Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jeff Jones Echos Our Position: Do Not Renew This Unneeded Utility Tax

In his letter to The Explorer, Jeff Jones lets the editor know, the utility tax is "not optional" and should not be renewed. We couldn't agree more.
Taxes aren’t an ‘option;’ OV ought to kill this one

Mr. Perry,

One might assume you don’t live in Oro Valley since you think the current, and up for renewal, utility tax is “optional” for the payers. I don’t recall seeing an option to pay the tax or not on my monthly bill. In fact, is there any tax that is “optional?” If this, or any other tax were “optional,” how often do you think it would be paid?

While it may be at the “option” of the town council to levy this tax, we don’t have the “option” to not pay it. I hope the current council exercises their “option” to not renew this unneeded tax.

Jeff Jones, Oro Valley

The publisher / editor is an Oro Valley resident.
– Ed.

Here's the link to Mr. Perry's editorial of Feb 25.The Explorer Endorses Keeping Oro Valley's Utility Tax

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