Monday, October 24, 2011

BGZ= Burns - Garner - Zinkin="Balancing the Oro Valley Town Council"

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of signing the petitions for Oro Valley Town Council of Brendan Burns, Bill Garner and Mike Zinkin.  Together, they comprise a strong citizen-centric philosophy.

You all know Bill Garner, I trust.  He has served four distinguished years on Council, representing a voice of logic and resident-centric thinking.

You should all know Mike Zinkin as he ran for Mayor. He was not elected by a mere 32 votes.; too close for comfort.  After much urging by many in town, Mike has agreed to seek a Council seat.  It will be great to have someone on Council who knows our General Plan and our Planning and Zoning requirements; someone who will take the time to understand the issues presented to our Council; someone who, in a good way, will bring balance to an Oro Valley Council that is so heavily indebted to "special interests."

It is likely that you don't know Brendan Burns. We'll talk more about him in future postings.  He's a family man with three children, two of who are school aged.  His young family perspective will bring a fresh youthful and young-parent perspective to council. Brendan is also an attorney and has a military background.

BGZ= Burns - Garner - Zinkin="Balancing the Oro Valley Town Council"


Anonymous said...

The Oro Valley Council needs these three!

Desert Voice said...

Cares for,

You bet!

Three educated, fiscally responsible, willing to disclose, people oriented politicians, each with needed talents and fresh ideas!

A breath of fresh air!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Don't know Mr. Burns but I am anxious to get to know him.

As for Zinkin and Garner, both in my opinion are a formula for exactly what we had a few short years ago.....members who will rule for the minority. One can't follow town rules and regulations and is suspect for violating state statutes and the other has a history over being overbearing and argumentative. That is not a pretty picture. Does it bother anyone that both were heavily involved with the recent failed recall?

Fresh air? I think I heard that in 2008 and we have been on the decline ever since.

This is going to be fun!!!!

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Garner rules for the minority? He always stands up for the PEOPLE. That's who he represents. That's who voted for him. So now you're saying that the tax-paying citizens of Oro Valley are the minority??!!

You claim, "one is suspect of violating state statutes." I have no idea what you're referring to, but "suspect" does not mean "guilty."

And if you don't like council members who violate state statutes, I seem to recall that the town attorney reprimanded one of your council member "buddies" for doing just that...violating open meeting laws. But because it was one of your buddies, you'll claim that it was simply an "oversight."

Fear the Turtle said...

Thanks to people like Cox (who I will meet in person at any time and any place to hear him out); I will devote my time, energy, and ample resources to get these people elected!

By the way I'm a registered Republician, my wife and I watch Billy O'Reilly as much as possible, and I'm very pro business.

Bring it on!!!

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello Fear,

The beauty of local "politics" is that it is not about party. It is about our way of life. We all seem to agree on what we want: A great place to live where the quality of life matters more than the number of strip malls, apartment buildings and shopping centers.

At the local level, we all unite regardless of Party affiliation. We have Independents, Republicans, and Democrats all in agreement.

It is us against those who want to "Take paradise and put in a parking lot."

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear....Let's do coffee. You know where to find me. At least I know I will offset one 'bad vote'!!! :-)

Zeeman....Well stated....until paragraph three which is a bold mischaracterization of truth.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello Thinker,

You could be right. Who really knows?

It is odd, though, the Oro Valley is suddenly the center of the country when it comes to building Apartments.

Why? Because Oro Valley is really a paradise compared to the rest of Arizona! Apartment dwellers will get a free ride on all the we have built to date while paying nothing more than rent. Maybe they'll spend a few bucks in town so town revenues will go up. Otherwise, all I see is more clutter on our roads and more kids in our schools and yes, the need for the town to spend even more on public safety.

At some point, one has to fight for their way of life.


chuck davis said...

if you want to build apartments in OV there is land that is clearly zoned for apartments. build on that land, not land that is zoned for commercial. seems pretty simple to me. What am I missing?

Desert Voice said...


You are not missing anything!...Your reasoning is flawless! It's like water and desert construction, ie "no water, no brainer". It's so simple it makes perfect sense. Tnanks for adding logic to this discussion.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Chuck....Location, location, location? Individuals have a right to ask for changes. Property owners have a right to develop their land under existing zoning?

Just some thoughts.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Thinker says...

"One can't follow town rules and regulations and is suspect for violating state statutes and the other has a history over being overbearing and argumentative."

He has unwittingly just described his friends Mary Snider and Steve Solomon.

He claims that Zinkin and Garner "will rule for the minority" but then refuses to clarify just who constitutes the majority and who constitutes the minority.

chuck davis said...

When I attended the school to educate us about town of OV governance, they stressed that the general plan should only be modified in the most extreme cases. In this discussion of apartments being built in OV. An extreme case would be that there is no land zoned for apartments, and there is an unfilled demand for apartments. Neither condition currently exist, which suggest that the zone use of commercial be retained. Logical?