Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Geri Ottoboni Reminds Us--- Mike Zinkin Says "No" To Property Tax

For those few that still do not believe Mike's position on NO property tax,please read Geri's letter to The Explorer.

Perhaps he did not hear, nor read comments

I am shocked at the postcard and recent Sun City Republican meeting that I attended, where Dr. Hiremath, implied, that if we didn't vote for him, there would be a property tax in Oro Valley. This is almost a blackmail statement.

I have attended several forums, where apparently Dr. Hiremath didn't hear, but I did hear Mike Zinkin state that he was against a property tax for Oro Valley. Not only do I have good hearing, but also my reading skills are good. I am referring to the question and answer section for the candidates in this paper.

Perhaps this needs to be repeated for Dr. Hiremath to read. Question #2 Would you put a property tax question on the ballot for voter approval? "Why or why not?" Mike Zinkin's answer: "There cannot be any property tax without voter approval. At this time, with so many of our residents on fixed incomes, facing job losses, or struggling to pay their bills, it would be premature and irresponsible to even consider a property tax. If 10 years ago the cost of government was $1,700 per resident, and now government costs $4,600 per resident, that indicates there is a lot of excess. We must be fiscally responsible and separate our wants from our needs."

My comment to Dr. Hiremath — "Read his lips."

Geri Ottoboni, Oro Valley

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