Saturday, May 26, 2007

Phil Richardson Questions Oro Valley Tactics

Our good friend Phil Richardson, whose Oro Valley Watchdog blog preceeded "LOVE," has sent us a short essay, "Advertising Prize Nomination For Presumption." We believe you'll enjoy Phil's writing. Why not let us know what you think?
Advertising Prize Nomination For Presumption

I do not know who came up with it, but I wish to nominate for a special award for creativity, paternalism and presumption, the person or persons who devised the brilliant idea of inviting the citizens of Oro Valley to choose the size of the property tax with which they wish to burden themselves.

If I read the periodicals properly, we are to be invited to participate in a series of instructional meetings that will help guide us in developing an ultimate decision concerning that in which we intend to be engaged while playing and picknicking in the various elements to be installed in Naranja Town Park.

The amount of money we decide to borrow and spend on these amenities will direct the size of the the Bond Issue that we will retire by levying a property tax on ourselves.

Oops! Pardon my hearing aid! Did you say PROPERTY TAX?

I don’t need no stinking property tax!

I’ve been involved in advertising in Pima County since 1960 and this is the slickest bit of smoke and mirrors I’ve encountered.

Do you really want to start something that will never have an ending? Is this the legacy our Town’s Leaders wish to leave for our children and their children’s children? Whether it’s $42-million or $164-million to be spent on this monumental project, there will be reason to keep a Town Property Tax in perpetuity. Anyone want to bet that when and if the bonds referenced herein are retired that the property tax will disappear?

Instead of holding out a lollypop, why can there not first be a plebiscite on the Questions: Shall Oro Valley impose a property tax or will it impose a spending cap?

Phil Richardson


OV Objective Thinker said...

Dear Mr. Richardson.

I guess no body thinks your submission is worth comment. I can't blame them.

I did take the opportunity to look at how much your 2006 property tax bill was. For someone that pays only $1992 that doesn't buy much room to gripe!!!

mscoyote said...

Objective Thinker!
Two heavy thumps on the head to you!
What a mean spirited comment to
Mr. Richardson.
We all have the right to gripe regardless of what our property tax is.
Personally at our house we think our property taxes are fair and we have no complaints. But we are not happy with the town of Oro Valley and the majority of council's plans to reach further into our pockets. Taxing for a necessity is one thing. Oro Valley town management and town council, well the majority need to distinguish between wants and needs. You know like most of us do.
I think you owe an apology to Phil Richardson.

artmarth said...

artmarth said...
As the person responsible for this blog, I hesitated commenting on Don Cox;aka OV Objective Thinker previous comments, although there was much one couild say on most of his positions.
Cox has seen fit to get personal with our good friend Phil Richardson, who doesn't need me to defend him. If Cox were half the man Phil is, he still wouldn't be half as good!

If Cox sees fit to continue to post comments denigrating another comment maker, his future comments will be deleted without hesitation.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

To OV Objective Thinker:

By the way, Ms. Coyote and I have known from the beginning that you were Don Cox.

You commented once that the difference between you and us is that you offer ideas and alternatives and all we do is complain but we don't offer a plan.

No, sir...the difference between you and us is that we are civil in our discussions and you resort to name-calling and denigration.

Your current comment is interesting because on one hand, if we speak up, we are told that we do so because we have too much time on our hands...yet, if we don't comment on a particular issue or letter, then we're told that it must be because the submission wasn't worth it.

For the record, I haven't commented on ANYTHING recently because I've been busy writing letters to our town officials about the Vestar bait-and-switch.

Now you say that a person who pays ONLY a $2000 property tax bill isn't paying enough to have a voice. That comment speaks volumes about your character. You have just stated publicly that only the wealthy should have a voice in our society.

I am going to save your e-mail and you are going to see it magically reappear the next time you attempt to run for office!

conservative said...

Shame on you Art!!! Going to silence a critic! What if the Council did that to you???? You see no one likes criticism. Maybe you need to learn to turn the other cheek. hold on to your teeth that can hurt!!But it'l make a man out of you even at your age.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Farley Vaughn,

Your comments are rude, uncivilized, and childish. And that's what I always notice about people on "your side" of the issues. They bully their way through life with name-calling and personal attacks. When you develop some intellect, verbal skills, and social skills, the rest of us will be happy to take you seriously. Notice the writing style of the rest of us compared with yours and you will see what I mean.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art....Any time you want to block my opinion feel free to do so. You have never been known to look upon opposing opinion with favor under any circumstance. So to do so wouldn't surprise me and would be totally in character for you. .

If the printing of public record (Mr. Richardson's property taxes) is mean spirited then get on Pima County. They are the ones who publish the info.

My point is that very little of any person's property taxes ever get back to Oro Valley and yet "high taxes"is used as a foundation for their gripe-du-jour. In fact I'll bet that if you look at the overall budget of OV, a goodly portion of the revenue that pays our expenses comes from non-residents through the collection of sales taxes.

There are those who live in this Town, enjoy it's ambiance, consume the services and do nothing but complain. In my opinion,Mr. Richardson and Mr. Segal are two such people. When is the last time you heard anything positive relating to Oro Valley come from either one? Call it a personality flaw of mine, but I really don't have a lot of patience for those who continuously bad-mouth their community. If it is that bad then there is a remedy.

I have never said to anyone commenting on this blog that you do so because you have too much time on your hands. Ms. Cowgirl's comments must be directed at others. I also did not say that only the wealthy should be allowed a voice. Those are her words. If wealth was a measure, I would only be allowed a peep.I don't pay much more in property taxes than does Mr. Richardson.

But I do support my community through service organizations, community service and offering suggestions that will improve in a positive manner. And when the community leaders do something that deserves positive recognition, I try to provide that. When they do something that I believe is detrimental to the community I am not shy about that either. There is a balance.