Monday, March 16, 2009

NIMBY- Cops Say No... Instead-Raid The Piggy-Bank

In a letter published in the Explorer, John Musolf notes the "heavy police protection" present at the March 4 council meeting where council approved the extension of the utility tax. The tax funds "public safety" jobs.Read John's letter: Who’s running OV — police, or council, manager?

In a related letter, OV should find ways other than jobs to save money, the Fraternal Order of Police state that they "...would like to see the town look for ways to cut the budget through programs instead of people." Apparently an accountant ( :-)), the writer added: "We believe that using a very small portion of the contingency fund money and municipal operations building fund money to get through this next year, along with the attrition rate, the 33 employee positions and services they provide to this town could be saved". The writer provides no concrete analysis, using real world numbers to prove that this can be done. What the writer is saying, however, is: "Take the money from somebody else. Just leave us alone."

When it comes to budget cutting, NIMBY applies.

Difficult economic times demand difficult decisions and sacrifices by all. All, of course, except Public Safety.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

I didn't understand the comment by the FOP member that the town should "look for ways to cut the budget THROUGH PROGRAMS instead of people." Don't people run the programs that would be cut? Therefore, wouldn't those people lose their jobs?

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Since we're discussing the OV Police again, I noticed that none of them answered a question I left on another post. I was responding to the woman who said that the police arrived at the crime scene in 13 seconds. I stated,

"Whenever I've called the police, it's taken them at least 5 minutes to arrive at my house. This means there were no patrol cars in my neighborhood. Count off 5 minutes and think about how much damage a criminal can do in that amount of time. It also gives him plenty of time to get away. The Subway robber got away even though the cops were there in 13 seconds."

Then I asked,

"We have approx. 100 police officers in OV. I'm assuming there are three 8-hour shifts a day. Does this mean we have approx. 33 officers on duty during any 8 hour period? How is the work divided between those 33 officers? Are there 10 officers looking for speeders, 10 officers patrolling our neighborhoods, 10 officers completing paperwork, etc. It would be interesting to know the numbers and the assignments to see what areas have the most cops assigned to them, which would indicate what areas are deemed to be the most important."

"I know there are some OV cops who read this site regularly. Perhaps one of them will be kind enough to answer that question."

Not one of them came forward to answer it. Interesting.....

Anonymous said...

I find it distasteful that some in our Police Department become rather pushy in their presentations relative to their role(s) in the community as well as related topics . They are NOT the masters of budget analysis; they are NOT the seers of the whole picture; AND, in their attempt to intimidate by fearmongering and attack, they, of all groups (one of which attacked this blog site), even go so far as to subtly advocate that we, the people, do not deserve those basic constitutional rights as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States one of which is the 1st amendment to same, the FIRST right in the bill of rights - THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK. And, to put it bluntly, most of their advocacy comes out of the mouths of ignorance, from those who cannot proffer a correctly constructed sentence, a viably understandable paragraph, or a rational train of thought. Council needs to haul this group in and let them know in no uncertain terms how this Community is to operate. Dip in to our reserves in order that they have an overabundance and perhaps an illegitimate bundle of force? Well, depleting resources is a good way of depleting OUR, the peoples', power. When police 'departments' begin to dictate government policy, that is when we get sucked in to becoming police states!

The above is not written to denigrate the good works of our police department; it is written to let them know that their place is where WE, the people, say it should be. They exist to serve and protect us to the extent for which we employ them, not for the purpose of obfuscating our system.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Your comments are disgusting!!!!

"The above is not written to denigrate the good works of our police department; it is written to let them know that their place is where WE, the people, say it should be."


I also find it distasteful when YOU become rather pushy in your presentations relative to your role in the community as well as related topics.

I would also point out to you and all of the other folks who are positive supporters of this blog that the applause at the referenced meeting was loud and nearly unanimous when the LOVE blog was accurately referenced. You inaccurately stated that the blog was "attacked" That's a complete falsification. The individual simply stated that 'the blog' did not represent their viewpoint.

VC....Do yourself a favor and re-read your post and you will find that it really doesn't make much sense. Your simple calculations do not take into consideration time off (not every officer is working 8hours a day, 7 days a week),court time, training time or the occasional sick day.

You also state,"Whenever I've called the police, it's taken them at least 5 minutes to arrive at my house. This means there were no patrol cars in my neighborhood." That too is a false assumption. You do not take into consideration the priority of your call. There may have been 2 police officers in your immediate neighborhood tending to a higher priority.
But your calculations and comments do indicate a bias. This same bias (not just against the police department)is common anong those of you who support this blog. FACT has no place on this blog as long as it does not support your opinions.

It's a cult mentality!!

languagebordersculture09 said...

I find the comments on this page absolutely astounding. I am enraged at what I see. Now I am not siding with you all or the police but am trying to think freely here as is our 1st ammendment right.
Victorian Cowgirl...Why did you call the police? Did your call take priority over the domestic violence call where a man was beating up his wife or possibly a call where a person was threatening suicide, or an elderly person that was dying and the police were performing cpr to keep this person alive. I think they may have had to put those calls for service ahead of your call.
You show your naivety in thinking that all of those 100 officers are working the street on the same day. Officers do get days off. Officers do get sick. Officers do take vacation. There are multiple different assignments within any department. This is to include the School Resource Officers, SWAT officers, K9 Officers, Community resource officers, detectives, traffic officers, admin staff (LTs, Commanders, Captains, Assistant Chief, Chief), and patrol officers. Not all of those 100 officers work the street. Your statement is like saying that all 30 or so employees at the local bank work the teller line to take your deposits, withdrawals, payments etc. No business runs like that. You need a management structure.
Zev...are you saying that those Officers don't have the right to speak out for their jobs? Do they not have the same 1st ammendment right that you do? The same 1st ammendment right that they took an oath to protect? Would you not fight for your job if it was on the line? I know I would. Do they not have the right to gather support? Is that not another right granted by the framers of this great country? The right to peacably assemble?
I do not quite understand your twisted logic on this topic. You say "the police exist to serve and protect us to the extent for which we employ them."
They serve and protect us to the extent applicable by Arizona law.
Now I suppose you can stretch your statement and say that the law is determined and drawn by those who we elect. I highly doubt you were thinking that when you wrote what you wrote.
Ohh and when I was driving South on Oracle Rd and I passed Suffolk, I did not see the gates close behind me. Oro Valley is not, nor ever will be the police state that our shamefule councilmen and certain obfuscated citizens think that it will become. As long as the U.S. Constitution stands, this will not happen. But with the current Administration we don't know how long the Constitution will last do we?..Points to ponder.