Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oro Valley Lays Off Two Building Safety Employees

It's not good when workers find themselves out of a job, but Oro Valley found it necessary to lay off two building safety employees due to a dramatic curtailment in new building permits.

Read The Explorer article here.


freedom fighters said...

WOW WEE. OV lays off 2 WOW WEE!!!

Anonymous said...

I am all in favor of laying off those not needed to provide required services. I am suprised, if I have my facts correct, that one was a nine year employee and that they received 2 weeks severance pay. This seems a little light to me. Do we have a town policy on weeks of severance based on years worked, or something similar. Let's remember that if we do not treat our employees fairly, the better employees will leave us for a more fair workplace.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Your comment shows no class or compassion.