Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oro Valley Council Will Consider Annexation Of State Lands To The North

Patrick McNamara of The Explorer has written a concise, informative article on a very important issue: The possibility of Oro Valley annexing State Lands north of town, to the Pinal County line.

At the Jan 16 Council Meeting, Representatives from the State Land Department will give a presentation. We would encourage all of our residents to be familiar with this potential annexation.

Additionally, an Open House will be held on Jan 22, at Town Hall.

Please read The Explorer article here.

1 comment:

Ferlin said...

The article on Saturday a.m. in the AZ STAR has more information about this state land north of Oro Valley.

I sounds as if Oracle Road, which is already a traffic jam, will become a nightmare unless greater consideration of alternatives is completed. Oracle Highway DOES NOT have the Right of Way to be widened to 12 lanes as would be needed. Light rail, or other transportation needs serious consideration.

The HUGE consideration is the same as that for WestCor who wants to design the development southeast of Tucson: WATER!!