Thursday, April 26, 2007

A "Friend" Presents His Point of View on Oro Valley

A friend, who prefers to be anonymous, took the time to write and share his views with me. I asked if I might post his thoughts, unedited, but, anonymously. Here then, are the comments of a "friend."
We would both appreciate your comments on his view of Oro Valley.

The sad realization; because the prior (and now current) town council/mayor failed to institute proper new construction impact fees which would have allowed growth to pay for itself, the forward financial picture is very poor...possible insolvency. This has resulted in a "beg and borrow" point of view in order to pay the bills forward. Please consider the fact that the now needed additional police staff (main reason for the new utility tax) is a direct result of maintaining said growth. This growth, which did not pay for itself, now has become the burden of current Oro Valley residents, many of which don't even understand this simple fact. In addition, the past atmosphere for potential new business in Oro Valley was poor at best and still remains very poor excluding the low market venues (Wal-Mart, etc with tax incentives). On top of all this, the new retail venues currently planned will ultimately cannibalize sales from current, long standing stores currently in Oro Valley resulting in very little additional revenue to the town.

All this leads to fact that it is far too late to turn things around as you so honorably intend. I'm sorry but, I have been involved with running corporate venues for over 25 years as President and now owner. I tell you this because the numbers are not there to support a slow turn-around; the money is needed now. I have said for some time Oro Valley will become one of the highest taxed areas around and I think very soon; the utility tax is just a start.

Oro Valley once held a golden opportunity to be something special, above and beyond the average town/city. The original plan of an elite community has been taken over by bland shopping malls, strip malls, apartment complexes
and soon, a store on every corner as an answer to financial mismanagement by the town council, namely the Mayor. I say the Mayor due to the fact he has been the only constant over many years and failed to lead the council and staff with proper financial foresight. Remember, the Mayor originally became involved with Oro Valley politics becausehe wanted a public park next to his home in lieu of the planned apartment complex; however, apartments next to other
resident homes is okay I'm guessing.

I ask for your honesty; not a single qualified person would consider running for council in OV with the current economical position to inherit. Just imagine; higher impact fees, growth reduction, new park funds needed, reduction of staff, failing forward budget, elimination of tax incentives for new business, environmental considerations and a future property tax in order to walk the black line.
What a Job...not for the soccer mom or real estate agent no matter how well their name is known from other committees;
all good people but not qualified to deal with this mess.

"A friend"

1 comment:

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Dear Friend,
There is, no doubt, the need for some seriously business and financially savvy people to replace the several "incompetent" council members. As a financial consultant for many years, I can only echo your comments. It is time for serious change.