Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Don Cox Raises Issue Of Potential "Buddy" Appointments In Oro Valley

Don Cox had noted in an earlier comment on the blog that his letter to The Explorer will address the issue of Oro Valley Commission & Board appointments.

His letter in the Dec. 24 Explorer raise the issue of "OV Buddy" appointments to these entities.

It is certainly questionable that this process will be implemented, and perhaps a more pertinent question (that we previously addressed) is whether or not a good number of these entities are needed. Keep in mind, all Boards & Commissions (except Board of Adjustment) are "paper tigers" with the power to only recommend, not implement.

You can read the Cox letter here.


OV Objective Thinker said...

I strongly disagree with the characterization of Boards and Commissions as "paper tigers". The Boards and Commissions provide valuable citizen input to the Town Council. I also find the referral insulting to those fine folks who volunteer for these position and donate their valuable time to the Town.

And just as a minor correction to the initial posting, the Planning and Zoning Commission does in fact have final approval authority on Type II Home Occupation Permit applications.

AZCactus1 said...


Important to keep in mind is that ALL of the boards and commissions serve at the pleasure of the Town Council. In that sense, they are absolutely 'paper tigers.'

The State of Arizona has granted the Town Council (under state law) the authority to operate a municipality within the state (per the Town's original incorporation petition).

Given such, any sovereign powers enjoyed by Oro Valley rest SOLELY with the Town Council, UNLESS the Council elects to delegate any such powers to subordinate boards and commissions.

Consequently, the Town Council is free to determine how such boards and commissions are appointed. That is the reality.

artmarth said...

Thanks AZCactus1 for setting the record straight.

Those of us that know Cox, know his letter to the editor served no other purpose than an ill attempt to stir up trouble.

He was looking to create a "situation" when no situation existed. But that's his way of doing things!

Oro Valley Mom said...

The county, the state, and the federal government all operate with elected officials appointing members to boards and commissions. I would much rather hold elected officials responsible for their appointments than leave the process up to staffers and the volunteers that they have previously hand picked.

OV Objective Thinker said...

To All....

No one is questioning the "reality" of who has the authority to appoint. Nor is anyone attempting to "create a "situation" when no situation existed".

What I believe is in the best interest of ORO VALLEY, is for these bodies to be void of political pressure and present to the council a recommendation based on independent citizen review.

Evidently those who have responded want a different product.

AZCactus1 said...

A political system "void of political pressure"...what a novel idea!

How about a political system where citizens elect representatives to administer the appointment of boards and commissions and delegate administrative tasks to such boards/commissions. A system where the citizens have the ability to elect/not elect representatives who have used poor judgment in delegating such authority.

Oh wait a minute...that's the system we already have. A system that is implemented in towns, cities, counties, and states across this great nation we call America. Now that's a novel idea!