Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hypocritical Hiremath Reaches An all Time Low

Talk about hypocrisy; Mayor Hiremath's first State of the Town Speech in Sept 2010 highlighted one word: "RESPECT."

Here's Hiremath's own words as published in the Sept 22 Explorer:

"We need to return to a sense of community that respects our children, our businesses, our public safety, and most importantly, our seniors," the Oro Valley mayor, elected last spring, told a Hilton Tucson El Conquistador gathering of 351 people last Thursday.

In reference to the town council, Hiremath said "my role as mayor is to lead this team with that same respect. Respect for each other; respect for town staff; and respect for the residents of our community. I assure you that I take this role very seriously and that I pledge my leadership on behalf of Oro Valley."

Here's Hiremath's comment from the June 1, 2011 council meeting, referring to the seniors and disabled among us that require the services rendered by the Coyote Run Bus.

"All we're doing by keeping Coyote Run is fostering Oro Valley's elitist mentality."

This statement is not only hypocritical, it's downright despicable.
Shame on you, Dr. Hiremath!


OV Objective Thinker said...

"This statement is not only hypercritical, it's downright despicable."

The reason you say this, art, is because you don't comprehend the context in which it was given.

What the Mayor was saying is that we don't need our own (Oro Valley) bus service, when there is available public transportation available for a far lesser cost. Sun Tran, as soon as they get their small busses appropriately equipped (which was the reason for the delay not any 'pressure of the recall')will be able to step in and take over the service.

By the way what is "hyprecritical".

artmarth said...

Wonderful. Now cox has a new position---The Mayor's puppet, trying to justify what we all know Hiremath meant.

And, all of a sudden, with "no funds available," Hornat & Snider came to their senses and saw fit to allow the seniors & disabled to keep their lifeline---The Coyote Bus Service.

More horse manure from cox!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Another classy uninformed "hypercritical" comment from the the all knowing, all seeing 'art The Magnificent.' LOL

Victorian Cowgirl said...


If Zinkin or Garner had said that OV had an elitist mentality, you would have been all over them for it. Mayor Highertaxes says it and you make excuses for him.

But it looks like you have quite the conundrum on your hands. None of your "chosen ones" ever do anything wrong. Their votes are always right. Initially, all of your chosen ones voted to eliminate Coyote Run. Therefore, they were all right and Garner was wrong (according to you.) This time, only Highertaxes has voted to eliminate it.

So who's right? The council members who voted to continue it, including Garner? If yes, then you have to admit that Garner was right all along.....Or Highertaxes who voted to discontinue it, in which case you have to admit that ALL OF THEM were wrong when they initially voted to discontinue it as well.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


It's also funny how you ridiculed Art for misspelling hypocritical as hypercritical and then you went on to spell it hyprecritical.

Too funny.

Let me guess...when YOU did it, it was simply a typo. When Art did it, it was because he can't spell. One set of rules for you and your cronies, another set of rules for everyone else.

OV Objective Thinker said...

VC....'"Typo"... an error made in typing". That would be from Webster's Dictionary. The reversal of two letters would be considered a typo. Hypercritical is a recognized word but it's use in that context is incorrect. In your rush to he critical you may have missed the boat on this one.

I don't believe I "ridiculed" art. I simply asked a valid question.

And to answer your other question, I believe that many in Oro Valley have an "elitist mentality" and I have said so publically. Much of 'nimbyism' is a demonstration of that characteristic.

Nombe Watanabe said...

What's wrong with being elite? Is not our new Basis school an elite institution? Elite is good. You heard it here first.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

And now you've misspelled "publicly." You spelled it "publically." You didn't reverse two letters, you added two letters. Therefore, it's not a typo.

My day isn't complete unless I can tease you at some point.

Gotta run now. I have to get on my horse and ride through town ringing those bells and firing those warning shots to warn the British that OV Objective Thinker is back on the LOVE blog.