Monday, February 9, 2009

Phil Richardson Responds To Mr. Cox And His Allegations

Cox has seen fit to suggest our good friend Phil Richardson was telling lies in our posting
Phil Richardson Attempts To Educate Us On The Cost Of Fire Service In Oro Valley.

If interested, you can read Cox's comments, but it's probably not worth your time.

Phil has seen fit to respond to Cox. I think you'll agree Phil has vast knowledge as it concerns Oro Valley Fire service.

In any case please read what Phil has to say.

Had Cox not attacked me personally by calling me a liar (I must presume this has happened before, but never before in print), I might have not responded to his slanderous name calling.
For at least another year, according to a 14-page contract between the Rural Metro and Golder Ranch Fire District, Golder Ranch Fire District is not to begin before 2010 an attempt at an annexation into what they refer to as Service Zone 3, which includes the southeast quadrant of Oro Valley.

I have not discussed this matter with the current provider, Rural Metro Corp, with whom I have some issues, not the least of which is their unacceptable increase in charges, and the $200,000 to $300,000 they are paying Golder Ranch Fire District annually during the ongoing "Transition Period."

I have been tough in my questioning of the executive officers of the new Mountain Vista Fire District in regard to their ability to fulfill the provisions of the current Oro Valley Performance Standards and Criteria for Fire Service, and have concluded that by the time the transitional period is concluded, if not before, they will do what Resolution ®07-32, passed and adopted by the Mayor and Council on the 7th day of March, 2007 requires.

For at least another year, Mountain Vista Fire District, immediately to the west of Oro Valley, will be served by fire fighters currently employed by Rural Metro utilizing four fire engines and some collateral equipment that includes a ladder truck. Each engine will be accompanied on every call by four firefighters.

The placement of the Mountain Vista Fire Station nearest to Service Zone 3 is contingent on their being allowed by Oro Valley to attempt an annexation of the area between the south end of Oro Valley and Calle Concordia.

In any event, we will all continue to have superlative fire protection for all of Oro Valley, and throughout all of this, Rural Metro's subsidiary ambulance service, Southwest Ambulance Service, will continue to provide transport and emergency medical service to us when called for anywhere in the "Prettiest Town in the West."

However, we in the Proposed Annexation Area, south of Calle Concordia do not wish to continue to pay for the explosive expansion of Golder Ranch Fire District north of Oro Valley and into Pinal County. We feel that there is a window of opportunity to bring about change.
"When Fire Districts Compete, We all Benefit."

Take Heed Mr. Cox: I am not running for public office, nor am I the kind of "Public Figure" assailed daily in the tabloids and on TV. This will serve as my only warning - I do not make a good victim.

-Phil Richardson


OV Objective Thinker said...


Your comments are appreciated.

The term "liar" is your and Art's characterization. I doubt you will find it in my post although I once again will assert that your comments were false. I stated fact. In your latest diatribe you did not dispute or contradict anything I said. Therefore you either agree or you have nothing to offer in rebuttal. Don't make empty threats, prove your case. Post something that demonstrates what I said was incorrent.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Typo correction....incorrect!!

artmarth said...

I'll let Phil,if he wishes, refute all your erroneous statements.

Needless to say, Phil, who is directly involved on behalf of himself and his neighbors, knows what he is talking about.

Cox; regardless of who is feeding you your information, it is incorrect.

The main point is this.

You are a mean-spirited person that goes out of his way to chastise someone doing a good deed.

You have no reason in besmirching Phil's reputation,unless someone put you up to it, especially since you have no direct involvement in this deal.

If GRFD & the newly formed MVFD can reach an accord that would benefit all OV citizens, we will acknowledge Phil's efforts.

As for you, we can acknowledge you are what you are!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art....Allow me just for a moment to inject something into this thread...which is a carry over from another.

You chose to post information on this blog which you characterized as interesting and informative. Some of the information that you posted is inaccurate. Nothing you have provided and nothing Mr. Richardson has provided has contradicted anything I have stated. I have pointed to state law when it comes to fire district annexation and a business decision made by Rural Metro which mirrors the same decision they made in Scottsdale. Both statements are well supported by published information if anyone, including yourself wishes to check. I also stated that the newly formed fire district has yet to be rated as Mr. Richardson also stated. That is also accurate information if you would care to check.

You believe that any contradiction I make is mean spirited. It is not. I complemented Mr. Richardson for becoming involved. I don't give two hoots who provides emergency services to Suffolk Hills or any other area. But I would hope that if information is published, on which some folks may base a decision upon, that it be correct. As I stated, you have far more regard for your own beliefs than you do the truth.

Mr. Richardson misspoke. Get over it.