Thursday, January 7, 2010

Congrats To Oro Valley Newly Elected Vice Mayor Bill Garner

Bill Garner was unanimously voted by the council to be the next Oro Valley Vice Mayor. Congratulations to Bill.


Conny said...

Happy New Year!

Seems the Town Council is off to a good start by selecting Bill for the Vice Mayor!

Anonymous said...

I wish to express that Bill Garner not only deserved having been the selection as the Vice Mayor of Town, but also that he has been a maintstay in 'hitting' those difficult issues that do face the Council(Town).

One of the things I do not understand relative to this day of blog posts is that a very important and contentious issue, the passage for the allowance of management studies of the Police Department and the Parks and Rec Department, has been COMPLETELY and mysteriously ignored. After MUCH discussion and report, the measure FOR this 'allowance' was passed 5-2, 5 Council Members voting FOR an outside, independent analysis of the OVPD, 2 members 'agreeing' with Chief Sharp that, in effect, a ' national compliance standard certification', internally composed and offered up by the OVPD itself, would be sufficient (a 1-3 year process).

This WAS equal to any of the highest priority 'agenda/public hearing items' within this meeting; how about it, LOVE, let's hear it!

artmarth said...

Zev--- There was nothing sinister in not reporting on the "Management Study Issue."
The fact is, I was not at the meeting and there was a problem with the streaming video.

Rather than report 2nd hand info, I thought it would be prudent to wait, (as we have on any number of other issues)--until Patrick McNamara of The Explorer did his report.