Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does It Make Sense For Oro Valley To Hire A Lobbyist?

The Explorer has an article that indicates the Oro Valley Council may consider hiring a lobbyist in an attempt to generate federal earmarks.

A good idea, or not?

“If this was all for infrastructure, that would make sense,” Oro Valley Town Councilman K.C. Carter said.

But when it comes to getting federal funds for other projects, Carter isn’t sure the town should spend its money on a lobbyist. The cost could be as high as $150,000.

We think KC is correct. Any thoughts from our readers?

NOTE: Council voted 7-0 to direct staff to seek any federal funds that may be available. Nothing was done concerning hiring any lobbyist.

Read the article here.


mscoyote said...

I can't see spending that amount to hire a lobbyist
Why not consider hiring a part time consultant or a per diem type person
Check into how other towns handle this function
Perhaps somebody already on the town staff could be trained for this job
or even paid an additional salary(hourly) if they could do the job as I doubt it would be a full time activity.
There may be retired people living in OV who are qualified already and could work for a reasonable fee

Just some thoughts

Zev Cywan said...

It appears the whole of our country is turning to federal handouts. What makes anyone think that Oro Valley, out of thousands of municipalities, is SO special that we should go to Washington to beg for money and pay someone to do it? We already are supposed to have a lobbyist or two and those are our representative and our senator. If we can't pay for something ourselves then let's put a stop to the actions that cause the need.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Well stated Zev!!!