Sunday, November 30, 2008

Most Of Our Readers Say "NO" To Funding Naranja Park With A Property Tax

300 of our readers responded to the question:

Now That The Naranja Bond Was Defeated, What Do You Think Should Be Done At The Site?

The results should be carefully considered if and when this Town Council brings the issue forward. It seems obvious that many residents do not want this park to be funded with a property tax (#1 response) and if anything, should be funded with public & private financing. (#2 response)

Interesting to note, there were zero votes for "Whatever the Town Council decides is fine."

The results are here. Thanks to all those readers that responded.

A scaled back park with public & private financing 87 (29%)

A scaled back park funded by a property tax 21 (7%)

Use the site for a new middle school & ball fields 46 (15%)

Try to entice the Tucson Museum of Art 52 (17%)

Use it as a new Hi Tech area 23 (7%)

Sell it off for private development 36 (12%)

Whatever the Town Council decides is fine 0 (0%)

Do something, but I don't know what 2 (0%)

Whatever is done, No bond with a property tax 93 (31%)

My idea is not listed as an option 34 (11%)

I voted "No," but support a park for under $15M 33 (11%)

Offer the same $48.6M Bond next year 26 (8%)

Votes: 300

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With this terrible economy I personally, am worried about increasing property taxes which are already high.