Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mayor discussed proposed Operations Center in Rancho Vistoso

As the Town of Oro Valley has continued to grow-both in size and
population-we're working hard to house all of the essential functions and
resources necessary to serve the community. The attractive Town Hall campus
was dedicated in 1991, but the intervening 16 years have seen the Town's
population grow from 6,000 to over 44,000. Likewise, so has the supply of
personnel and equipment grown to serve the community.

Long-time residents may recall when the entire Town operated out of
a small pink house on Calle Concordia. For the record, the house is still
there, but this property was never meant to be a permanent home for our
Recreation and Parks, Transit, Public Works and Water Utility personnel who
now work out of seriously cramped quarters.

Two years ago, the Town was able to purchase 23 acres in the Vistoso
Commerce Park, south of Rancho Vistoso Blvd. and east of Ventana Medical
Systems. The purpose of the purchase was to develop the industrial land as
an Operations Center that could better serve the growing community.

Now, the time has come when we must start moving some Town staff to
the site. No final decisions have been reached by the Town Council, but
overcrowding and lack of storage space have become critical issues that must
be addressed.

In looking toward the development of the site, the Town is committed
to following its own development process and guidelines-the same strict
process and guidelines that have produced such appealing facilities as the
Town's beautiful library. We recognize that Oro Valley and the Rancho
Vistoso area are examples of careful planning and sensitive development, and
any structures that end up on the Town-owned site will be built to blend in
with this community.

Naturally, developing any kind of facility will cause some temporary
disruption on the site. But we're committed to doing the job and creating
the needed space as quickly as possible.

All of Oro Valley benefits when we have facilities and resources
such as patrol cars, landscaping equipment and other tools located at an
industrial site that has close proximity to the center of the Town's
population. We will be good and careful neighbors, and we intend to provide
significant opportunities for local residents to comment on the proposed
development. You should expect no less of your community leaders, and we
are committed to creating a Town Operations Center of which we can all be

Paul H. Loomis


Dawnelle Krouse said...

If Mr. Loomis and the TOV are committed to making this a beautiful facility that will blend in with the surrounding community, THEY WILL HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO PUT TOWN VEHICLES (such as streetsweepers and utility trucks) AND POLICE IMPOUND VEHICLES UNDERROOF--NOT LEFT OUT IN THE OPEN! We do not object to tastefully designed buildings to house our town government, but WE DO OBJECT TO THE BEAUTY OF THE ORACLE SCENIC CORRIDOR BEING USED TO ACCOMMODATE AN OPEN-AIR VEHICLE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY.

bob k. said...

The proposed facility will have the town vehicles well away from the street side of the parcel. The entire first phase of temporary buildings will be built behind a 6' wall and landscaped, earthen berm. There will be no heavy equipment stored on the site. The vehicles (pickup trucks, Coyote Run vans) will be kept in a locked yard that will have decorative fencing around it (not chain link). The entire phase must go through the Town's development review process, and everyone is encouraged to attend the DRB and Town Council meetings where the design will be discussed.

mscoyote said...

I have concerns about more traffic on Rancho Vistoso also.
Bob I am sure you mean well, but one only has to look at some recent projects that have also gone thru the review process, look at the monster that took over Rancho Vistoso, Splendido, most are still so unhappy with those parking lots and lights. Its an eyesore!!!!
I think we all know its another dare I say this, DONE DEAL!!!!!!!!

bob k. said...

A deal can be "done" if no one is involved in the process. While there's no question that the Town needs to move certain limited functions to the RV site ASAP, everyone will have the opportunity to weigh in on the design--if they choose to take advantage of that opportunity.

mscoyote said...

Hi Bob K. No disrespect intended to you, I know we have the right to speak, but they don't listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!