Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pima Association Of Taxpayers Addresses Oro Valley "Fire Issue"

Our friend, and a very good friend to ALL Pima County Taxpayers, Mary Schuh, is the editor of The Pima Association of Taxpayers Newsletter.

Mary keeps all her subscribers well aware of the many issues that impact all Pima County taxpayers. There are two very interesting points noted in the Jan. 2009 issue that we want to share with our readers.

Both issues have to do with Golder Ranch Fire District. The writing is directly from the newsletter.

1) Golder Ranch is under the magnifying glass as it sweet talks homeowner groups with presentation as life can only be good if they annex into it?

Fire Chief John Fink isn't feelin' the love from them!
One cost taxpayers need to know is John Fink is Chair ot the AUFDA (AZ Urban Fire District Alliance) and Golder Ranch voted to PAY the $5000 in dues!! Ask about confusion with some paying taxes and others Rural Metro rate?

People want to know about revenue and how they spend money?

2) QUESTION RAISED by Associations: COULD Homeowner's groups being wooed to annex REDUCE FIRE PROTECTION COSTS SIGNIFICANTLY if ORO VALLEY formed their own FIRE DISTRICT?

We will have more to say about these issues in the near future. Suffice to say, Mary Schuh is a very astute lady when it comes to taxpayers "getting the short end of the stick."

If anyone is interested in joining "PAT" or would like more information, please email Mary at

1 comment:

Nombe Watanabe said...


Please look at your property tax form.

We are paying far too much for Golder Ranch Fire Services.

A 50 per cent cut in our assessment is well in order.

Nombe W