Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sun City Residents Concerned About Substation In Their "Backyards"

As reported in the Dec 17 Explorer, a meeting was held last week in Sun City addressing the concerns of the citizens as to the potential TEP substation behind their homes in Arroyo Grande.

This is a BIG issue, and at the moment, it appears of all the entities involved----Oro Valley, Pima County, State Lands, Sonoran Desert, the ONLY party concerned about the residents is Oro Valley.

We hope the rest of the participants, lead by the County Administrator, will come to their senses and agree that a monster electrical substation does NOT belong in this area.

As we noted on a number of postings, the wildlife corridor is NOT the place for a 2 1/2-3 acre substation.

As Phil Richardson pointed out in our posting, it is "ugly, noisy and perhaps a health issue."

This substation should be relocated prior to moving forward on this potential annexation!

Read The Explorer article here.


Zev Cywan said...

As I previously posted, it's the money! It appears that TEP has stated that it prefers a closer in substation for financial reasons. TEP which is a division of corporate UniSource (NYSE) seems to feel that because it is a monopolistic entity, it can do just about anything it pleases. Well, let's remind UniSource that the first plans were laid in 1979 and the times have changed. Let's also remind UniSource and all others that because their preferred site is on what is now
State land that for them to do a 'deal' at this time perhaps could be challenged in court under the State Land Trust provision that all lands within this trust MUST be put on the block for public auction. As for being a publicly traded corporation, while they might have a responsibility to their shareholders (the largest being TEP?), they should have a responsibility to those that they monopolistically serve.

UniSource along with subsidiary TEP needs to realize that, after going through our current wave of greed and corruption nationally, including the likes of the now defunct Enron, we the people just aren't going to take this type of manipulation any more!

Disclaimer: As I am not an expert in the legalities of their positions (State or Corporate), my comments are perhaps mostly speculation.

Zev Cywan said...

Another couple of points:

By placing a substation where they
'prefer', and assuming that our annexation will succeed, TEP would be placing this eyesore RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR TOWN!

And again I ask, why not explore putting this substation in the proximity of I-10 and Tangerine Road rather than where Mr. Huckleberry has recommended which would possibly (probably?) end up in Pinal County. I-10 and Tangerine Rd - flat, non-scenic, already industrial, accessible - all of those attributes which would destroy nothing rather than everything.