Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hey Parish: $17,800 Another Worthless Expenditure!

An article in the Ocober 23 Explorer notes that Oro Valley will spend $17,800 to determine ''How they're doing." Why would Oro Valley pay $17,800 to determine how they are doing? Our readers constantly tell them---"You're Doing Terrible!" Hopefully, Parish and the other incumbents will find out in the next election that the "small segment of the population "ain't" that small!

Click here to read the article.


mscoyote said...

Cry me a river. If we don't have enough money to run the town, why are we spending money foolishly?
They just keep making the same irresponsible decisions.
So we want to give them more money via a property tax to spend on more xxx.
I don't think sooooooooooooooooo.

Oro Valley Mom said...

The incumbents who are up for re-election want to spend our tax money polling for their campaigns. Let's face it: most people have no idea what's going on at town hall. If those people are surveyed, they will say that the town is doing a good job, and the incumbents will campaign on that. If some of us get surveyed and say that the town needs improvement, Parish will dismis us as CAVE people.

mscoyote said...

Agree OV Mom. Wonder if we will get the phone call? I doubt it.
If the council was sincerely interested all they have to do is ask their neighbors, talk to people.
Oh I forgot, most of them don't hear us until it is election time.
Not buying their b.s this time.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

If they want to know how they're doing, all they have to do is read the e-mails we send them, read the articles and blogs on the LOVE site, read the letters to the editor in the Explorer, etc. And all of those things are free!

My experience with telephone surveys is that they are useless. The questions are always worded in such a way that you cannot say what you really think. They are designed to generate positive results.

In addition, the majority of people who will receive the phone call are people who do not care and who do not get involved in town politics. So their opinions will be useless.

Case in point: with all the articles and letters that appeared in the Explorer regarding Oro Valley Marketplace and Wal-Mart, when OV1st members delivered informational flyers door-to-door during the spring and summer of this year, there were many people we spoke with who had no idea that a mall was being built at Oracle and Tangerine and had no idea that a Wal-Mart was slated for the anchor! And they had never heard of Vestar!

I'm sure these same people also know nothing about Splendido or the crematorium, or the new hotel, or the impending property tax, or how the EDA's haven't produced the millions of dollars they promised.

So my prediction is that the survey results will be based mostly on answers from people who live under a rock. Hardly scientific!