Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oro Valley Senior Citizens Need Coyote Run

The council will determine the status of the Coyote Run bus service. This service is mainly used by those people (senior citizens) without access to a car.

We believe it would certainly make good sense to fund this service BEFORE the town funds the likes of MTCVB and TREO.

We'll see soon enough what the priorities are of this town council.

Click here to read the Explorer article.


Richard Furash, MBA said...

Is there a record of usage of this service? How much is it used? What are the demographics of it users? What is the cost per user?

I'd like to get some facts on this before considering its merits.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Got some numbers from an Explorer article:

• 1,386 Monthly passenger trips

• $47,583.40 Monthly operating costs

• $4,739.67 Monthly fare box proceeds

So, I did the math:

• Total cost per trip:$34.22

• The monthly fare box proceeds are $3.42.

This means that the users of of the service pay 10% of the cost of the service. That's quite a bargain.

There must be a pricing assumption that people who use the service can not afford to pay for it.

Is this assumption based on fact? One of the parents of an individual who uses the service said they would be quite willing to pay more.

Click here to read the article.