Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oro Valley Municipal Pool Facing Budget Cuts

The Feb 26 Az Star reports that the potential cuts in the Oro Valley budget will impact those that use the town pool at James Kriegh Park.

Read the article here.


raindancer said...

Art, I believe the article says "swimming lessons" will need to be cut, only.

Seems to me that in tough economic times, if people still want swimming lessons for a select few children than they should be willing to pay more than $20/person for the season. That is cheap! Maybe parents could get a group together, hire someone and get a group rate. This was a fine example of a limited number of people needing something that doesn't benefit the whole town. The article says the pool will continue being open for all.


artmarth said...

Thanks to Raindancer for the clarification. I guess the posting was a little vague, as the budget cuts impact lessons only.

Oro Valley Mom said...

I agree that $20 is cheap. And that probably barely covers labor (instructors, lifeguards, maintenance staff). What about heating the pool in the spring and fall? That's got to be really expensive. I think that the users should be covering those costs, or the pool season should be shortened to just the summer months when we don't have to heat it.

Suija said...

I would pay substantially more for any child of mine to have swimming lessons. It is unfortunate that the program is going to be cut. You can't put a price on safety.