Friday, March 6, 2009

What Are The Oro Valley Issues That We Are Concerned About?

In a recent comment, a blogger, commenting with the pseudonym "Concerned Citizen" wrote the following comment, addressed to a relatively new blogger, "OV Citizen."

"OV Citizen"
"Thank you for calling Art out. He is a big voice for what I believe is the minority of Oro Valley residents. Keep it up and hopefully more residents will catch on to what is happening here."

Well, it's nice to know that there are those that believe I am a "big voice," but I should remind everyone as to the following statement on our web site.

About Let Oro Valley Excel

There are many issues confronting the residents of Oro Valley, Arizona. Not every issue is of equal concern to every citizen. At least one issue, maybe more, impacts every one of us. Our hope: If we all concern ourselves with the problems encountered by our neighbors, we will have a bigger voice, and hopefully, make a bigger impact on the direction of our town.

Let us briefly note some of the issues (in no particular sequence) that we have and will continue to address. I will leave it up to our readers to determine if we are a negative or positive impact on our community.


1) Naranja Park Bond Issue --- We took a stand AGAINST the bond in that it was much too costly, and much more than was required. Keep in mind the mayor wanted not $48.6 million, but $160 million for this park bond. The voters soundly defeated the bond.

2) Golder Ranch Fire District--- We were against the merger of Rural Metro Fire Dep't & GRFD that came about after a previous council made a decision to allow GRFD to annex Town Hall. As a result of the subsequent merger, thousands of Oro Valley residents saw their fire service bills escalate by 100% or in many cases, much more.

3) The Oro Valley Marketplace--- We were outspoken critics of a previous council's decision to give Vestar a $23.2 million subsidy without a clue as to what retailers would be coming. As we all now know, Vestar stuck us with a Walmart, hardly the "unique" shopping experience they convinced us was coming.

4) The "Crematorium"--- We sided with the residents in close proximity to this facility as they had major health issue concerns due to the potential mercury emissions.

5) The 60' Hotel at Innovation Park--- We spoke in opposition to the town council's actions allowing a 60' hotel where no hotel was permitted and no structure over 36' was allowed. It was, however, approved.

6) The Utility Tax--- This tax was passed in 2006, after two prior council votes had it defeated and AFTER a budget was approved. The tax, ostensibly approved to hire 18 1/2 new personnel which were requested, but not necessarily required.

7) Utility Tax 2009--- Speaking out, not only on the blog, but in addressing the council in a very "unfriendly" environment of police, family & friends, we spoke in opposition to renewing this tax. Our position was not based on the cost to the taxpayers, but the principle issue that the tax was initially approved for a 2 year period, and now it appears it may be a permanent fixture.

8) The Ford Property--- When a developer threatened to sue individual council members if he was precluded from building a 36' high office complex, almost literally in some neighbors backyard, we publicized this fact. Hopefully, not by anything we have done, but economic conditions will save the neighbor's property values and views, as the parcel has been put up for sale.

9) Library--- Although the "Friends of The Library" and other well meaning residents argued against allowing Pima County to take on the financial liability of our library, we endorsed allowing that to occur, as it would negate what is effectively, double taxation of the citizens.

10) Miller Ranch Property--- When we were advised that a developer was looking for a General Plan Amendment to build an apartment complex on part of this parcel, we helped publicize the issue and advised the neighbors on a course of action.

11) Arroyo Grande--- One of the issues we publicized was TEP's intention to build an electrical substation through the wildlife corridor of the Arroyo Grande parcel, in close proximity to many of the neighbors in Sun City and adjacent communities.

12) Kai Property--- When Marana Council Member Herb Kai proposed plans for a General Plan Amendment for the 271 acre parcel he owns on Palisades road, we took on the issue. Subsequently, the property owner "pulled" his General Plan Amendment.

13) Travel Expenses For The Mayor--- After Mayor Loomis took a trip to visit some European Bio Tech companies at the town's expense, we questioned if this was something that benefited, not the mayor, with a free trip, but the taxpayers. We pointed out, that a full report of this sojourn was never submitted by the mayor. Subsequently, the council voted to put some restrictions on traveling.

14) Oro Valley "Donations"--- We did any number of postings on the merits ---or more appropriately, the lack of merits of continuing to give "bundles" of cash to the likes of TREO, GOVAC, Tucson Convention Bureau, etc. Some of these "donations" have since been eliminated or at least cut back.

15) Bed Tax "Kickback"--- We pointed out that a previous council opted to put in a $900,000 water system, plus a bed tax rebate to entice the Ritz-Carlton to Stone Canyon. The resort pulled out of Oro Valley and moved to Dove Mountain, Marana. As a result of that deal, that council decided to give the Hilton El Conquistador Resort the same 2% "kickback." To date that has cost us in excess of $3 million. Fortunately, this giveaway ends next year.

16) Endorsing Candidates--- We took on a legal challenge from the town when the Town Clerk said we must form a Political Committee as a result of our endorsing two candidates that subsequently soundly defeated incumbents and are presently serving on the council. The town backed off when The Goldwater Institute took up our cause.

Certainly, in the two years, plus that our blog has been a part of the Oro Valley community, we have taken on contentious issues, but continue to always try and offer rational reasons as to why we take a position.

Paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln, we know that "not everyone will agree with everything we say all the time," and we are prepared for the criticism. All we ask, is please try doing so in an acceptable manner.

Thanks for your indulgence. Your comments, as always, are welcome.



Anonymous said...

Having followed as well as having served up commentary for the few years that this blog has been running, I will emphatically attest to the fact that MANY issues and MANY opinions relative to them have been exposed to scrutiny with or without a 'biased' take by the blog's FACILITATOR, Art Segal. I have read some good, some bad, and some ugly commentary within the streams that follow a 'lead' introduction, most of it 'promoted' by persons other than Mr. Segal. I have read blather without foundation; I have read opinions with which I might differ but respect for their presentations; I have read absolute garbage by some who seem not to be able to read or write and/or might possibly be
'under the influence' at the time of their postings; and, yes, I have seen injected into a 'story line', reckless and irrelevant drivel which has nothing to do with much of anything. In addition, I have read the words of 'experts' who have experienced very little of life as it really exists outside of their own little cubicles but claim to have all of the answers to it. All in all, however, I find most postings to have merit within them and I do respect the right of each and everyone to have an opinion and to express it whether or not said opinion appears to me to be rational or reactionary, within my scope of political bent or not, or in accordance with or in conflict with the beliefs that I might hold. The one trait that I do have difficulty with is that of a participant who, without foundation, can only utilize the brainless mechanic of 'slash and burn'. Mr. Segal has every right to
attack that mentality.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Concerned Citizen,

You are correct that Art is a "big voice" for the community. However, it is debatable if he represents the "minority" as you claim, or the majority. But it doesn't matter who is the minority and who is the majority. What really matters is who is RIGHT.

And yes, more residents have caught on to what is happening in this town due to the existence of this website/blog. Isn't that a good thing?

languagebordersculture09 said...

I have just recently found this blog. As a concerned citizen of this great Town of Oro Valley, I think it is great. I am interested in seeing what happens and if our voices on this site make any kind of difference. A big thanks to Mr. Segal.