Monday, October 3, 2011

With The Recall Ended, There Is No Victory For Anyone

The Arizona Daily Star and the Oro Valley Recall Web Site both report that Oro Valley Recall has ended its effort to recall Council Persons Hornat and Snider.

According to the article in the Daily Star, Mary Snider is quoted as stating that "...the recall effort resulted in an overwhelming amount of support from residents for the council." Absent a vote tally, we're not sure how Mary figured that out. We do know, however, that some attempts by the Recall group to obtain signatures at the Oro Valley library met with vocal disruption by a few people. This was an orchestrated activity to keep people from signing the recall petition. It got so bad that the Recall group stopped posting locations where people could sign the petition, lest these disruptions continue.

The end of this recall effort is neither a victory for current council members nor a defeat for those who may oppose them. It is simply what it is: A recall ended because of questions about the recall process. As explained by Oro Valley Recall in their press release: "It was agreed [that] we would not submit petitions that may not withstand the stringent requirements of Pima County and the recent changes to the petition requirements instituted by the Secretary of State. A legal challenge at the expense of the taxpayers was not the path chose to travel."

Oro Valley Recall did accomplish one important thing; that is, the reconsideration of the Council's decision to no longer financially support the Cayote Run Service. It was only after Oro Valley Recall announced its intent to recall members Hornat and Snider that the Council reconsidered this decision to eliminate support of Cayote Run. For this reason alone, the recall effort was successful.

In a just a few months, Oro Valley voters will elect three Council Members.  This election is very important for the future or Oro Valley, as it could provide some balance to a Council so heavily influenced by "Special Interests". It is to this election that we all should turn our attention.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Of course it was a VICTORY. It demonstrated to the TC that concerned citizens are taking a great deal of interest in TC activities.

The next time they drive down to Harvest in a free take home vehicle and order lunch on the Taxpayers dime, they will skip the soup course.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

If Snider truly believes that, "the recall effort resulted in an overwhelming amount of support from residents FOR the council" then why did Snider and Hornat feel it necessary to orchestrate disruptions at the signing tables at the library?

That seems like an odd reaction for people who are so sure of themselves.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

There are some politicians who simply can not resist the opportunity to have their words "immortalized" in the press. Perhaps Mary is one of them.

OV Objective Thinker said...

This was an interesting effort.

It is probably no surprise that I strongly opposed the recall. My lack of support had nothing to do with my position on either Coyote Run or the 2% increase in the Utility Tax.

My opposition was that you do not recall an elected official because you disagree with one or two of their decisions. As I have previously stated we have recall elections for Town Council folks every four years. We have one coming up in 2012 and I will work hard to 'recall' one of the incumbants.

Having said that I found the information in the article in the Star to be somewhat peculiar. The article stated the group had all of the required signatures it needed. I find that VERY questionable on many fronts. But lets just assume for a moment that it is a true statement. I would think that those who organized this misguided effort have an obligation to those people who signed to follow through with the stated intent. I would also hope that all of the money (if any) that was contributed toward this effort is returned to the contributor.

Lastly, and now let's assume that the signature count was sorely lacking (far more likely), it is an affirmation of the voters that those targeted were not deserving of this kind of treatment.

Recall is a serious measure. Let's use it for serious ethical and moral conduct violations, not just because you disagree with a yea or nay.