Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Development Impact Fees---- Tucson vs. Oro Valley

We don't know Tucson Councilman Rodney Glassman, but we question a couple of his comments in The Explorer's Feb. 18 article concerning development impact fees.

Mr Glassman, rightfully points out that if Tucson suspends these fees, it would probably lead to more homes being built, and more people working on having new homes built.

That's one side on the equation. However, has Mr. Glassman considered the fact that Pima County, and Tucson in particular is loaded with foreclosures. If there's one thing that's not needed now, it's more homes on the market with "for sale" signs.

Glassman is quoted as saying:
“This proposal (suspending the fees) would make Tucson the jurisdiction of choice for Southern Arizona."

Well, it appears our mayor Mr. Loomis agrees. In a recent OV Council vote Loomis cast the sole vote against the increased fees, citing the bad economy as the reason.

“By having high impact fees, Oro Valley is driving the development somewhere else,” Loomis said.

To Glassman & Loomis, we say; "Let those that wish to move to Tucson do so." People will come to Oro Valley that want to come to Oro Valley.

And let's not forget, we don't have one thing to offer that Tucson has----- A Property Tax!.

Here's The Explorer article.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

“By having high impact fees, Oro Valley is driving the development somewhere else,” Loomis said.

Good! We don't need any more stinkin' development. None of us moved here to be surrounded my track homes and office parks. More homes equals more traffic equals more road widening equals more traffic lights. I've only been here 5 years and this town is already unrecognizable from what it looked like just 5 years ago. It's very sad.

We don't need any more homes in Tucson either. Everywhere I drive in Tucson I am stuck in traffic. And why would Glassman want to make Tucson "the jurisdiction of choice for Southern Arizona" when the job market here is pathetic?

endthehandouts said...

Glassman worked in the development industry. He knows who is buttering his bread.

h2odog said...

I agree with "the Cowgirl"--we don't need any more stinkin' development. However OV is a highly desirable place to live and a growing population is inevitable. High impact fees will help insure that the developments to come will be less "stinkin'" We need to insure that the fees are the highest we can justify and keep them that way.

Nombe Watanabe said...

Don't forget that property taxes in Pima County (Nogales North) are very expensive. (for what you get)

That should keep some development out.