Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mayor Hiremath: Address Your "State Of The Town" To Your Constituents

We've often wondered why Mayors of Oro Valley give an Annual "State of the Town" Speech at a paid fundraiser for the Northern Pima County Chamber of Commerce. Our Mayors never present this speech for free to their constituents. In fact, historically, one can not find a video of the speech or written remarks available to us, the constituents.

For $50, you can attend the event, which is Thursday, Oct. 6, at the Hilton Tucson El Conquistador Golf and Tennis Resort.

Unless you do so, you will be forced to read about his remarks as reported by newspapers.

We believe that the Mayor should present his remarks in Council Chambers for all to hear.

We call on Mayor Hiremath: Please make your remarks available to all of us... in person and in writing. After all, we're the ones to whom you are accountable.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Zeeman.....Contrary to your, "Our Mayors never present this speech for free to their constituents. In fact, historically, one can not find a video of the speech or written remarks available to us, the constituents." comments the address, for several years, has been available for those who wish to see on Channel 75 and is broadcast multiple times. I understand that is the case again this year.

The size of the audience that wishes to not only hear the address live and who wish to network, socialize and otherwise participate dictate that the address not be given at Town Hall.

There is nothing wrong with using this kind of an event to help support the local economy.

Get 9 of your buddies together, buy a table and support the Town.

Hopefully, I'll see you there!!!


Victorian Cowgirl said...

I believe the reason that the Mayor gives the State of the TOWN speech at a fundraiser for the NPCCC rather than to the citizens to whom he is accountable is because it is pure fantasy to think that the Mayor is actually accountable to the citizens. He is accountable to the business community. It's really a State of the BUSINESS COMMUNITY speech.

I sure hope he addresses how successful the A-frame signs have been for the business community because I couldn't help but notice that Down Home Delights HAS GONE OUT OF BUSINESS. Remember Bonnie Quinn, the owner? She asserted that she NEEDED an A-frame sign in order to generate business in this slow economy. She was so certain of this, that she displayed a sign in direct violation of town ordinance. And she STILL went out of business!

Yes, clearly the lack of signage was the problem.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Gee Thinker...

Do you always have to support the Mayor? Do you always have to assume that even a simple request is, somehow, a devious plot against the Mayor?

I'm not objecting to the Mayors' giving a speech at a fundraiser for a local civic group.

I'm not saying that there is some nefarious motive on is part for doing this.

I'm simply noting that this speech should be made easily accissible to the 44,000 people who live in Oro Valley.

Having it broadcast on Channel 75, which I've never even watched, is not sufficient. 99.9% of the community will never see it.

As a minimum, post the video of this speech on the Town's website so that people can see it on demand.

We'll even publicize it here on the blog. We'll link to the video right here on the blog.

Otherwise, it will be lost forever.

OV Objective Thinker said...


I am not necessarily supporting the Mayor, and I am not insinuating that your comment indicated or points toward "some nefarious motive". I am just pointing out that the speech is available free to the citizens.

There are folks without computers. So to use that as the only media for telecast would be insufficient. There are however, few homes without a television.

And I would bet that if you asked you could probably get a CD of the speech to put up on the blog. And I'll see if I can't get you one. How's that???!!!!

But I would still like to see you there. :-)

Fear the Turtle said...

There is no doubt the Mayor will bring up the "Community of Excellence" statement during his speech without providing metrics showing what determines a community of excellence. Without metrics this is nothing but bs, and an empty worthless statement.

I have been doing consulting work with for profit companies over the past year, and have found in this tough economy that the owners of these companies need to devote 110% of their time to their companies time in order to thrive and survive. They don't have the luxury of spliting their time to any outside interests.

I'm just not sure how a person who has to do something as serious and involved as performing the tough tasks a dentist faces everyday, can truly be the leader we need to help lead us out of these tough economic times.

The answer is he can't, and get ready for more empty statements without the hard work, passion, and integrity necessary to get the job done!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear....While some of your comments present an interesting position for dialog, it is blatantlyly obvious that your primary point is to simply rallying against Mayor Hiremath.

And you also have already 'condemned ' his comments before he has made them. That's a sad testimonial.

Now for some of the merits of what you say. You present a very interesting dilemma facing our community. Are we of a size and complexity that we require a full time Mayor who actually runs the community? That, of course, would require we completely modify our form of government and may in the end COST US SOME MONEY. The latter has never been positively received by many of the LOVE Bloggers.

Lastly, I want to make a personal/professional observation about a comment you included in your post.

"They don't have the luxury of spliting their time to any outside interests."

I suggest this is a time management issue rather than one created by "tough economy". Supporting one's community and community involvement are intricate parts of running a successful business. They go hand in hand. And I'll go so far as to say that in some instances being involved in organizations such as a chamber of commerce or a local civic organization can mean the difference in survival and failure.

Richard Furash, MBA said...


We don't need a video.

How about posting the speech on the town web site?

Simple enough.


OV Objective Thinker said...

I know the printed speech could be posted and I'll ask about feeding it into the Granicus system so it can be viewed.


Fear the Turtle said...

I've heard the phrase, "Community of Excellence" thrown out there so many times without substance, that the phrase means nothing.

Now if the Mayor can point to some benchmarked studies that support his statements regarding OV as a "Community of Excellence", then I will be impressed. Until then the "Community of Excellence" statement should not be part of any speech at any time.

One example of how not enough time was devoted to a very important issue.....
The healthcare situation and the manner in which most of the members of the council handled it. This monster budget item was handled poorly, and required much more thought and review. There is no doubt unless a more proactive approach is utilized in dealing with the town's health care program, then the renewal premium is going to skyrocket, and the options for shopping for better premiums are very limited. Watch the video from a few months ago, and note the reaction and questions by the Mayor and certain council members to the Insurance Broker, to really understand what I'm stating.

Ok OVOT....darn I took your bait...

Don't preach to someone who was able to retire many years ago, has over the past five years spent a majority of my free time volunteering for charities, and how was I able to do staying away from the same old Chamber stuff and focusing my company's attention on target and crevice marketing. The reason I'm working as a consultant is because my old clients have asked me for some help in the marketing/sales arena. Companies need to focus their energy and time on the proper items to be successful. If these companies are successful then more people are employed, communites receive more tax revenue, charities get funds revenue, and everybody wins....econ101. Your suggestion was way off mark, and I'm not sure how I found the time to respond to it.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear.....A good exchange!!

When one looks at our neighbors we certainly are a Community of Excellence (COE). When you look at our financial solvency we are a COE. When you look at the level of volunteerism we are a COE. When you view the citizen involvement in local government issues (although we could do without yours.....JUST KIDDING!!! :-))we are clearly a COE. When you look at our Police Department we are a COE. When you look at the litany of awards we have received from national organizations, we are a COE.

Whether or not we have made the very best deal in healthcare costs for our Town staff certainly does not disqualify us from being a COE.

I applaud your success. I am truly happy for you. But I stand by my assertion that most successful businesses, large and small, also have a community involvement strategy. And that isn't preaching, it is experience. It can be nothing more than supporting a charity golf tournament once a year or attending a chamber breakfast on a quarterly basis. Now that's not to say that it is an absolute requirement, but in more cases than not it is productive and it is a part of the overall business plan.

Zeeman....I just had an e-mail exchange with the Mayor and here is his response to your suggestion about the State of the Town address:

"Already one step ahead of you. It will be posted for the public on October 10."

There you have it!!!


Richard Furash, MBA said...


I am please that the Mayor's remarks will be posted on the town Website on October 10.

We look forward to reading Mayor Hiermath's perspective on our town.
