were accurate. If I were a resident of those properties most affected (those immediately bordering the property) I would not be celebrating. That property will be developed and the most resident friendly option is residential....regardless of density.

And a Town as a whole should decide what is best, not any small single group of residents

Ford's comments were exactly what you would expect from the property owner....and well delivered.

Desert Voice said...


You, as Vice Chair of P&Z, that you have the responsibilty to decide for 2E's residents what they "need"?

"The Town should decide what's best..."

By the way, OVOT, I heard that a developer submitted plans for an alternative to Naranja Park and that it's HDR.

OV Objective Thinker said...

DV....I, as Vice Chair of the P&Z, have no responsibility to make any decisions for the residents of Neighborhood 2 or any other neighborhood. I do have a responsibility to interpret the General Plan, the Zoning Codes and design guidelines and to make recommendations to the elected leaders of Oro Valley.

Apparently you believe that there should be absolutely no guidelines or policies and just let every little group of citizens decide what is best for their neighborhood. In your world there would be no zoning, no general plans no design guidelines, no future thinking and no individual property rights such as Mr. Ford's right to sell and/or develop his property.

I simply don't agree with that concept.

Fear the Turtle said...

Should we bow down in front of you allmighty vice-chairman. Get off of your high horse, and understand you're input in this matter is very minimal. How you interpret this matter means nothing in the big picture, and the members of the council will vote in favor of those that line their pockets, or have made other promises to them.

In the past many of these great volunteer type groups had impact, and thanks to the volunteers that served on these many committees. This regime has no use for volunteer groups, and would prefer to disband them.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello All,

I do think we should recognize that Don Cox did vote against the Beztak proposal because he properly concluded that it was not the right decision for use of that property.

To me, anyway, this means that he considered all the factors required of a General Plan Amendment and that this one did not qualify for such.

That said, I find it unlikely that the Oro Valley Town Council will approve this amendment request.

This property will be developed at some time in the future and Mr. Ford has the right to do so.

Let's hope that the residents will have some input into this.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear.....I challenge you to serve rather than sit back, make insulting comments that have absolutely no foundation and cast stones. The latter of which I doubt you posess.

Fear the Turtle said...

How does it feel to be on the other end of insults...not pleasant huh.

I mentioned it is great that people volunteer their time to serve on these boards, but I prefer to volunteer my time working for non-profit groups. I just don't think these boards have much of an impact with this council.

Hopefully, I'm wrong and the council votes the right way.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear.....I have levied no insults and you attempt to be cute with your response as was your initial post is completely uncalled for.

By the way in case you haven't noticed, governments are "non-profits". I suspect that is not the reason.

Fear the Turtle said...

Never, I repeat never lecture to me! Walk a mile in my shoes and you'll know what I mean!

I guess spending countless hours volunteering for our troops and their families doesn't count; while you pander to the interests that help your own self servicing purposes counts. Aren't you a real estate agent??

Enough is enough and this blog isn't about, us but what is in the best interest of OV.

Desert Voice said...


Agreed: Ford has a right to "fair profit" for his investment.

However, 11/15 a resident said Ford has a habit of misrepresenting the facts, ie. building height in 2007, about "noticing" all of the impacted residences. Later, he again "misspoke" about the reason for his requesting an extension, a request Council denied because Ford's reason was demonstrably false. Beztak, his agent, stated companies on Inno Park needed apartments for a mass hiring. However, Beztak nor Ford submitted this documentation with their application. So "fair" play is not his strong suit.

CPI taught that all residential property is subject to "taking by eminent domain". Since 2E is zoned CPI, if apartments are built, that property could later be taken by "eminent domain", yet another ravishing of that area. Cain might reflect and realize that leaving this land CPI in the long range plan actually saves the residents from further disruption.

A neighborhood is a living thing, a web of interconnectedness not just structures.

Fear, you are courageous jousting with OVOT! Surely "Fear" is a misnomer! You are a Knight!

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hi DV,

Thanks for the feedback.

I know you understand the situation with the property. The residents need to keep an eye on that property forever.

The owner is not going to give up.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


"And a Town as a whole should decide what is best, not any small single group of residents."

Problem with this is that the town as a whole will usually decide to do something that affects the property values and way of life of a small group of residents. That small group of residents pay taxes, too! And notice how no one ever decides to do anything that affects THEIR property value. It's always something that affects someone else's property value.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


You said this of Desert Voice...

"Apparently you believe that there should be absolutely no guidelines or policies...no zoning, no general plans no design guidelines, no future thinking and no individual property rights..."

Where do you get these ideas?

The citizens DO want zoning laws and design guidelines. That's why we don't want to see shake and bake homes or apartment buildings built across the street from better quality homes, lowering the property value of those homes. That's why we wanted OV Marketplace to have architecture unique to the southwest and not a building style that screams Anywhere USA. And we are especially interested in "future thinking" and we don't see much of it. Instead we see more and more unnecessary building leading to more and more traffic and pollution and road widening and traffic lights and less and less desert views and wildlife which is what makes this place special and beautiful.

Your absurd interpretation of our core values is insulting. But that's what you do. When you can't argue with what we're actually saying, you twist our words, accuse us of saying something else entirely, and then you argue with THAT.

You waste your time arguing against comments that no one ever made, but I guess that saves you from having to formulate arguments against what we actually believe.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


You accused Fear of making "insulting comments that have absolutely no foundation" right after you made an insulting comment to Desert Voice that had absolutely no foundation.


OV Objective Thinker said...

VC,.....In case you haven't caught on yet, I am not responding to any of your comments because, in my opinion, they don't deserve a response.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


I am well aware that you have not been responding to any of my comments. You probably think that this somehow gives you the upper hand or that it annoys me. Quite the contrary. When you don't respond, it gives me the last word on the subject, and for that, I thank you.