Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Goofy," Popeye," "Daffy," "Looney Tunes" and "Fantasy Financial World"

Our Oro Valley neighbor, Dick Leonard came up with some novel nicknames for the supporters of the Naranja Park, plus the park itself. No----Dick didn't forget to put Kunisch in with this group, but he had trouble finding a suitable nickname!


Makes sense for "birds of a feather to stick together", and
these are strange birds for sure!! Anyone not in their flock are
ignored! Fly with us or you're out!!.........Speaking of these birds, and the
subject of the Town Site Boondoggle, it is obvious to me why they want to
push this issue.......These clowns want to create a stage for their own
version of Disneyworld, right here in little ole Oro Valley. Featuring, of
course, "Goofy" Gillespie, "Popeye" Parish, and our favorite, "Daffy"
Dankwerth, and, leading the parade, is our own "Loony Tunes" Loomis!!
Since the current Council is already the laughing stock around these parts,
what better stage for these crazy characters to show their talents!! While
they are at it, why not have a contest to pick the best name for this
boondoggle. I would start with "Fantasy Financial World", or maybe
"Wally-World" in honor of our "upscale shopping center" slick-of-hand
artists, who so generously contributed a fraction of our own money, which
may even pay for a few bathroom fixtures. Let's hope they put their logo
on each one, so we can show our appreciation on each visit!!
Dick Leonard


mscoyote said...

Al in Wonderland.

Terry Parish said...

I'm glad I love spinach. It's me Popeye Parish. Who get's to be Brutus? Coulda been worse Elmer Fudd comes to mind, "wasculy wabbitt" Can Dick be Bugs Bunny? Please Please cmon Be Bugs.

Does anyone remember where Roger Rabbit lived was it Toon Land? Either way works for me, at least most toons are happy and their fantasies endure. Hey don't forget "It's a Small World After All"

mscoyote said...

Mr. Leonard, that would require so many flushes !!!!(pun intended)

Anonymous said...

Oh Parish...Parish....Parish...

Have you been hitting the sauce (your good friend Don's cooking sauce)? Your babbling is slightly incoherent.

Actually, I was thinking a better analogy for you would be....
THE COWARDLY LION, from the Wizard of Oz!

We are still all awaiting an apology to Mrs. Latas.....


Terry Parish said...

Hi everyone, at least Dick is putting a humorous spin on his ideas. I love it! It makes so much more sense than the mean spiritedness that our national political landscape is taking. Through humor maybe we can agree to disagree agreeably.

A recent conversation I had with Art has led me to believe that sometimes I (we) take ourselves too seriously. For that I apologize and hope that I will do a better job of taking the time to at least understand the positions of those that disagree with me.

artmarth said...

Geez Terry---- Paraphrasing Neil Armstrong---"That's one small step for Terry; one giant step for mankind."
Who knows--- one day you may even come to realize that giving Vestar $23.2 million of OUR future tax dollars wasn't that smart after all?!

Nah! That would be asking too much.

In any case--- I'm glad you're "out of the closest" as far as only being a reader---and now you're a "full fledged blogger."

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Ooh! Ooh! I know where Roger Rabbit lives! He lives with Paula Abbott. I remember reading that her husband's name was Roger. So his name is Roger Abbott. Hee,hee.

Zev Cywan said...

Terry, are you finally getting the 'BUGS' out?

Victorian Cowgirl said...


May I ask you a question that Objective Thinker and I were discussing on an older post?

He said your focus is on crime prevention of which I'm sure we are all aware. But how then do you reconcile the idea of promoting a run-of-the-mill mall and a Wal-Mart (both known for attracting crime) while at the same time claiming to be concerned with crime prevention? One contradicts the other.

OVOT defended this contradiction by stating that you believe the economic benefits of this mall will outweigh the negatives. But rather than have him answer for you, I would like to hear your answer directly.

And if that's your answer, that "REVENUE TRUMPS CRIME" then I must ask:

(1) How then can you continue to claim that crime-prevention is your primary focus?

(2) Couldn't that revenue have been produced in a way that would NOT attract crime so we (and you) would have a win/win situation?

OVOT also defended you by saying, "Crime is attracted to ANY place where large groups of people gather and money changes hands."

With that in mind, working for the Pima County Sheriff's office, I'm sure you can get these statistics for us:

(1) How many police calls are there per week at the Foothills Mall (a run-of-the-mill mall) AND at the Wal-Mart on those same premises?

(2) How many police calls are there per week at LaEncantada Mall?

And of course I'm referring to police calls in response to "crimes" such as car-theft, shoplifting, assaults, etc., not calls that were in response to an ambulance being called because someone fainted or calls made because a store alarm accidentally went off.

I did get a kick out of your "wasculy wabbit" comment! Me thinks we should apply that one to Vestar! Couldn't resist.

Terry Parish said...

Victorian Cowgirl

You get the best question award for the last 4 years. I will answer it but the answer in order to be complete will be lengthy. Tonight is a forum so I will write it later and the E-mail it to Art so he can post it appropriately.

Anonymous said...


While I appreciate your question and the point you are getting at...

(La Encantada would have been more along the lines of the "upscale" shopping center we had all envisioned, as compared to say....Terry Parish's vision of Wally World)

..But La Encantada is NOT A FAIR comparisons for crime statistics against a shopping center with the anchor store being Wal-Mart.

La Encantada contains 4 or 5 drinking establishments. It also has a high rate of crimes against people due to the bars and the amount of money associated with wealthier clientel.

The crime statistics are going to be higher than an upscale shopping center, like the Wild Oats Center or even the Trader Joe's (I know these are much smaller) We do need to compare apples to apples to make the point.

Furthermore, it is a PROVEN FACT that Wal-Mart moving into town does cause an increase in the crime rate in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY!

Anonymous said...

Here are some crime statistics on crime and WalMart.

EVEN NEW YORK CITY WON'T SAY "YES" TO WAL-MART... I wonder if they would give them 23.2 MILLION...NOT!

AND LOOK AT THE COST TO TAX PAYERS.....$77 MILLION... and you thought 23.2 was a lot!

see further info

Wal-Mart crime magnet, foes say
By Frank Lombardi - The New York Daily News
May 9, 2006

Foes of Wal-Mart turned up the heat yesterday in their campaign to keep the giant retailer out of the city by charging that its stores are "a magnet for crime." They cited a nationwide study analyzing police crime reports during 2004 involving 551 randomly selected Wal-Mart stores in 434 cities in 30 states.
The surveyed stores generated 148,331 calls for police service, or an average of 269 police incidents per store. And 2,909 of those calls were for violent or serious crimes, the report said.

"Once again, we have evidence that Wal-Mart is not a good citizen in the communities where it exists," said Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum at a City Hall press conference with Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens) and Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. "This is why we have to keep them out of New York City."

Appelbaum said the survey demonstrates that Wal-Mart stints on security measures and parking lot patrols.

"Wal-Mart must invest in adequate security and public safety measures, and stop being a magnet for crime in our communities," he said.

Based on the survey, the report estimates that Wal-Mart's national chain of more than 3,857 stores generated 1 million police responses in 2004, at a cost of $77 million to taxpayers.

The survey conducted by is the latest salvo fired in a propaganda war between the retail chain and an alliance of unions, community organizations, business associations, elected officials and other groups.

Responding to the press conference, Wal-Mart representative Mia Masten said, "Another week, another protest - organized by a union that is struggling to survive and supported by elected officials who claim they care about the city's working class."

Weiner stressed that Wal-Mart is determined to make inroads in urban areas, including New York City.

Last year, a developer dropped Wal-Mart from a planned shopping mall in Rego Park, Queens, because of strong opposition from City Council officials. And Wal-Mart's pursuit of two possible sites on Staten Island appears to be in limbo.

"No sales or leases have occurred," according to City Councilman Michael McMahon (D-S.I.), who was not involved in the City Hall press conference.

Anonymous said...

Not to requote the article or anything... but if you read down to the bottom...Queens City Council said NO NO NO NO

I wonder if City Councilman Michael McMahon would like to run for a seat in Oro Valley!

Anonymous said...

And one more good site for Arizona, this is in a graph, but it is clear ..... the data is only shown to 2004.. but the estimated cost of police calls is staggering!

Anonymous said...

oh well... enough said... I guess it is too late to save Oro Valley from the Anti-christ.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

OV Websleuth:

Actually I think that comparing LaEncantada's crime stats with that of the Foothills Mall and a Wal-Mart is a good comparison even though LaEncantada has "4-5 drinking establishments." The Foothills mall has Thunder Canyon Brewery.

My hypothesis is that the clientele that frequents LaEncantada and it's restaurants/bars is a better clientele than what frequents the Foothills Mall and it's restaurants/bars and of course it's Wal-Mart. So I suspect that there will be less police calls at LaEncantada as a result.

But I could be wrong and that's why I'm interested in seeing the comparison. I'm also interested in learning if there is a difference in the TYPES of crimes that are committed at these two malls.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Getting back to the cartoon characters...Loomis could be Yosemite Sam because they look alike with their large mustaches. Kunisch could be Foghorn Leghorn. And since Parish is in law enforcement he could also be Dudley Do-Right. Remember him?

Anonymous said...


I absolutely appreciate what you are trying to say and understand the point to your comparison.

Have you ever been to North at LaEncantada on a Saturday night?

North draws a crowd from all over Tucson, where the Thunder Canyon Brewery is more of a "local haunt".

I am just not sure that this comparison would give you the answers you are looking for, but maybe.

A more important question:

Who is going to staff the new Wal-Mart (low wages, terrible treatment of employees, non-existent health insurance), and are these new employees going to want to make the commute to OV everyday? Or will they present a housing need for developers (maybe with the help of Town Council) to build new appartment buildings?

mscoyote said...

Fine to yuk it up a bit.
But will any of us be laughing if this council continues to "flush" our hard earned money down the drain?

Government does not exist to entertain us, well sometimes it does but not purposely.

If I want to be entertained I spend MY MONEY and don't expect the taxpayers to foot the bill.
If I wanted to live near a theme park I would have moved to Disney World.

If our town had not been spending money like drunk sailors then it would have had the money to build a basic park with ball fields, etc.
I am still looking to find a money tree and discover where to buy that cash cow that this council assumes we all have.

Anonymous said...

We are living in times of economic uncertanty, we are on the cusp of a recession (whether gov't will admit or not).

It is time to scale back our frivilous spending not only in our local gov't but as a whole.

We need to invest our resources into our future and save for the "rainy day". (And no, this is not buying umbrellas and duckies made in China and sold at the local Wal-Mart!)

We do NOT know the effects a total recession would have on Oro Valley, and I personally, don't want to experience any more negative consequences of poor financial planning by our town council.

We need to elect some new 'blood'.

Fear the Turtle said...

Has anyone noticed all of the storefronts that sit empty in the new shopping centers. I'm sure the leasing agents will cut a deal to fill these spaces but can't find any takers.
OV will soon have to change its name to Potemkin, Az.