About 150 people attended the Friends of the Library sponsored Candidate Forum at the Oro Valley Library today. All but two candidates attended.
Mike was the only speaker who referred to facts in his responses to questions. And his grasp of the facts is strong. And he's got the personality to boot!
The responses of the other two Mayoral candidates were,in our opinion, far short in terms of substance and thought than Mike’s. We may publish (via video) them, at some point; but their responses followed the same path. Dr. Hiremath’s response to virtually every question was that he would bring this “divisive council” together; as if this was the root of all the town’s challenges. Satish: Differences of opinion are a good thing. Paul Loomis’ responses were that he stood on his record of “accomplishment”; that every decision he made in the past, like supporting a property tax for the Naranja Town Site, was right. It is as though he thinks he knows better than the 60% or so of us who voted against the Naranja bond and property tax last year. More of the same old stuff. Ten years too many. Time for a change.
Clearly, Mike “hit a home run”.
Click the picture to watch Mike's remarks.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Mike Zinkin's Home Run
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I was happy with ALL of Mike Zinkin's responses.
I thought Loomis barely said anything at all. I was expecting him to talk about his record of what HE considers to be his greatest accomplishments as Mayor, but he never did, unless I missed something. He spoke mostly in generalities.
Hiremath seemed like a "nice guy" and an easily approachable person (as did Zinkin) but Hiremath lost me when he admitted to never having attended a council meeting because they are "too frustrating." His honesty on this topic was appreciated, but it left me with the impression that he is only willing to be involved in something if he is running it and that he doesn't handle frustration well.
Mary Snyder lost me when she said that she voted FOR the Naranja Town Park, then a minute or so later she said, "Can we afford it? No. But we should keep it alive." So she voted for it even though we can't afford it. That's all I need to know about her handle on fiscal responsibility.
VC.... I am somewhat surprised at your love for Zinkin. However I realize that he has been endorsed by the LOVE blog so for some that may be enough.
Zinkins first faux pas was showing up dressed as he did. To me that is an indication of his level of respect for not only the job, but the forum process. It was inappropriate and he admitted as much at the end.
His second was stating that we are paying $700,000 for the library "in lieu of" 2+ million from our property tax. That is an incorrect statement.
He went on to talk about putting "kids in our hotels" (in reference to baseball and soccer tournaments) and that TREO and MTCVB should be paid on a performance basis.
The kids will stay in our hotels when we have fields for them to play on. At present they stay at hotels that are closer to their playing areas. TREO and MTCVB have already demonstrated that they provide us income and this Council has still voted to not fund them.
On another park related issue he stated that you need to "build it one piece at a time". That is a perfect example of his ignorance on construction fiscal management".
Zinkin is completely out of his league with a run for Mayor.
As for the Snider comment on Naranja Park. She voted for it because she understood the need for the additional park space. We (taxpayers) could have afforded the park. We chose not to. The "we" can't afford it comment is a reflection that the Town (as in Oro Valley government) can't afford it.
Mike was very well prepared and got the attention of the loomis group. I would expect them to step up their activity. Mike needs to prepare to counter-punch, which I am sure he will do.
Things should get very interesting going forward and I think that we have a good slate of candidates from which to choose.
I for one have not yet made up my mind but I find Loomis a little too comfortable with his tenure.
Thanks to the Zeeman, Mike Zinkin's words are noted on the blog.
Cox finds fault because he hears what he wants irrespective of what was said.
Mike said, accurately that Oro Valley is paying $2.1 million in Library taxes to Pima County.
ADDITIONALLY----NOT IN LIEU OF---it is costing OV taxpayers $700,000 which the county does not reimburse to us.
Mike Zinkin may not have been the best dressed candidate at the forum, but I and I would suggest, the vast majority of the citizens will take substance over dress code.
Who among us would find it surprising that Cox would find something to nit-pick about concerning the outstanding mayoral candidate, Mike Zinkin?
Cox deserves Loomis. The rest of us don't!
Frankly, I think that Mike's dress code was quite appropriate.
He did not approach it like it was a "dog and pony show".
He showed up ready to get his hands dirty and get to work.
And, believe me, I've got the video of all candidate responses, Mike's comments were by far the most substantive; and his demeanor was the most genuine.
Mike is real. He is what you see. And I like it.
Just listen to the words out of Mr. Zinkin's mouth. I am only repeating EXACTLY what he said.
I am not arguing that we pay $700,000 more than our property taxes for the library.
Zeeman....Of course you would think, "Mike's comments were by far the most substantive". He's your boy. If you have the other candidates on your video, why don't you post the entire session so everyone can make their own evaluation. It would appear that you don't want any transparency. Is this another case of LOVE Blog censorship?
Cox--- Allow me to quote EXACTLY what Mike Zinkin said, since you have trouble understanding it from the video.
Mike said: "Right now the town is paying $2.1 million tax out of your property tax for the county library fund. In addition to that, we've got to pay $700,000 to support the library because the county is not."
I doubt if anyone else had trouble understanding Mike's straightforward answer, but it's on the video should others wish to hear it again.
The other point is this. The Zeeman & I will decide what to put and not put on OUR blog. Cox will certainly not tell us what we should or should not do.
Of course, any reasonable person can always make suggestions as to what we might post. We do listen.
At the 3:24 mark in the video Mr. Zinkin uses the term "in lieu of" when referring to the library funding. Did he misspeak? Probably. But this is just another example of Art hearing what he wants to hear and posting absolutely false information. And when you point out something that he doesn't WANT to hear he gets defensive.
If Mr. Segal wanted open and honest debate he would post the entire session and solicit comments on all of the candidate responses. If the others were so weak it would be very clear. There is always "method to the madness".
Have a great week everyone and let's get some rain in here!!!
Just a follow-up, I have been advised that there are evidently several edits to the Zinkin video. Evidently the presenters (Zeeman and Artski)didn't like some of the 'calls made by the ump'.
Where is all that transparency????
But then who are we to ask that they show us all of the forum?
I'm surprised that YOU'RE surprised at my "love" for Zinkin. Did you expect that I would "love" Loomis (let's fire the town manager because he won't kiss my brass) or Hiremath (I couldn't balance the GOVAC budget)?
Zinkin's casual attire was appropriate for a SATURDAY MORNING event. You said it showed a lack of respect for the "forum process." I think the Friends of the Library showed a lack of respect for the forum process by cherry-picking the questions from the audience. They chose the questions that would make THEIR preferred candidates look good. And it was no coincidence that the very first question out of the box had to do with library issues.
I like Zinkin's idea of building the park "one piece at a time." That way you can find out if it is worth it. How many people are ACTUALLY using it vs. how many SAID they would use it? Is it attracting a bad element? Are there crime issues? Graffiti problems?
I (and probably a lot of others) would have voted YES if the project had been smaller in scale. Would you rather see SOME of it being built or NONE at all? The way it was offered, you ended up with NONE at all.
On another note, "my sources" inform me that Chief Sharp's son was distributing fliers for Mary Snyder. Ergo, Snyder will be beholden to the OVPD if she wins.
Also, I would like to see a debate between just the 3 mayoral candidates.
Why not show more of the video if possible?
I really am a little disappointed that Mike Z put his years of coaching experience at the top of his resume. Pls knock off the sports talk, it's really not appealing in my opinion when most I would think are more interested in your work experience & what you would do if elected.
He seems like a personable guy, level headed & energetic. I also don't see anything wrong with his attire. Will vote for a change. Ok, I should not have used that word but maybe this time change will be good
Mike kicks off our Oro Valley Election interviews tomorrow on our show "Wake Up, Tucson!". If you want to call in, the number is 790-2040. He will be on a little after 7am. The show is on 1030am or you can stream it live at kvoi.com. We plan to invite all the candidates between now and election day. You can e-mail your comments to wakeuptucson@gmail.com
Every other serious candidate was appropriately dressed. Even KC donned a sport coat. I don't recall any candidate showing up at a forum in a polo shirt in the last three elections. But then I guess everyone else is wrong and the 'Blog Boy' was correct.
To build something on the scope of the Naranja Park "one piece at a time is not a fiscally sound decision. First of all the infrastructure needs to be put in place to support all other expected venues. Most of this work is either underground, land filling or excavating and the creation of transpotation routes throughout the area. To do this one piece at a time would probably triple the final cost. All that was being asked in the initial request was to put in the infrastructure to support the venues THE PEOPLE had suggested (a 28 acre recreation area). I too believe the cost estimate was overstated but no one stated that it all had to be spent.
Is Chief Sharp's son not allowed to support a candidate he feels is viable? Since when did he lose his first amendment rights? I handed out brochures for Al Kunisch. I expected nothing in return and received nothing. Your "beholden" comment is not only shallow but is based on the belief system of the lefties. You think Zinkin is not going to be beholden to Art?????
Ms Coyote...Good to hear from you. You are right the entire forum should be shown so that people can draw their own conclusions. But that's not the goal of this blog. Independent thinking is frowned upon and in fact suppressed in some instances.
Zinkin is a very likable guy. But he just doesn't have the experience to take on this job at this time. You comment about everything being sports related is, in my opinion very valid. This is just another game for him. His stated desire to allow the public to make endless sermons at the podium (which was edited out of the video by the LOVE Blog staff) is silly. Why doesn't he allow the players to speak at games and provide endless input to the decision making priocess there? Nice guy? Yes. Mayor quality guy? Not yet.
I wasn't aware that O.V. had a dress code for forums. I've been to many, and as long as the candidates are covered, no one had a problem. What's yours Cox?
Zinkin did an okay job on Saturday; I was present and didn't need to see a video. Compared to the other two mayoral candidates, Zinkin was outstanding, as mediocre as he is. O.V. needs a change, and he may do the trick for at least one term. After that, we'll have to see. One term at a time, is my motto.
Cox doesn't realize his shallow comments pointing out that Mike shouldn't be elected because he didn't wear a suit and to say that a man who worked as an Air Traffic Controller---quite a stressful position, and spent years on DRB including two years as chairman doesn't have the experience for serve us is totally ludicrous.
Cox also seems to forget that the mayor desired to expend $150 million on the Naranja Park that was overwhelmingly turned down by the voters of Oro Valley.
One thing Cox is right about. Mike Zinkin already told me he will do anything and everything I desire.
I'm not sure if I should ask for money, his umpire's equipment, or, perhaps his first born!
Just because Cox has no principles doesn't mean Mike Zinkin is of his ilk.
Oro Valley needs Mike Zinkin more than Mike Zinkin needs to be Oro Valley Mayor. We should all remember that credo.
I think it's funny that the thing you're complaining the most about with Zinkin is that he didn't wear a suit and tie to the forum. Your clothing determines whether or not you'd make a good council member? Not your background or experience?
On the other hand, you don't like Carter, yet you pointed out that he DID wear a suit. So I guess you've changed your mind about Carter now and you'll be voting for him on the basis of his clothing choice. No? Then you've just blown your own argument.
I mentioned Chief Sharp's son distributing fliers because my take on that was that he was doing it because the Chief is not allowed to do it himself. I'm pretty sure that individual OVPD employees are not allowed to do this, so he got around it by having his son do it instead. Just a hunch. I also heard that another OVPD officer was distributing fliers for another candidate (Joe Hornat, I think) and he was told to stop.
I think Zinkin's idea of not cutting the public off at 3 minutes is because people complained that it wasn't a fair system when the developer can have numerous meetings with town staff and council members to pitch their plans but then members of the public are only allowed 3 minutes at the meeting to voice their concerns. It's not a level playing field. I don't know that "no time limit" is a good idea since the meetings will drag on for way too long, but I also think that the 3 minute rule is unfair when a developer has been given HOURS to present HIS side. Zinkin obviously is a man of the people and wants them to have equal access to the process.
I have to bring national politics into this for a moment in order to make my next point. You said that Zinkin's sports-related comments show that "this is just another game for him." Funny you didn't think THAT when Sarah Palin was constantly using sports analogies to explain HER expertise or how SHE approaches problems.
I did not say and will not say that the basis on which one should cast their vote for any candidate is how the candidate dresses for a forum. However, it is one component and it not the dress itself. It's the thought process one goes through to reach the decision on what to wear. The Mayor and Council all wear business attire at regular council meetings. It is "the dress code". So when you are applying for a job where business attire is "the dress code" then it shows respect for the position to comform. Would you expect an individual applying for the CEO position at Ford, Microsoft or Raytheon to wear a polo shirt and slacks? As I stated earlier he is the first candidate in the last three (maybe four) election cycles that has chosen to present himself/herself in casual dress. And I believe the proof in the pudding is that Mike addressed the issue at the close of the forum. Mike made it obvious that HE was concerned enough to comment.
FF....The above should address your first comment. Your second comment is interesting. You readily admit that Zinkin is "mediocre". I agree. I have had the opportunity to chat with Mike on several occasions both in a formal setting and most recently for over an hour in an informal setting. He is not ready to assume this job at this time. Depending on who was running against him I could support Mike in a run for council. I just can't do it as mayor.
Your first response comment is very telling about your ability to read/listen, process and understand. I did not say Mike "shouldn't be elected because he didn't wear a suit". And I did not say that Mike "doesn't have the experience for serve us." But that's what you came away with. That's what you wanted to hear.
The rest of your jibberish is exactly that and what we have come to expect from you. As I have said many times, you never fail to live up to expectations.
VC....This thing I complain about most is not "that he didn't wear a suit and tie to the forum." You too heard what you wanted to hear. I think I addressed that above and will leave it at that.
So you don't give the Chief's son any credit to be able to make his own decisions and act upon those decisions. You take is that he only acts as the Chief's surrogate. Trust me, that is not the case.
As for others participating in the election process, I have already opined on that topic. Why should town employees be forces to give up their first admendment rights?The issue will be addressed at the next Council meeting.
Your comment about a level playing field is, in all due respect, not well thought out. There never has been and there never will be a level playing field when it comes to things of this nature. From the national level down to the local level, in every jurisdiction in the United States the same general process is followed. The governtment entities and the "applicant" talk for days, weeks, and months about proposals. At intervals the public provides input but has far less time to submit thier input. Can you imagine a Town Council meeting where some folks familiar to this blog have no time limit? That would be worse that a session of water boarding. If a person prepares themselves in a proper manner, you can say a lot in three minutes.
Just as a side note, I have yet to hear anyone complain about candidates only getting 1,2, or 3 minutes to speak on a particular topic. The same thought process applies to both gatherings.
PS> This may surprise you but KC is a far better option than some running for council.
My comments about the sports talk was in no way meant to say that I think Zinkin is not serious about being mayor. but I really thought about calling him or emailing him after I read his resume/credential summary on his web site listing his coaching experience on the top of the list.
I do think we need a change, sorry I know poor choice of words everybody is sick of the "change" word but could not think of a better word.
In the past I disagreed with the Loomis vote and thenmore recently he seemed to indicate a desire or support for a property tax in OV.
Did not get to the forum but seriously would like to know how all these candidates stand on property tax, more taxes in general and the library and park issue.
Also for any candidate to even consider spending money for a park in the current economic times is fiscally irresponsible!!
Want to know if these candidates are tax and spend advocates or fiscally responsible.
Regarding the dress code for when you are applying for a job, that code is much more lenient in Tucson than it is on the East Coast. When my husband was applying for work out here he was appalled at the way the other candidates were dressed for the interviews. Men in tee shirts, shorts and flip-flops. Women in low-cut tops and mini skirts and stripper shoes. One time, the PRESIDENT of the company who was CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW showed up in a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, socks and no shoes at all! Zinkin looked quite polished by comparison.
Would I "expect an individual applying for the CEO position at Ford, Microsoft or Raytheon to wear a polo shirt and slacks?" No, but the OV Town Council is a far cry from a CEO at Raytheon, and as stated in my previous paragraph, even PRESIDENTS of companies in Tucson dress very casually. It's a Tucson thing! It wouldn't fly back East, but apparently it's the norm out here.
As for town employees not being allowed to "campaign" for candidates, you asked why should they not be allowed their first amendment rights? I agree that this is a sticky situation but MY concern is the double standard that is applied here. Remember when Richy Feinberg was on the DRB and as a private citizen he spoke out against OV Marketplace? Remember the fall-out he received from that? Remember how your friend Terry Parish went after him for that? Meanwhile Terry (a council member) promoted the OV Marketplace at the same time? His argument was that it was OK for HIM to campaign FOR it because he was an elected official and it was wrong for Richy to campaign AGAINST it because he was a volunteer, appointed, not elected. What happened to Richy's first amendment rights? And I'll bet you didn't care about that when you voted to re-elect Parish.
I'd just like to see some consistency in applying the rules!
As for the level playing field, even you admitted that, "There never has been and there never will be a level playing field when it comes to things of this nature" and that the applicant gets to talk for days, weeks, months while the public is given "far less time to submit their input." So what's wrong with Zinkin wanting to narrow the gap? It shows that he is FOR THE PEOPLE, not the wealthy special interests.
Yes, the candidates are also only given 1, 2, or 3 minutes to present their case at the forums, but they have numerous other opportunities to present their case. The individual citizen does not have the resources to print fliers and mailers nor to run ads in the newspaper to present their side.
I am with Vicky Cowgirl. I have been to some five star restaurants here in Tucson. The way the locals dress for a "nice" place is astounding. They would be shot on sight on the East Coast. Hey I am retired. I have put my suits in storage. But, still, shorts at Janos? J-Bar Ok but Janos?
Vote for Zinkin!
VC....There is nothing wrong with being "FOR THE PEOPLE". Every candidate will tell you that they are "FOR THE PEOPLE". But only Zinkin thinks that the way to be "FOR THE PEOPLE" is to allow them to talk without time limitations. It is totally a pander to the crowd philosphy and one he knows is not possible.
Your second comment which addresses the limited time allocated to candidates includes, "they have numerous other opportunities to present their case". So does the general public in expressing their opposition or support. The can call the individual council members. They can e-mail the individual council members. They can meet with the individual council members. They can write letters to the editor. They can present at P&Z and DRB. They can blog. There are many avenues to voice one's opinion.
And to address this:
"Would I "expect an individual applying for the CEO position at Ford, Microsoft or Raytheon to wear a polo shirt and slacks?" No, but the OV Town Council is a far cry from a CEO at Raytheon, and as stated in my previous paragraph, even PRESIDENTS of companies in Tucson dress very casually. It's a Tucson thing! It wouldn't fly back East, but apparently it's the norm out here."
Oro Valley is MY Raytheon. It's not the norm here. The Town Council dresses in a suit at regular meetings. That's the "norm here".
Nombe....Another message in code. You agree with VC but you think shorts at Jano's is inappropriate.
I see some contradictions here.
Ms. Coyote....
I too share your concern over more taxes. That is the primary reason that I am supporting and do support those candidates who will help the business community to increase our sales tax revenue. I don't know whether the folks on this blog know it or not, but sales tax is the single highest revenue source for our community. And with state shared revenues decreasing that makes the sales tax income more important The more money we can make in sales tax the better off we are.
How the candidates feel about a property tax is reallt irrelevant. The citizens of Oro Valley have to vote on a property tax.
The other vote that is extremely important that is coming up is the vote on Home Rule. If it does not pass, the Oro Valley we know today, will be a thing of the past. Regardless of where you stand politically, a YES vote on Home Rule is very important.
Sorry OT, I thought I was agreeing with VC:
To Wit: VC Sez:
Regarding the dress code for when you are applying for a job, that code is much more lenient in Tucson than it is on the East Coast. When my husband was applying for work out here he was appalled at the way the other candidates were dressed for the interviews. Men in tee shirts, shorts and flip-flops. Women in low-cut tops and mini skirts and stripper shoes.
Nombe Sez:
The way the locals dress for a "nice" place is astounding. They would be shot on sight on the East Coast.
OT Sez:
Nombe....Another message in code. You agree with VC but you think shorts at Jano's is inappropriate.
I see some contradictions here.
Thanks for keeping me on track. NW
I'M IMPRESSED! this stream, unlike many of past times, has remained quite civil; hopefully the rest of the campaign and related comments will remain as such.
I regret that I was unable to attend this forum due to out of town guests whom I had to 'entertain'. 'Thinker' has a point that it might have been a good idea to have had a complete audio/video stream in order to relate the exactness of the whole
session. However, this most probably would have been an impractical application in consideration that LOVE is simply a blog site with understandable biases inherently proffered by such media type. Obviously the 'leading post' was intended to open discussion and, without question, enhance their candidate. There is nothing wrong with that especially since the opposition was not denigrated in an undue manner.
I would suggest to all that you allow time to 'digest' each and every candidate. At this point in time it would best be that we don't get unduly picky. I would recommend highly that you get to know your candidates. Call them, e-mail them, speak with them in person; forums are okay but personal contact and discourse are much more enlightening and more easily defined. There isn't one person in the whole of Council or the 'newby' candidates that I have not disagreed with at some point; there is not one person on Council or a 'newby' candidate that I have not agreed with at some point either.
One who can lead, who can meet you with an open mind, who can listen, who will study, who can interact, who has vision, and who has selfless energy, AND who can take all of that and make reasonable decisions - that is what I look for in a candidate and that is how I can learn what makes someone 'tick' to the advantage or disadvantage to what I perceive to be the ideal Oro Valley.
Zev...Good comments. The only lack of civility thus far have been posted by the blog staff.
I have enjoyed the many comments on the appropriate attire for a candidate forum. Clearly, form is taking precedence over substance. While I have noted that our current mayor does not make an executive appearence I do not think that this should detract from my overall impression of his performance.'
Perhaps candidate Zinkin should rent a tuxedo for his next forum. That way we can concentrate our remarks on what is being said
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