Thursday, March 20, 2008

Explorer Editorial Compliments Latas & Garner On Their Election

Dave Perry has only been a resident of Oro Valley for a few months. That's how long he has been the editor & publisher of The Explorer. We want to compliment Dave on his astuteness and awareness of the political goings on in Oro Valley.

In case you missed Dave's editorial on the Oro Valley election in the March 19 Explorer, you'll surely want to read it by clicking here.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

Dave Perry points out that it was the voters who "are paying attention" who voted. And apparently that was only one-third of the 26,000 registered voters in OV.

Don Cox, who had a letter published in the Explorer this week, thinks the low voter turn-out was an embarrassment. While I agree that it is embarrassing that OV's highly educated population can't be bothered to "educate" themselves on town issues, I'm also thankful that those uninformed people didn't vote. Do you really want uninformed people having a say in town government?

The last time a bunch of uninformed people went to the polls in OV, they passed a referendum giving Vestar $23.2 million dollars, which will result in a Wal-Mart, a junk mall, increased crime, probable gang activity, traffic jams, and the resultant lowering of our air quality.

Cox states that voting is a "civic duty" but civic duty doesn't just mean "voting." It means educating yourself on the issues PRIOR to voting.

Those who were informed voted for Latas and Garner. And I, for one, am glad that the other 18,000 uninformed people stayed home.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

You can read Don Cox' rantings by logging into the following URL:"

Oro Valley Mom said...

The election turnout was very close to average for the past five Oro Valley primaries, and was actually better than average for non-mayoral-election years.

Here are the results of Oro Valley primary elections:

2008 32.6 %
2006 53.6 %*
2004 32.1 %
2002 41.60%*
2000 23.69%

*Mayoral election

Average turnout: 36.72%
Average turnout in non-mayoral-election year: 29.46%

By comparison, the last Marana primary (with a mayoral race) had a 13% turnout. Everything is relative.

In the last Tucson General electiion, with a mayoral race, there was a 30.5% turnout.

Oro Valley is doing well.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Don Cox,

You're always babbling about FACTS vs. EMOTIONS. But every time we present you with FACTS, you disappear.

FACT: You want everyone to vote, even if they're uninformed. I guess that's because it's the only way that your candidate would win.

FACT: As OV Mom points out, the turn-out for this non-mayoral election was better than the turn-out for other non-mayoral elections since 2000.

FACT: Bill and Salette's margin of victory over your candidate, Parish, was a landslide.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Your support of low voter turn out, and your characterization of those that did not vote for Latas and Garner as "uninformed" doesn't warrant a comment.