Friday, April 25, 2008

Wow! Readers Have Been Getting Phone Calls From Phx On Behalf Of Terry Parish

We have been advised that some of our readers have been receiving phone calls from Phoenix. The caller gives his name and mentions he is calling on behalf of the Republican Party, soliciting votes for Terry Parish, "a good Republican candidate running for the Oro Valley Council."

How curious is this? We have to wonder who in Phoenix might want Terry Parish elected to the Oro Valley Council? Might it be a big developer that already contributed thousands of dollars to the Parish "war chest?"

We don't know. If any of our readers get a similar call, why not let us hear from you.

Whether you get a call or not, remember to vote. Your choice is either Barry Gillaspie or Terry Parish. The latter acknowledges the support of the development/business community. The former might be more in tune with the people. The decision is yours.


Richard Furash, MBA said...

And look who is supporting Barry Gilaspie? Why its the Democratic Party, dropping literature off door to door with his mailer and with stuff from Giffords.

Wow! Looks like the Democratic Party is supporting Gillaspie.

mscoyote said...

Personally I have no problem with any
party who calls on behalf of a political candidate. That is one of the activities that political parties perform.
Not sure I like the idea of calls from Phoenix telling us who to vote for in Oro Valley.
Recall Vestar, the master deceiver is operating from Phoenix, nuff said.
Follow the money trail!!!

Terry Parish said...


This is what happens when we speculate or mislead others with inventented smoke and maybe a mirror or two.

I have always been very up front and honest about my supporters. I think the honest part dissolved many of the arguments used to question my character.

The truth is; my volunteers right here in Oro Valley has been making all of these calls. The phones are borrowed from the State Republican Party and the caller ID received clearly indicates so. Please read your caller ID if you doubt the veracity of my statements.

I assume since the Republican Party is headquartered in Pheonix the area code assigned is indicative of that fact.

Wew!!!! you guys scared me for a second I thought some rogue in Pheonix might be on the loose, cell phone in hand. Lucky for all it is only I and a few concerned citizens of Oro Valley.

Everyone have a great weekend and try to lighten up. If you look for bad you'll find it even when it's not really there.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Art et al......

This is one of the downsides I mentioned in previous posts. When Salette and Garner opened the door, solicited and welcomed partisan political support from the Pima County Democratic Party it left the other side will little choice. I was not a good thing to do in a non-partisan election.

And I also stated in previous posts I think this will come back to bite those who initiated this in their collective backsides!!!

artmarth said...

Mr. Cox seems to have forgotten who opened the door. Perhaps he needs a reminder that in the 2006 election, the aforementioned Cox along with Conny Culver & Al Kunisch ran ads stating they were endorsed by the Oro Valley Republican Club.

It seems that move helped "bite Cox & Culver in their respective backsides" as they obviously lost the election.

mscoyote said...

Why would the Republican party in Phoenix be involved in the first place?
If people want to make phone calls on your behalf, that is fine. But why the heck would anybody need to borrow cell phones to make phone calls?
If I recall the democratic party got involved in the OV election at the county and OV level.

Actually I blame the Republican party for starting all this bi partisan bickering.

Recall a few years back the Republican Club, yeah I forget which one endorsed candidates for council.
Before that I was just as happy not knowing what party the candidates belonged to.

Terry Parish said...


The State Republican Party is very aware of the Democratic agenda to affect larger races by controlling the smaller municipal governments and the message that comes from them. This year LD26 and Cd8 races will be particularly tough for both sides.

One cannot discount the impact of endorsements and the general direction and voice of the local governments in these larger elections.

The phones are really a matter of convenience. Volunteers are sometimes reluctant to use their home phones or cell phones because of the fear of harassment or call-backs.

The Republican party has never befor gotten involved in Oro Valley Politics. A Republican club di endorse candidates not in my election and then the candidates spent their own campaign dollars to advertise that with post cards.

Much like Barry and I have done mailing out flyers listing our endorsements and what the endorsers have to say,

FYI I am endorsed by Democrats and Republicans ; Sheriff Dupnik, Supervisor Ray Carroll. Superior Court Clerk Patty Noland, etc etc.


Zev Cywan said...

OK everyone - in case you hadn't already guessed, philosophically I am a strict conservative, politically I am registered as an 'independant', and I am one who believes that party affiliations have absolutely no place in local politics! This is OUR TOWN we're concerned about here, not the State or Federal menage of 'trick or treat'.

The definitions of Republican, Democrat, liberal or conservative have become so sullied that I would bet that most do not even
realize what their true meanings are or even how they really apply.

So, forget the tags, forget the spins, forget who calls whom and where the calls come from; simply vote for the candidate who you might deem best for the COMMUNITY.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Pardon my dely in responding. I have been out of town for a week and it shows from the number of responses.

But once again you have missed the mark on fact.

The post card was not supported by a political party. There were no political party funds involved and no mwntion of them. But then I am simply repeating what I have said many times in the past and information that you already know but choose to ignore.

In the history of Oro Valley elections thre are only two candidates who have received DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORT from any political party. That would be Ms. Latas and Mr. Garner.

mscoyote said...

Welcome back Thinker.
Ok, I am more worried or concerned or curious about what is indirect support or funding then DIRECT.
I recall reading something about a fund that realtors pay into that goes towards efforts that benefit them or their goals.
So did Salette Latas and Wm. Garner get any funding from the growth lobby groups like the Realtor groups or
the Chamber?
Did Salette and Bill get any donations or help from developers or builders, etc?

OV Objective Thinker said...

Hi Ms. Coyote....

It's good to be missed.

I don't know whether I can help you with your concerns. I don't know what you mean by "indirect support".

The Tucson Association of Realtors, of which I am a member and also a member of their Candidate Evaluation Committee, has a PAC to which Realtors can contribute if they so choose. Funds from that PAC may be donated to candidate's who support Realtor issues. While I cannot tell you, as I write this response, who received money from TAR, if any, I can tell you that the Association endorsed Terry Parish, Barry Gillaspie and Helen Dankwerth. These endorsements came as a result of candidate interviews conducted in January. Like I said, I don't know if any received any money but that information is available at Town Hall.

The Northern Pima County Chamber to the best of my knowledge did not donate any funds to any Oro Valley Candidate nor did they endorse any candidate(s) in the primary election. They did endorse Terry in the general election.
I don't know if Bill or Salette received any donations from developers or builders but Salette did say that she would accept contributions from local developers or builders. I plan to review the campaign fund records of all candidates after the election reporting period and will be happy to let you know what I find at that time.

Getting back to the post topic, Oro Valley has always held non-partisan elections. To that end the political parties have always agreed not to participate in our election. There is no law against them doing so but up to now they have respected the wishes of the Town to remain at arm's length. Unfortunately this time Salette and Bill were recipients of the direct support of the Pima County Democratic Party. Whether they solicited the support is another question to which I have no answer. But both should have refused the support when offered and returned any donations.

In future elections you are now going to see both political parties more heavily involved. Whether that is good or bad is an individual choice.