Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Results Of Oro Valley Council Study Session On Library

As we noted in previous posts, the OV Council held a Study Session to discuss the merits of maintaining autonomy of our library, or turning it over to Pima County.

After hearing a presentation by the OV Library Director and a discussion on the background of the inception of the library it was noted that OV bought the land for the library for $700K in 1996. Subsequently, both Oro Valley & Pima County financed the library through bonds. Additionally, The Friends of Library, many of whom were in the audience, donated $181K to fund library books and other items.

When Nancy Ledeboer, The Director of The Pima County Library was given the opportunity to speak, she did an exceptionable job of clarifying the advantages of having Oro Valley becoming part of the Pima County Library system as are all the other 27 Pima branches.

Ms. Ledeboer noted that prior to Tucson deciding to be part of the Pima County system, they encountered financial difficulities and readily acknowledge that being part of the county system has been a financial benefit with no downside.

In fact, Ms. Ledeboer noted that whereas Oro Valley has shorter hours of operation, under the auspices of the county we could expect the OV library to be open 7 days a week, and later hours during weekdays.

It seemed to me, all issues of concern were addressed, although some of The Friends of The Library still had some reservations in turning over control.

One quote from Ms. Ledeboer was quit profound. She made the following statement--"Pima County Is Not Interested In A Hostile Takeover Of The Oro Valley Library." For me, that said it all.

One more thing worth noting. Our Town Attorney mentioned that if OV opts to maintain autonomy, in addition to the mandated Pima County Library tax we all pay, OV could initiate an additional town tax in the amount of 15 cents/$100 assessed value WITHOUT voter approval. This is almost 1/2 the assessment we pay Pima County, and could be imposed to cover the operational shortfall we incur by remaining autonomous.

For whatever reason Mayor Loomis determined that the council should have two more study sessions on the advantages or disadvantages of turning the library over to the county, plus other logistical issues, and he determined that it won't be until July 2010 that the council votes on the issue.

Don't ask me why it will be another 18 months, but that was the last word prior to adjourning.


Yoshibello said...

Why not be part of Pima County? What are, if any, the downsides? Who will benefit from this if it stays with OV? How much are the proposed studies and who will do the study? Wouldn't it be better to vote now and get the expenses controlled. Does OV really have the funds to manage this facility till 2010?

artmarth said...

4 Sq. Tires--- Welcome---unique pseudonym you have chosen.

As I noted, after listening to Ms. Ledeboer, Pima Library Director, I can not tell you any downside, although some of the good "Friends of The Library" still wish to remain autonomous.

Does OV have the funds to continue managing the library? Sure---but why spend $1M+, if you don't have to?

Wouldn't it be better for the council to vote sooner rather than later? Of course, they should. As one who attended the meeting, I can only guess why Mayor Loomis ended the discussion by saying, the council would have one study session after another, and not vote until July 2010.

One could only guess that "His Honor" doesn't want to offend any constituents that want to hold on to library---at least not until after the 2010 election.

By the way, coincidentally, the mayor's term expires in June 2010.Does this mean he plans on running again???

Hopefully, the council will see fit to "take the bull by the horns," and address the issue in a much more timely manner.

Nombe Watanabe said...

As I have posted in the past, it is time for a new mayor.

I know who would make a great replacement! I hope she is thinking about running.

I note that I pay over $300 per year for the LIBRARY DISTRICT line on my property tax. I hope we do not get stuck with a town tax as well.

artmarth said...

Pursuing the comment from Nombre W----perhaps we need a new poll. Question: Can you supply the name(s) of worthy candidates for mayor & council?

This blog is prepared to endorse those that have the same concerns for the constituents that a few on the council now exhibit.

Keep in mind, we endorsed both Bill Garner & Salette Latas, both of whom got elected in the March 2008 primary----a first in Oro Valley.

The mayor & 3 council seats are up in 2010.

Yoshibello said...

I see the relationship with the 2010 date. Thx

artmarth said...

I received the following email, that I thought I'd share.

Dear Art

The name of The Director of the Oro Valley Library is Jane Peterson.

It would have been a common courtesy to mention her name.

One short paragraph for her remarks.

On the other side , Nancy Ledeboer, Director of The Pima County ,Library received four paragraphs.

Would have been nice if Ms Peterson had received the same amount of coverage.

NK (I eliminated the writer's name)

My response in part was:

I'm sorry for the oversight. To be truthful, it didn't occur to me. Keep in mind, Ms. Peterson gave her presentation from the "staff seat" as a person representing OV. I did not mean to slight Ms. Peterson ----.
