Council Member Parish who is running for re-election has said any number of outrageous things during his first term in office.
We can't remember them all, but here a few of the comments he has made, that we believe, make him unworthy of serving Oro Valley beyond his present term.
Just this past Thursday at a Candidate Forum, Parish had the audacity to suggest that Salette Latas, a lady with class and integrity and worthy of being elected was promoting pornography in Oro Valley because she was against library computer filters. One of our bloggers indicated that her concern about the filters was that you could not get information like health issues such as breast cancer, because "breast" was a word stopped by the filter. Parish pushed for filters on the library computers, and we won't argue that point, but to suggest Salette didn't have a right to her point of view without having an audience hear she is promoting pornography was totally uncalled for.
But, we've learned that Parish has a propensity for denigrating people. He has done it to fellow Council Member Paula Abbott in print, and at least one citizen, John Musolf was chastised because Parish took exception to his comments in addressing the council.
Parish keeps endorsing Vestar with their 24/7 Wal-Mart, and, in fact was their "unofficial" spokesperson, advertising that the Vestar Market Place is "A Home Run," not withstanding the $23.2 million we'll give them for the likes of a Wal-Mart.
Just last week, Parish not only acknowledged he has accepted contributions from the developers, but was proud of doing so. Too bad, the citizens are paying for the developer's generosity to Parish.
At that same Sun City Candidate Forum, Parish saw fit to echo his friend Helen Dankwerth who also is seeking re-election, with the comment that we should give Sanofil-Aventis, the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company a $360,000 "kickback" on construction fees because it is such "a minuscule amount." Just another example of giving to the developers while taking from the citizens!!!
Finally, let's not forget his recent claim that the Naranja Park is "cursed" as the Council didn't take up his suggestion to "hit the citizens" for a $160 million bond issue---at least not yet.
Surely, Oro Valley can do better, and fortunately, we have Salette Latas and Bill Garner as viable candidates that certainly deserve your consideration.
I'm glad that Parish has made the comments he's calling Salette a pornographer and happily admitting that he takes money from developers, he is sealing his fate as a one-term councilmember.
On the other hand, at least he's honest about what he thinks and he apparently isn't telling the voters what they want to hear just so he can get re-elected.
Dankwerth, on the other hand, has a pattern of being anti-developer when she is running for election, then immediately flip-flopping after the election. She's been worshiping at the altar of Vestar for over a year, but NOW that she's up for re-election, she is suddenly anti-Wal-Mart. She's as transparent as Saran Wrap!
And although Parish may be honest about his feelings, his comment about Salette was so over the top that I cannot possibly take this man seriously.
Interesting. I heard the same answers to the same questions and I do not recall Mr. Parish or any other person refer to Ms. Latas as a "pornographer" and I am quite confident that had he done so there would have been a loud response from the crowd. So you are hearing what you want to hear.
You are right Cowgirl, Mr. Parish is honest and yet he is being chastised for it. Ms. Latas failed to answer most of the simple questions posed during this forum. And my experience in hearing answers from Mr. Garner, in this and other venues, indicates that he does not possess the basic knowledge to adequately represent the people of this community. He does not understand impact fees, he has not taken the time to study the State land issues and he has a poor grasp of many of the issues facing our community. For example, he complains about spending $500,000 on studies on Naranja Town Site and yet turns right around and advocates more study.
I am not overwhelmed with some of the incumbants either but I guarantee you they are far more qualiified and, in my opinion, will do a better job than the alternate choices.
As for the campaign contribution question, candidates are by law prohibited from taking money from businesses. The "developer" money you refer to comes from individuals who believe they have a stake in the future of Oro Valley. And the amount limits make it impossible for any one contributor to sway an elected official. Should candidates not accept money from any employed person fearing that they will be looked upon as tainted? The answer is a firm no, but that's exactly what you advocate. There are many people residing in Oro Valley who are connected in some way to the development business that are good, solid citizens with a stake in the community and contribute to candidates.
Lastly, when will most of the regular contributors to this blog understand that none of the current or past Council members has (had) any control over which stores will reside in the Oro Valley Marketplace or any other shopping area. Once the entitlements are granted the local governing body CANNOT pick and choose what stores occupy the site. How many times does that need to be explained?
The question IS: "Is Terry Parish Worthy of Your Vote?" So, this should be a commentary on Mr. Parish, not an opportunity to get in some 'digs', justifiable or not, at the other candidates or the perceptions/observations of other participants.
Especially you, Mr. OV Objective Thinker, you have a propensity for diluting your answers with off-subject commentary and woeful attempts at a mish-mash of explanations disguised as statements of fact. WHO ARE YOU, OV Objective Thinker? Reveal yourself; you mirror the thought processes of Mr. Parish to such a degree, style and blind protectionism that you could be HIM . Are you?
Hi Zev and other readers--- Your comment about OV Objective Thinker is "right on."
Those of us who know the writer's identity, know his choice of pseudonyms is so totally inaccurate to be laughable.
On a previous post "OVOT" referenced his tenure on the P & Z Commission, (until the Mayor had him removed.)
It is writings like this (and letters to The Explorer with his true name)that was a reason why "OVOT" was rejected in his bid for OV Council in the last election.
It's interesting to hear that "current council members have no control over which stores...", BUT, they didn't have to giveaway 23.2 million dollars in sales tax and then start a utility tax and now a wastewater tax on the residents to compensate!
Speaking of Bill Garner, did you know that he has two Masters Degrees and years of experience in city government???
Salette is also a brilliant, educated candidate, with a rich background, and a dedication to what we need.
We need FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY! Those of us who have been lied to, had our homes devalued, our environment compromised, and our health threatened by developer projects are growing tired of being ignored by the incumbents.
The name calling by Terry Parish supposedly took place at the Ov Republican Women's Club Lunch/forum.
Being honest is a good thing, but it does not necessarily mean that an honest person is correct or right in their opinions.
Also where is Terry Prish being chastised for being honest?,I read the statement that him honest is his saving grace, as the rest of the package is leaving a lot to be desired, meaning his voting record his lack of people skills, etc.(my opinion).
I heard that Salette Latas & Bill Garner did very well at both candidate forums.
Also because Bill Garner advocates more study being done on the park and funding issue, does not necessarily equate to spending more $$ for studies.
Sure we have staff on the OV payroll who can participate or we can have a volunteer board or committee . Why Not?
Whew. Talk about confusing, you say it is illegal for candidate to take money from a business. So then why does Terry Parish say he gladly take money from developers.?
A developer is a business, yes?
So if taking money from a developer is prohibited then why is Mr. Parish doing somethig that is prohibited? Troubling at least to me. Maybe that is part of the problem, he can't tell the difference.
Although we can't directly place the blame on the Vestar/EDA Marketplace deal on the council at hand we can directly hold those currently on council to being accountable
making sure that Vestar is held to their promise of bringing in a "unique" shopping center before any money is granted to Vestar.
You think the incumbents will do a better job than Latas/Garner? Parish endorsed OVM every chance he got. He led voters to believe that if the referendum was passed giving Vestar $23.2 million dollars of our tax money, that we would reap so many benefits from sales tax dollars from this mall that we would avoid any future taxes, we would put off a property tax for years, and the sales tax dollars would fund the Naranja Park.
What's happened since? Let's see...the referendum passed, Vestar gets their $23.2 million for an "upscale" mall, Vestar then gives us Wal-Mart, we get a 2% utility tax, a separate storm water fee, and they're already pushing for a property tax and the mall hasn't even been built yet! All of the promises that Parish made have proven false.
As for Dankwerth, she refused to do ANYTHING to stand up to Vestar. Gillaspie and Abbott at least TRIED to get Vestar to come back and give an updated presentation to the citizens with a question and answer session afterwards. Vestar refused of course because, hey, they got their $23 million from the suckers of Oro Valley so now they've disappeared and refuse to talk to anyone.
Dankwerth repeatedly states that she is "beholden to no one." And that includes the people whom she is supposed to represent!
As for your statement that developers give money to candidates because "they have a stake in he future of OV" and that "amount limits make it impossible for any one contributor to sway an elected official." Well then...just what is in it for a developer to give money to a candidate?
You also stated that the limits make it impossible for "one contributor" to sway an official. Hmmm...does that mean that COMBINED amounts make it possible for a GROUP of developers to sway a candidate? That seems to be what you were implying.
Is Terry Parish worthy of my vote?
The following is my answer simply stated:
Ms. Coyote is correct in that I was not chastising Parish for his honesty. It's the one thing I like about him...he is straightforward, unlike Dankwerth who is a phony. (And I'm embarrassed to say that I previously voted for this phony, but that won't happen again.)
I disagree with Parish probably 95% of the time (yes, I've actually agreed with him on a couple of issues). I won't vote for him because he sees everything in black and white terms and has his mind made up about an issue before he has heard the other side. And when the other side speaks, he rolls his eyes and dismisses them. He never actually listens to what they have to say. He never considers that they just might have a point or two that's valid. I prefer a more open-minded person.
Thinker, just how does Dankwerth's background as a psychologist make her more "qualified" for town council than Latas or Garner?
Also, Thinker, you said that the local gov't. cannot choose the stores for OVM. And you asked, "How many times does that need to be explained?"
So I have 2 questions: Is it also against the law for the town to NEGOTIATE the stores with Vestar? Is it against the law for the town to say, "The citizens are very angry and feel that you pulled a bait and switch. Do you think you could sit down with us and discuss some alternatives that would make everyone happy?"
You asked, "How many times does that need to be explained?" Apparently, as many times as it needs to be explained to YOU that EDA's are unconstitutional and this deal never should have gone through to begin with and it should how be made NULL AND VOID!
Why do you keep overlooking the fact that the deal was illegal?
One nice thing about posting on this site is that I can usually count on it stiring up the proverbial pot. And I will be proud of that.
PLEASE allow me to correct some of your comments and clarify others....and apologize for making an erroneous statement. I am always forthright and when I error I admit it. We'll see if others follow.
First the correction. I misread the original post to mean the Sun City candidate forum. I attended that forum and not the Oro Valley Republican Women's luncheon. But I did contact Mr. Parish today and he clarified the issue. He did not refer to Ms. Latas as a "pornographer" nor did he make any comment to the effect that she "supported pornography" as Artmarth indicated. Mr. Parish simply pointed out that Ms. Latas opposed the filters at the library and he supported the filters.
Zev, I hate to burst your detective bubble but I am not Terry Parish. I do support his re-election. For you to say the he lacks piety, simply demonstrates your lack of accurate information about him. Most folks who post here know who I am and if you ask Cowgirl or Ms Coyote, I am sure they will tell you. And my comments were made in reference to Cowgirl's response to the original post.
Artmarth....your statement that the Mayor had me removed from the P&Z Commission is patently false and you know it. However it is just one more example of your inability or refusal to present fact. It would be appropriate for you to correct that error as I did mine.
Ferlin...Any devaluation of your home is a result of the current housing slump and not something this Council did. And I doubt that you can present any credible evidence that your health has been threatened. The actions of the current Town Council may cause your blood pressure to rise, as it does mine from time to time, but I have learned how to manage that.
Ms. Coyote....
People who are in the development business can support candidates with a PERSONAL contribution and not one from their business. And Terry was chastised for being honest about taking money from developers. I thought the answer to the same question from Ms. Latas was very interesting. She stated that she would "not accept money from any OUT-OF-TOWN developers". I guess the local variety of developers are OK in her book.
Got to go get dinner ready. Hope everyone has a good evening. And Artmarth, I'll be looking for your correction.
Obviously you did not understand my 'play' on equating you with TP. So, once again your conclusion about me 'playing detective' is your own illusion. And, look up the word 'piety' in the dictionary; my OPINION, based on it's definition, stands!
Wake up, have a cup of hot chocolate, smell a rose, and get real!!!
In response to "OVOT," I could not find documentation that stated "he" was removed from his P & Z position by the mayor. The best I can offer is this exerpt from the Nov 17, 2004 Explorer.
My apologies. It would have been accurate to have used the word "scolded" by the mayor. Perhaps "OVOT" can tell us how his tenure on P & Z ended.
Exerpt From The Explorer
OV P&Z scolded: Commission reminded by the council who's boss
By: Christina Vanoverbeke
November 17, 2004
Nov. 10, 2004 - The relationship between the Oro Valley Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission was the topic of conversation at a late scheduled study session held Nov. 2. After an overview of the "powers and duties" of the commission, presented by acting Town Attorney Tobin Sidles, Mayor Paul Loomis told the commissioners the two groups had come together for what he said is concern over the activities, or "perceived activities" of the commission of late. "All of you are public officials, representatives of the town," he told the commissioners. In particular, Loomis cited recent letters from commissioners, some in the form of letters to the editors of local publications, and concern that the commission was not keeping in mind the wishes of the council in making its recommendations to them. "You were appointed to do a job, to help us review rezoning issues, general plan amendments," he said. "We should not have to redo what you've done."
I was at the Republican Women forum and I was total surprised at Mr. Parish's allegation that Mrs. Latas was less then moral on the issues of pornography. I can’t remember his exact words; however calling Mrs. Latas a pornographer is not that far off. He may even have said that.
I came away with a much better since that the best interest of Oro Valley is in Mrs. Latas vision and not Terry Parrish. On the topic of Mr. Parish’s mudslinging, Mrs. Latas fully explained her opposition to the filters from an expert point of view. She is a computer software professional and understands that the filters don’t always filter pornography and will also block very important information on things like breast cancer. I was sold after her story about her mother and how she would not have been able to get the necessary information on breast cancer in our library due to the filters.
It appears to me that the OV Town Council was also sold on Mrs. Latas logic because when Mr. Parish motioned to filter library computers it did not pass after Mrs. Latas explained her logic to the Council. It failed for lack of a second to the motion.
OV Objective Thinker, your friend is less then truthful to you. I hope he can explain why he wishes to mislead you with his explaination of what he said at the forum. All the more reason why he should no longer be a Council member.
It appears that OVOT just doesn't have much correct in his allegations!
It doesn't take my Master's Degree to tell me that there is a housing slump, but when zoning is changed without publication, lies are told to residents, and collusion abounds with TOV and Developers, I can say, without equivocation, that it damages home values. This has nothing to do with the current real estate market.
Take a look around at what has happened in the past two years alone: Catalina Shadows will have lights all night destroying their Arizona Dark Sky (there's a law about that one); folks behind the hardware store and Splendido have views blocked and damaged; and just do some research on the pollution caused by a crematorium. Incidentally "crematorium" appears nowhere in the TOV zoning code. Just say "Thanks a bunch, Council!"
I'm not sure if this will be the last comment on "Parish not being worthy of your vote," but let's not lose sight of this being the REAL issue. Objective Thinker is not running for anything, having been turned away by the voters in the 2004 & 2006 OV Council Elections.
The old saying; "Birds of a feather flock together" certainly is applicable concerning these two!
Hello Art.
Is there any way to come up with a chart or summary of how the council members voted on key issues in the last few years?
I doubt the paper will print something, that factual and helpful.
How Mr. Parish conducts himself is of course interesting to say the least, but lets not forget about how he votes along with the majority of council on issues that impact us and the town.
His behavior is poor and even though I think he is a border line bully, his voting record is even more troublesome to me.
Since you asked, my tenure on the P&Z ended because my two terms were over and the Town has a rule that you cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. It's just that simple.
As for the "scolding" as you call it, the Mayor was upset with Ken Kinard because of a rather terse letter he had sent to The Explorer and to a far lesser extent me because I was outspoken that the Council, without explanation had taken a position that was directly opposite to some recommendations made by the P&Z on 7-0 votes. His position was that the P&Z should reflect the thinking of the Council. When I pressed him on that comment he backed off and was later criticized for that position by the Explorer in an editorial.
I explained at the time and I still believe this, the P&Z should make all of it's decisions void of any influence or pressure from the Town Council.
Thanks for correcting the misstatement.
I agree with you about the P&Z vs. the Town Council. The mayor was wrong to state that the P&Z's thinking should reflect the thinking of the council's. If that were the case, then the P&Z Commission would not be necessary. See? I can agree with you on things. That's because I'm OBJECTIVE!
Reminder didn't answer my questions from my last blog. Reread the one that begins with..."You think the incumbents will do a better job than Latas/Garner?"
As for Salette stating that she would not take money from out-of-town developers, I assume her reasoning is that an out-of-town developer does not LIVE in Oro Valley/Tucson and will therefore not care if their development ruins our way of life. Developers who actually live here have much more of a stake in the town and are more likely to balance growth and environmental issues with their need to make a profit.
Vestar KNEW that the citizens of OV did not want a Wal-Mart, but they didn't care. They don't care about the increased traffic and pollution and crime that it will create because they don't live here and they won't have to deal with it. I guarantee that David Malin does not shop at Wal-Mart!
Salette is showing her loyalty to OV when she refuses to accept money from ANY out-of-town developer. But you see this as a bad thing.
Well, well, well OV OT, we finally agree on something - the P&Z Commission should be totally independant of Council influence. However, as this is another topic for revelation, it should be addressed as such. In support of your assessment I have observed and heard HARD evidence that back door 'negotiations' do take place and are conducted in a manner that is inclusive of only certain parties (a 60' hotel anyone?). There is much, much more but, as stated, this is not prevailing topic here.
We are very very fortunate to have Latas and Garner as candidates for town council. Very many folks are impressed at their qualifications, intelligence, and their downright good and honest nature.
Most important of all once they are elected it could signal the end of this blog.
Just kidding as "Let OV Excel" whether one likes it or not has become an invaluable service for a community that really needs it.
To think a blog a freakin blog is going to have big impact on the upcoming elections in a town the size of OV is pretty funny and sad at the same time.
My decisions as are many others in a town as small as OV are based on several factors and I seriously doubt a blog is one of those factors.
Just a couple parting comments on this topic as the list is getting long...........
I don't view Ms. Latas' position as bad, I view it as a contradiction. In-town or out-of-town developers have to follow the same rules so it doesn't make much sense to me to make a distinction.
And to all...... I want to call your attention to the recap of the Republican Woman's luncheon as reported in the Star Northwest today and the Explorer yesterday. In both publications there was no mention of the allegations made in this blog. I can not believe that if Mr. Parish refered to Ms. Latas as a "pornographer" or stated that she "supported pornography" it would not have been reported by one or both. So I must conclude, as I stated before, some folks hear what they want to hear and it is fact that the blogmaster will post and say almost anything that supports his point of view regardless of the accuarcy.
Let's deal with fact here and stop slinging accusations which have no basis or foundation.
Speaking of fact, the Town survey was rather positive. It will be interesting to see how the blogmaster deals with good news.
Mr Thinker, the Star and the Explorer should have mentioned this insult and chose not to.
Mrs. Latas was insulted, as was I when Mr Parish verbally attacked her integrity with a lie. It is he that lacks moral standards, not Mrs. Latas.
Mr. Parish no longer will have my vote and he should be removed from the Oro Valley Council. I must say that this type of insinuating behavior should not be tolerated by a Pima County Sheriff either.
The reason they chose not to is because IT DID NOT HAPPEN. They (print media)are far to into publishing an insult or printing trash to pass on something like that IF IT HAPPENED!!!
Well it seems that more people are saying it happened.
I have talked to several people who were at that lunch and they definetly said that Terry Parish did make reference to Ms Latas promoting pornography at the library, while he was trying to keep pornography out.
So Thinker you can believe one person, Terry Parish or you can believe what a lot of other people are reporting.
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