Thursday, December 20, 2007

Read What Gillaspie, Dankwerth & Parish Said About Sanofi-Aventis $360K Construction Tax "Discount"

On Dec 19 the Oro Valley Council, as their agenda notes, had "A Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Sanofi-Aventis' Request For An Economic Development Agreement."

For whatever reason, the "Streaming Audio" of this meeting is not available according to the OV web site, "due to technical difficulties."

That's too bad. As such, I'll try and give an accurate take on what was important. Sanofi-Aventis is a great pharmaceutical company with revenues of almost $39 BILLION DOLLARS in their last fiscal year and has been in Oro Valley for 17 years. They have already broken ground for a new 110,000 sq. ft plant on 11.5 acres in Innovation Park.

As one of the speakers against this "giveaway," I quoted what three council members, who incidentally are running for re-election, had to say during the discussion.

Barry Gillespie noted: " I think it would be a nice gesture to give them a minimum of $360K."

Helen Dankwerth said: "I would be very comfortable assisting with the minuscule amount of $360,000"

Terry Parish agreed, saying: "It would be a snub to TREO and the rest of the state if we didn't give this $360,000."

Note: "TREO" Stands for Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities Inc, that Oro Valley supports to the tune of $50,000 per year. (We're not sure what we get in return.)

Why in the world, these people think we need to make a "nice gesture" or why $360,000 is a "minuscule" amount of money, or why we would be "snubbing" the state of Arizona is more that I can comprehend.

What do you think?

Oh. By the way, hopefully the transcript of the meeting will be available, in that the quotes I attributed to the 3 council members may not be 100% verbatim.


mscoyote said...

So then hopefully this motion to "give" away 300,00+ was not passed.
Again I really think this group is collectively insane.
These council members have a different understanding or definition of a nice gesture then I do.
Really OV town council on the whole is becoming scary , really scary!!
Like the stepford people!!

Zev Cywan said...

A little bit here and a little bit there, just a little bit 'o gratuity for everything and everywhere -oops, we're broke!
Do these 'supporters' think that somehow they are going to enhance their stature by 'hanging out with the right people'? Believe me, to a company like SA, Gillaspie, Parrish, and Dankewerth are below NOBODIES - they're simply tools.

Prior to retirement, I was involved in product importation from France, Germany, Italy, etc. and as such dealt with some very large European companies; many of their attitudes towards the US were
very bully like - with an attitude; smile and laugh with you while they pick your pocket.

Ferlin said...

Terry Parrish made the remark that the "contingency fund has nearly doubled since he's been involved and it's near 12 million--we have NO financial crisis in Oro Valley". Okay, why all the new taxes? Why all the new fees? Why does Paula Abbott (bless her!) worry about our roadways deteriorating while these idiots want to give away the money intended for road maintenance?

Not having the audio stream available is akin to not posting signs on land being developed into something NOT in the zoning code. We've seen that before!

We really need Bill Garner and Salette Latas on the dais and not Terry Parrish who stares at the ceiling when someone opposes his "brilliance" and Helen Dankwerth who doesn't want to hear any complaints! Helen said she wanted to hear solutions to problems, not complaints--here's one--stop "giving away the farm"; stop spending money we don't have and get some fiscal responsibility IF you are really representing your townspeople!

Rick Smith said...

What I like about Helen was her scolding the people to come up with solutions instead of just pointing out problems.

From what I understand, the $360k give-away is the problem. Helen, if there is a problem with letting SA build their facility without a "gesture" of thanks, then let me suggest a solution: give them a fruit basket!

Zev Cywan said...

3 brains that are collectively in a state of oddity - WHAT ARE THEY SMOKING?

Mr Affable said...

This council should be called the "Giveaway Council". They follow in the tradition of the previous council that gave away over $54 million of our tax revenue dollars. Not only does the council give away our tax revenues but they continue to errode our building codes and other foundation items that the town of Oro Valley is based on.

Lets give this council away in the upcomming election. It's time to get some conucil members that can think in terms of what is best for Oro Valley citizens.