Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Matt Moutafis Oro Valley Artist Has Concerns As To What Is Happening To Our Natural Beauty

We recently met Matt Moutofis and he impressed us with his concerns to what is happening to the Oro Valley that many long time residents once knew.

Matt forewarns us that ADOT will continue to build GIANT WALLS along the Oracle road scenic corridor, in what some may consider progress. Perhaps, those citizens, especially the folks in Rancho Vistoso will heed Matt's warning as to what may be in our future.

It won't be pretty!

Please read Matt's column in the July 8 Explorer.


mscoyote said...

It's too late!!We have already destroyed most of what was here that attracted us in the first place :((

OV Objective Thinker said...

It's never too late.

The wall does not alter in any way "what attracted us in the first place." BUT IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED!!

And we as citizens can accomplish that. And we can keep it from happening elsewhere.

Write letters/e-mails to the Town Engineer. Write to the Town Council. Write letters to ADOT. Stop spending so much time on this stupid biased BLOG and do something constructive. Obviously the great Art was sleeping at the switch also.

It can and will happen but only if you gritch!!!!!

artmarth said...

Question: How do we get Cox to accept his own advice?

His latest asinine comment:
"Stop spending so much time on this stupid biased BLOG and do something constructive."

Oh! By the way, I did a posting on this UGLY wall back in Feb. BEFORE ANYONE else got involved.

If Cox would learn to keep his mouth shut, he'd be so much better off----as would the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

This wall DOES alter what attracted MANY of us to Oro Valley. AND, some of us have had contact with certain individuals at ADOT regarding this matter. I personally was told that the issue was heavily 'tossed around' approximately 5-6 years ago, that there were 'hearings', etc. on the subject. Also, since this is a State road, and the State is utilizing Federal funds for the expansion of it, that therefor the Federal Government MANDATES that, under certain conditions, a sound barrier MUST be built. HOWEVER, in researching this issue, I have found that the Federal Governing agency states that scenic corridors
MUST be 'preserved'. Now, in some areas there has been used a special 'sound barrier' glass that has, in fact, dampened the impact of a MANDATED barrier; it is obvious that prior administrations of THIS Town didn't do enough homework on the 'ways and means' in order to FORCE the scenic preservation the corridor HAD. So, shame on the Town and it's overbearing concentration on simply preserving the business establishment within it.

Now, OVOT, what do you think WAS the reason that most of us moved here? Sanofi-Aventis? Ventana Systems? The promise of a bio-tech hub? Oro Valley is not and will never be any kind of a viable 'commercial' center no matter how the developer/business
community tries to push it. I've written in prior statements that Oro Valley has never determined it's soul nor has it found it's purpose and the longer we keep mushing those factors, the more Oro Valley will continue to walk on the path to ruin! As Nombe put it, after quoting a portion of one of my posts - Oro Valley, "PARADISE LOST".

One other thing OT, please, do not aver what you think "attracted us here in the first place" and that said [attraction has not been altered]; you are attempting to virtually speak for the whole of a community and I think that you are stepping beyond your scope by making such a definitive statement.

OV Objective Thinker said...

As I have said in many previous posts, when I am incorrect or have posted faulty information I will be happy to correct it. I cannot speak for others. But I will say that the scenic drive to the east as I drive along Oracle Road was not THE reason I chose Oro Valley.
There is so much more to this community that that scenic corridor. But I am in total agreement that it has been scarred.

Secondly, The surface of the wall is not finished. I doubt that it will be much more attractive when it is but let's wait and see. After all one of Oro Valley's finest citizens, Jim Kriegh, had major input on how the wall should be decorated and if that's what Jim wanted then I fully support his decision. From what I understand it is supposed to be the ranch brands from this area.

I have done some further research and have since discovered, that ADOT (an agency for which I have a very low opinion) did have public hearings on the project and the residents in Rams Field Pass overwhelmingly voted in favor of the construction of a wall. Once that was done then ADOT and federal guidelines (since there are federal funds involved) kick in and the height of the wall is dictated by the decible level. So I am skeptical that the wall can be removed. :-(

mscoyote said...

Thinker, when I said we have already destroyed most of what was here that attracted us int he first place I was not talking specifically about the "wall" That wall symbolizes at least to me what is just another blotch on beautiful OV!! Wall is another barrier between us and the natural beauty of OV whether it be physical or visual

Also remind me to check in with you first before I decide how to send "my" time! :))

And I hope you feel better, obviously you were not having a good day when you told me to do something constructive as you also seem to be wasting your time on this stupid biased Blog as you put it.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms C.....

I have been told frequently by folks that I waste my time on here and there are times when I think they are correct. But as I have said before, there are folks out there who believe that if Art says it, it must be so. This blog has spread so many false truths that it is sad. Art is an ego maniac who refuses to listen to any reason. So I and a few others spend time here to refute much of what he says and make an attempt to present another viewpoint. But I do a lot of other things in this community in an attempt to make this a better place to live. My comment about spending time on this blog, however poorly stated you may wish to take it,is meant to conver the message that nothing is accomplished by gritching on this blog. I wrote an e-mail to the Town Engineer and he called me this morning. Change can occur but this is not the place to begin.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Now that you have heard from ADOT in the most recent Town Council meeting and based on the comments made by Mr. Moutafis and Art Segal, are there any folks out ther that would like to make comments about the process? Many of you appear to have problems with the 'process' and are free to be critical of someone for not doing their job.

Any comments at this point???