Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Tree For Zev

We attended the tree dedication ceremony for our late friend, Zev Cywan. The tree and plaque rest next to the "mountain viewing wall" on the west side of Riverfront Park.

Mike Zinkin led the dedication ceremony. Mike observed that he, Zev's spouse, Marilyn, and Matt Moustafis were very careful to select a tree that was indicative of Zev himself. This particular tree was selected because it blooms in the spring, which is very much indicative of Zev's creative spirit; his artistic "bend." This tree also has thorns. As you know, Zev was always chiding us all to be better. And, yes, he could be a thorn in our side!

We also feel it very appropriate to than the Town of Oro Valley for making this happen. Certainly, this is an instance of excellence.

A fitting tribute to our friend.



Desert Voice said...


Yes, that was Zev when we met.

Our subdivision was embroiled in a very emotional issue, Zev charged in waxing eloquently, passionately on his own initiative. Disagreement over strategies bonded Zev and I to remain unified.

Fast forward to a hot spring Saturday in 2007, a protest line, standing side by side where our presence stated our political view.
We chatted about our youth. Zev mellowed recalling cashmere sweaters and romantic music. He'd recently been invited by the daughter of a college sweetheart for her mother's 60th birthday party as a surprise for her. With a 50th Eighth grade class reunion on the calendar, I shared stories of Donny Parcells, brother of Coach Bill, who was my classmate, a hero in his own right,growing up protected in Sopranoland among Sicilian classmates who knew good food sealed friendships and loyalty. In the glow of safer, calmer times, we bonded more.

Fast forward; political meeting June 2008 after a day in legal land with ex. Excoriated by judicial process and depressed, I asked Zev to make me laugh. Empathetically Zev focused on chasing my foul mood until he heard belly laughs. Crazy glue welded that bond permanently.

Rabid about events that dismissed peoples' interests, unrelenting in the face of opposiition, a meticulous researcher,Zev took stands. However, underneath that person was Zev, the sensitive, the creative, the generous, the caring, the musician, the gourmet chef, the friend who was loyal and responsive to fill a need for a friend. He was surprised by his successes, modest about his Stanford degree, his accomplished family, hurt when he couldn't persuade others to his thinking.

How will I remember this complex person who cared so much about Oro Valley?

The Zev who blushed from the base of his neck to the roots of his hair, eyes sparkling and face growing shiny as I teased him and laughing deeply at his own idiosyncracies...a cameo moment

Thank you, Mike, for memorializing our colleague in such an appropriate way: a living tree with flowers and thorns.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Thank you DV for this very lovely remembrance.